Contemporary Philosophy 2

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
373SF2 Z 2 2T Czech summer

Subject guarantor


Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

Inter-disicpline as a manner of consideration which enables the search for relationships among various areas without attempting to researching phenomena and reducing them to a minimal common denominator.

Mode of study

Lecture, discussion, essay and text analyses.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Provided by the lecturer

Course contents

A wider contect of theory reviews linked to technical images; philosophy examining time, narrative and movement. Phenomenology and its limits (concept of events, discontinuity and simutaneity). Relations between variou media (film, literature, graphic arts) and between technology and culture.

Basic issue: What exists before the story and narrative? Concept of event in the philosophy of the second half of the 20 century, not dependent on timing and as well the material of reality and therefore the question of story and narrative is directed towards to the area of Ontology. In this research photography and film, that is the photogeneity of film (index and icon), an therefore it is possible to confirm: to that measure in which film is narration and stops being a film (Sean Cubitt). Through an analysis of film it is possible to delve into the conditions for the potential of a story and narrative. The concepts of text and discourse which arise not only in semiology but also philosophy are dependent on this.

Course aim: No kind of acquaintance with contemporary thought but rather active work with these ideas and their concepts, experimenting with limits, which needlessly separate professions.

Recommended or required reading

Giorgio AGAMBEN, Infancy and History. On the Destruction of Experience. Verso, London New York, 2007.

Giorgio AGAMBEN, Prostředky bez účelu. Poznámky o politice, Přel. Naděžda Bonaventurová. Sociologické nakladatelství Praha, 2003.

Derek ATTRIDGE, „Derrida and the Questioning of Literature“, in: Jacques DERRIDA, Acts of Literature. Ed. by Derek Attridge, Routledge, New York, London 1992.

Noël BURCH, La Lucarne de l´infini. Naissance du langage cinématographique. Paris, Nathan 1990.

Noël CARROLL, Jinhee CHOI (eds.), Philosophy of Film and Motion Pictures, Blackwell 2006

Dorrit COHN, Distinction of Fiction, John Hopkins UP, Baltimore, 1998. (Čes. překl. Dorrit COHNOVÁ, Co dělá fikci fikcí. Přel. M. Orálek a V. Klusíková, Academia, Praha 2009.

Sean CUBITT, The Cinema Effect. The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2005.

Mark CURRIE, About Time. Narrative, Fiction and the Philosophy of Time. Edinburgh University Press, 2007.

Georges DIDI-HUBERMAN, La ressemblance par contact. Archéologie, anachronisme et modernité de l'empreinte, Ed. de Minuit, Paris 2008

Carlo GINSBURG, Spurensicherung. Die Wissenschaft auf der Suche nach sich selbst. Wagenbach, Berlin 2002

Edmund HUSSERL, Späte Texte über Zeitkonstitution (1929-1934). Die C-Manuskripte. Hrsg. von Dieter Lohmar, Husserliana Materialien Bd. VIII, Springer 2006.

Milan JANKOVIČ, Dílo v pohybu, Academia 2009.

Siegfried KRACAUER, Theory of Film. The Redemption of Physical Reality, Princeton 1997

Jurij M. LOTMAN, Semiotika filmu a problémy filmovej estetiky, Slovenský filmový ústav, Bratislava 2008.

Charles Sanders PEIRCE, Collected Papers of Ch.S. Peirce, I.-VI, ed. by Ch. Harsthorne and P. Weis. Harvaŕd U.P., Cambridge Mass. 1931-35; VII.-VIII. ed. by A.W. Burks, Harvaŕd U.P., Cambridge Mass. 1958.

Claude ROMANO, L'événement et le monde, Presses Universitaires de France, 1998.

Claude ROMANO, L'événement et le temps, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 1999.

Claude ROMANO, Il y a, Presses Universitaires de France, Paris 2003.

Alfred North WHITEHEAD, Process and Reality

Assessment methods and criteria

Final essay on a topic related to lecture content.



Further information

This course is an elective for all students of this school

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

room FF 217
FF UK - učebna 217

(lecture parallel1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Mon 17:30–19:00 Miroslav PETŘÍČEK FF UK - učebna 217
lecture parallel1

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