The Power of the Image, The Image of Power 1

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
373MOM1 Z 2 2T Czech winter

Subject guarantor

Ladislav ŠERÝ

Name of lecturer(s)

Ladislav ŠERÝ

Learning outcomes of the course unit

An introduction of students to modern and post-modern thought about the role of an image, media and power in creating a social reality

Mode of study

Lecture linked to or followed by moderated and non-moderated discussion and analyses of media, artistic or life's work examples.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Analytical and critical skills.

Course contents

A broadly based critique of image, media and power originating, particularly from philosophical and sociological points of view and investigations of fabricated truth, the dichotomy of reality and fiction, simulation and metaphorization of thought, representation and virtualization of so-called reality. The image as part of consumer culture. Spectacle as a camouflage of general insecurity. Advertisement as a manifestation of the ideolization of the social space. The media psychosis of threat. The real-time of digital networks, Technology as the tool of domination and power as a technological control over persona energy resorces.

Recommended or required reading


ADORNO, Theodore. Dialektika osvícenství, Praha, Oikoymenh, 2009

ADORNO, Theodore, HORKHEIMER, Max. Schéma masové kultury, Praha, Oikoymenh, 2009

AUMONT, Jacques, Obraz, Praha, AMU, 2005

BAUDRILLARD, Jean. Dokonalý zločin, Praha, Periplum, 2001

BERGER, Peter, LUCKMANN, Thomas. Sociální konstrukce reality, Brno, CDK, 2001

BESANCON, Alain. Zakázaný obraz, Praha, Barrister & Principal, 2013

DEBORD, Guy. Společnost spektáklu, Praha, Intu, 2007

ECO, Umberto. O zrcadlech a jiné eseje, Praha, Mladá fronta, 2002

FLUSSER, Vilém. Do universa technických obrazů. Praha, OSPVU, 2001

FOUCAULT, Michel. Dohlížet a trestat, Praha, Dauphin, 2000

JOST, Francois. Realita/Fikce. Říše klamu. Praha, AMU, 2006

LIPPMANN, Walter. Veřejné mínění. Praha, Portál, 2015

VIRILIO, Paul. Estetika mizení, Praha, Pavel Mervart, 2010

Assessment methods and criteria

Credit will be awarded based on participation in class and submission of the paper on a proposed topic which the student defends in an interview.



Further information

This course is an elective for all AMU students

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

room 344
Room No. 7

(Lažanský palác)
(lecture parallel1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Wed 16:30–18:05 Ladislav ŠERÝ Room No. 7
Lažanský palác
lecture parallel1

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans