History of Audiovisual Theory 2

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
373DFT2 ZK 3 2T Czech summer

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Introduction to the main theory currents in Film theory.

Mode of study


Prerequisites and co-requisites

The lectures are intended for 2nd year audiovisual bachelor's study students but is open to students from other departments.

Course contents

This course is comprised of lectures interspersed over three semesters in which the lecture material will be presented and analysed in detail with the students using examples of writings which the students must read before class (below is a list of writings for individual classes as „readings“).

  1. 2. Introductory class (Hadravova)

Basic overview of theory to be coveed in the following months, sources, manners of working, feedback.

19.2. Reception study (Hadravova)

Reading: Janet Staiger: Mody recepce

26.2. Cognitivism (Hadravova)

Reading: Alex Neill: Empatie a (film) fiction. Iluminace 2007, č. 2.

5.3. Empirical Study of film - contemporary trends (Hadravova)

12..3. class (Hadravova)

19.3. Digital culture theory I: i-mediation, hyper-mediation, re-mediation of an audio-visual piece (Vojtěchovský)

Reading: Bolter and Grusin

26.3. Digital culture theory II: (Vojtěchovský)

Reading: Matthew Fuller: Behind the Blip: Software as Culture

2.4. Easter Monday - No class

9.4. Digital Culture Theory III: Digital art piece (Pospiszyl)

Reading: Lev Manovich: New Media Principles

16.4. Class (Hadravova)

23.4. Festival studies (Slovakova)

Reading: TBA

28.4. Game studies (Bendová)

Reading: Jos De Mul: The Game of Life

7.5. Visual studies (Pospiszyl)

Reading: MIrzoeff: Chap. 6.

14.5. Class (Hadravova)

Recommended or required reading

Obligatory literature:

Casetti, Francesco: Filmové teorie 1945-1995. AMU, Praha 2009. (část týkající se látky přednášené v rámci tohoto semestru)

Aitken, Ian: European Film Theory and Cinema: A Critical Introduction. Indiana University Press 2002.

Non-obligatory literature:

Andrew, Dudley: The Major Film Theories: An Introduction. Oxford University Press 1976.

Aumont, Jacques ? Marie, Michel: Dictionnaire théorique et critique du cinéma. Armand Colin 2005.

Braudy, Leo ? Cohen, Marshall (eds.): Film Theory and Criticism: Introductory Readings. Oxford University Press 1998.

Nicholls, Bill (ed.): Movies and Methods, Vol. I. University of California Press 1976.

Nicholls, Bill (ed.): Movies and Methods, Vol. II. University of California Press 1985.

Rosen, Philip (ed.): Narrative, Apparatus, Ideology. Columbia University Press 1986.

Silverman, Kaja: The Subject of Semiotics. Oxford University Press 1983.

Gledhill, Christine ? Williams, Linda: Reinventing Film Studies. Edward Arnold 2000.

Stam, Robert: Film Theory: An Introduction. Blackwell Publishers 2000.

Assessment methods and criteria

Oral exam based on the range on the course syllabus.


This course takes place once every two years. It is registered for the 2013-2014 school year and then in 2015-2016.

Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans