Acting 5 - Animation and Actor

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
309HM5 Z 1 3/D Czech winter

Subject guarantor

Štefan CAPKO

Name of lecturer(s)

Štefan CAPKO

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Introduce the potential use of live actors in animated film. Also, vice versa, the use of animated film as part of a comedy theatre performance in the form of an equal acting partner on stage.

Mode of study

An intensive instruction module taking place at UVS Poněšice. Part of the instruction is practical experience in building gags.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

This course is intended for all students who have had at least simple directorial experience in film or acting experience in theatre.

Maximum 15 students.

Course contents

An animated film director rarely encounters the work of an actor, becase the director usually works with non-living subjects or non-existent objects. This allow a glimpse into their own work from a different perspective.

Animation and the actor is a topic which provides the theatre actor, literally the magical opportunity of surrealistic work and as well leads to an analysis of everyday and rare movement.


Investigating forms of acting-miming, during the course of recording, which provides an understanding of intentions or just intuition.

Recommended or required reading

Film files of feature films with special effects and pixelization.

Assessment methods and criteria

Kritéria hodnocení jsou originalita, přesnost, tvořivost a intuice.


A non-traditional encounter of actors and animators in front of the camera and mutual understanding of the particulars of both professions.

Further information

This course is an elective for all AMU students

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
14.10.2018 13:00–20:00 Štefan CAPKO PONESICE
15.10.2018 09:00–18:00 Štefan CAPKO PONESICE
16.10.2018 09:00–13:00 Štefan CAPKO PONESICE

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans