
Department of Drama in Education

Provided qualifications and study plans

Provided subjects

Hide subjects not taught in the current semester
Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
205HTV1 Acting 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XHEV1 Acting 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205QHET1 Acting 1
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205YHRY1 Acting 1
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205ZHET1 Acting 1 Czech Z 2 33S
205HTV2 Acting 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XHEV2 Acting 2
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205QHET2 Acting 2
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205YHRY2 Acting 2
Czech Z 1 24S Subject is not scheduled
205ZHET2 Acting 2 Czech Z 2 36S
205XHEV3 Acting 3 Czech Z 1 10S
205QHET3 Acting 3 Czech Z 2 20S
205YHRY3 Acting 3
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205ZHET3 Acting 3
Czech Z 2 33S Subject is not scheduled
205XHEV4 Acting 4 Czech ZK 2 10S
205QHET4 Acting 4 Czech ZK 4 30S
205YHRY4 Acting 4
Czech ZK 2 24S Subject is not scheduled
205ZHET4 Acting 4
Czech ZK 4 36S Subject is not scheduled
205HKA1 Acting I. 1
Czech ZK 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HVA1 Acting I. 1
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205HEA1 Acting I. 1
Czech ZK 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HRA1 Acting I. 1
Czech Z 4 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HVA2 Acting I. 2
Czech Z 1 30S Subject is not scheduled
205HKA2 Acting I. 2
Czech ZK 3 15S Subject is not scheduled
205HEV2 Acting I. 2
Czech ZK 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HRA2 Acting I. 2
Czech Z 4 15S Subject is not scheduled
205HKA3 Acting I. 3
Czech Z 4 15S Subject is not scheduled
205HVA3 Acting I. 3
Czech Z 1 18S Subject is not scheduled
205HRA3 Acting I. 3
Czech Z 4 15S Subject is not scheduled
205HVA4 Acting I. 4
Czech ZK 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205HKA4 Acting I. 4
Czech Z 4 15S Subject is not scheduled
205HRA4 Acting I. 4
Czech ZK 5 15S Subject is not scheduled
205HKA5 Acting I. 5
Czech Z 4 15S Subject is not scheduled
205HKA6 Acting I. 6
Czech ZK 5 15S Subject is not scheduled
205HVB1 Acting II. 1
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205HB1 Acting II. 1
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205HVY1 Acting II. 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HB10 Acting II. 10
Czech ZK 5 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HB2 Acting II. 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HVB2 Acting II. 2
Czech Z 1 30S Subject is not scheduled
205HVY2 Acting II. 2
Czech ZK 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HB3 Acting II. 3
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205HVB3 Acting II. 3
Czech Z 1 18S Subject is not scheduled
205HB4 Acting II. 4
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HVB4 Acting II. 4
Czech ZK 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205HB5 Acting II. 5
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205HB6 Acting II. 6
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HB7 Acting II. 7
Czech Z 4 8S Subject is not scheduled
205HB8 Acting II. 8
Czech Z 4 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HB9 Acting II. 9
Czech Z 4 10S Subject is not scheduled
205KAOP Aktuální otázky pedagogiky a didaktiky
Subject is not scheduled
205IUP Art and Educative Projects Czech Z 1 22S Z 1 22S
205AUD1 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 1
Czech ZK 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ADV1 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 1
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ADY1 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 1
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205ATV1 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 1
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ADR1 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 1
Czech ZK 2 22S Subject is not scheduled
205QADS1 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 1 Czech Z 2 10S
7205QADS1 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 1
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ZADS1 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 1
Czech Z 2 22S Subject is not scheduled
205ADK2 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 2
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205AUD2 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 2
Czech ZK 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205ADV2 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 2
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ATV2 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 2
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ADR2 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 2
Czech ZK 3 26S Subject is not scheduled
205QADS2 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 2 Czech ZK 3 10S
7205QADS2 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 2
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ZADS2 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 2
Czech ZK 3 24S Subject is not scheduled
205ADK3 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 3
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205AUD3 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 3
Czech ZK 4 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ADR3 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 3
Czech ZK 3 22S Subject is not scheduled
205ADK4 Authorship-Dramatization Seminar 4
Czech ZK 5 10S Subject is not scheduled
205KAPDP Autorské psaní a dramaturgické praktikum
Subject is not scheduled
205KAP1 Autorský umělecko-pedagogický projekt 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KAP2 Autorský-umělecko pedagogický projekt 2
ZK 6 10SS+30P Subject is not scheduled
205ZAK1 Basic of Acrobatics
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205YZDP1 Basics of Theatre Terminology 1
Czech ZK 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205XZDP1 Basics of Theatre Terminology 1 Czech ZK 2 8S
205YZDP2 Basics of Theatre Terminology 2
Czech ZK 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205XZDP2 Basics of Theatre Terminology 2 Czech ZK 2 8S
205BMC1 Biomechanic Exercises 1
Czech Z 1 12S Subject is not scheduled
205BMC2 Biomechanic Exercises 2
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205LDM1 Chapters from Theory and History of Literature for Children and Youth 1
Czech Z 2 28S Subject is not scheduled
205LMZ1 Chapters from Theory and History of Literature for Children and Youth 1
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205LMZ2 Chapters from Theory and History of Literature for Children and Youth 2
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205THL2 Chapters from Theory and History of Literature for Children and Youth 2
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205LMZ3 Chapters from Theory and History of Literature for Children and Youth 3
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205THL3 Chapters from Theory and History of Literature for Children and Youth 3
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205LDM4 Chapters from Theory and History of Literature for Children and Youth 4
Czech ZK 5 20S Subject is not scheduled
205LMZ4 Chapters from Theory and History of Literature for Children and Youth 4
Czech Z 2 12S Subject is not scheduled
205LMZ5 Chapters from Theory and History of Literature for Children and Youth 5
Czech ZK 3 8S Subject is not scheduled
205KLT1 Chapters from Theory of Literature 1
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205YKTL1 Chapters from Theory of Literature 1 Czech Z 1 22S
205XKZL1 Chapters from Theory of Literature 1 Czech Z 2 12S
205KLT2 Chapters from Theory of Literature 2
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205YKTL2 Chapters from Theory of Literature 2 Czech ZK 2 24S
205XKZL2 Chapters from Theory of Literature 2 Czech ZK 2 12S
205KLT3 Chapters from Theory of Literature 3
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DVP1 Children with Development Disorders and Drama in Education 1
Czech Z 3 12S Z 3 12S Subject is not scheduled
205XLDM1 Children's Literature 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YLDM1 Children's Literature 1
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205XLDM2 Children's Literature 2
Czech ZK 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YLDM2 Children's Literature 2
Czech ZK 2 24S Subject is not scheduled
205DESV Children's Scene - elective Czech Z 2 50S
205DES1 Children's Scene 1
Czech Z 3 50S Subject is not scheduled
205XDES1 Children's Scene 1 Czech Z 2 50S
205YDES1 Children's Scene 1
Czech Z 2 50S Subject is not scheduled
205CJBK1 Cizí jazyk 1
Subject is not scheduled
205CJBK3 Cizí jazyk 3
Subject is not scheduled
205CIZJ1 Cizí jazyk pro odborné účely
Subject is not scheduled
205KCJO1 Cizí jazyk pro odborné účely 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KCJO2 Cizí jazyk pro odborné účely 2
Subject is not scheduled
205CIZJ2 Cizí jazyk pro odborné účely 2
Subject is not scheduled
205KLS Clinical Intership
Czech Subject is not scheduled
205XKOM1 Communication 1 Czech Z 1 12S
205YKOM1 Communication 1
Czech Z 1 26S Subject is not scheduled
205KSK1 Communication and Semiotics of Behavior 1
Czech Z 1 17S Subject is not scheduled
205PSC1 Communication and Semiotics of Behavior 1
Czech Z 1 30S Subject is not scheduled
205KSE1 Communication and Semiotics of Behavior 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205KSK2 Communication and Semiotics of Behavior 2
Czech ZK 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205KSE2 Communication and Semiotics of Behavior 2
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205XKDI1 Community Theater 1
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205XKDI2 Community Theater 2
Czech ZK 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205QPSS1 Completion of Psychology 1
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205ZPSS1 Completion of Psychology 1 Czech Z 1 22S
205QPSS2 Completion of Psychology 2 Czech Z 3 15S
205ZPSS2 Completion of Psychology 2
Czech Z 3 24S Subject is not scheduled
205STK1 Creative Project 1
Czech ZK 9 36S Subject is not scheduled
205SAT1 Creative Project 1
Czech ZK 3 8S Subject is not scheduled
205SAY1 Creative Project 1
Czech ZK 3 20S Subject is not scheduled
205QSTP1 Creative Project 1 Czech ZK 6 10S
205ZSTP1 Creative Project 1
Czech ZK 6 10S Subject is not scheduled
205STK2 Creative Project 2
Czech ZK 9 45S Subject is not scheduled
205SAP2 Creative Project 2
Czech ZK 6 8S Subject is not scheduled
205QSTP2 Creative Project 2 Czech ZK 8 20S
205ZSTP2 Creative Project 2
Czech ZK 8 20S Subject is not scheduled
205STP2 Creative Project2
Czech ZK 9 30S Subject is not scheduled
205XTP1 Creative writitng
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205KDR1 Criticism of Children's Theatre and Recitation 1
Czech Z 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205KDR2 Criticism of Children's Theatre and Recitation 2
Czech ZK 5 10S Subject is not scheduled
205NPB1 Developmental Neuropsychobiology 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205QVNP1 Developmental Neuropsychobiology 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ZVNP1 Developmental Neuropsychobiology 1 Czech Z 1 10S
205NPB2 Developmental Neuropsychobiology 2
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205QVNP2 Developmental Neuropsychobiology 2
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205ZVNP2 Developmental Neuropsychobiology 2 Czech Z 1 8S
205DRV1 Didactics of Drama in Education 1
Czech Z 1 5S Subject is not scheduled
205XDDV1 Didactics of Drama in Education 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YDDY1 Didactics of Drama in Education 1
Czech Z 1 12S Subject is not scheduled
205DRV2 Didactics of Drama in Education 2
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XDDV2 Didactics of Drama in Education 2
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205YDDY2 Didactics of Drama in Education 2
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205DRV3 Didactics of Drama in Education 3
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XDDV3 Didactics of Drama in Education 3 Czech Z 1 7S
205YDDY3 Didactics of Drama in Education 3
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205DDV4 Didactics of Drama in Education 4
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DRV4 Didactics of Drama in Education 4
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XDDV4 Didactics of Drama in Education 4 Czech ZK 2 10S
205YDDY4 Didactics of Drama in Education 4
Czech ZK 2 14S Subject is not scheduled
205DRV5 Didactics of Drama in Education 5
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DVA1 Didactics of Drama in Education I. 1
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205DTA1 Didactics of Drama in Education I. 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DDY2 Didactics of Drama in Education I. 2
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205DTA2 Didactics of Drama in Education I. 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DDY3 Didactics of Drama in Education I. 3
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205DAV1 Didactics of Drama in Education II. 1
Czech ZK 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205DVY1 Didactics of Drama in Education II. 1
Czech ZK 3 15S Subject is not scheduled
205DVBK1 Didaktika dramatické výchovy 1
Subject is not scheduled
205SDBK4 Didaktika dramatické výchovy 4
Subject is not scheduled
205KDIS1 Diplomový seminář 1
Subject is not scheduled
205DSBK1 Diplomový seminář 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KDIS2 Diplomový seminář 2
Subject is not scheduled
205DS2 Diplomový seminář 2
Subject is not scheduled
205XRP1 Directing work with children Czech Z 2 20S
205XRP2 Directing work with children Czech Z 2 20S
205KDL Divadelní lektorství
Subject is not scheduled
205DIVL Divadelní lektorství
Subject is not scheduled
205KDPD Divadelní praktikum a jeho didaktika - Dramaturgie
Subject is not scheduled
205KPR Divadelní praktikum a jeho didaktika - Režie
Subject is not scheduled
205KDPU Divadelní praktikum a jeho didaktika - Umělecký přednes
Subject is not scheduled
205DPBK1 Divadelní projekt 1
Subject is not scheduled
205DPBK2 Divadelní projekt 2
Subject is not scheduled
205DPVBK Divadelní projekt volitelně
Subject is not scheduled
205KDDD Divadlo pro děti a dětský divák
Subject is not scheduled
205DPDDD Divadlo pro děti a dětský divák
ZK 2 2ST Subject is not scheduled
205DVPBK Divadlo pro děti a mládež
Subject is not scheduled
205KDEDP Divadlo v edukativních souvislostech - Divadelní postupy v neexpresivních oblastech vzdělávání
Subject is not scheduled
205KDEDU Divadlo v edukativních souvislostech - Divadlo utlačovaných
Subject is not scheduled
205KDES Divadlo v edukativních souvislostech - Dětské diváctví
Subject is not scheduled
205KDVVP Divadlo ve výchovné a vzdělávací praxi
Subject is not scheduled
205DVVP Divadlo ve výchovné a vzdělávací praxi
Subject is not scheduled
205PDV Drama - optional Czech Z 1 Z 1
205TVK1 Drama Center Design 1
Czech Z 2 25S Subject is not scheduled
205TVK2 Drama Center Design 2
Czech Z 2 25S Subject is not scheduled
205XDVP1 Drama Education in Professional Theatre Czech Z 1 15S Z 1 15S
205YDVP1 Drama Education in Professional Theatre
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205QDDS1 Drama Education with Children with Special Needs 1
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205ZDDS1 Drama Education with Children with Special Needs 1 Czech Z 2 24S
205QDDS2 Drama Education with Children with Special Needs 2 Czech Z 2 15S
205ZDDS2 Drama Education with Children with Special Needs 2
Czech Z 2 22S Subject is not scheduled
205DAS Drama Education with Seniors Czech Z 3 Z 3
205DVS Drama Education with Seniors Czech Z 1 20S Z 1 20S
205PKA1 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Exercises 1
Czech Z 3 36S Subject is not scheduled
205PDV1 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Exercises 1
Czech Z 2 55S Subject is not scheduled
205PDY1 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Exercises 1
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205PKA2 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Exercises 2
Czech Z 3 50S Subject is not scheduled
205PTA2 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Exercises 2
Czech ZK 4 50S Subject is not scheduled
205PDY2 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Exercises 2
Czech ZK 3 30S Subject is not scheduled
205XPDA1 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Improvisation 1 Czech Z 3 30S
205YPDA1 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Improvisation 1 Czech Z 3 36S
205XPDA2 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Improvisation 2 Czech Z 3 30S
205YPDA2 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Improvisation 2 Czech Z 3 50S
205XPDA3 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Improvisation 3
Czech ZK 4 30S Subject is not scheduled
205YPDA3 Drama I. - Dramatic Playing and Improvisation 3
Czech ZK 4 30S Subject is not scheduled
205PKB1 Drama II. - Dramatic Playing and Exercises 1
Czech ZK 5 25S Subject is not scheduled
205PDB1 Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205PST1 Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 1
Czech Z 1 50S Subject is not scheduled
205XPRB1 Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 1
Czech Z 3 40S Subject is not scheduled
205YPDB1 Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 1
Czech Z 2 40S Subject is not scheduled
205PDB2 Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 2
Czech Z 2 25S Subject is not scheduled
205XPRB2 Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 2 Czech ZK 3 23S
205YPDB2 Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 2
Czech ZK 3 25S Subject is not scheduled
205XPRB3 Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 3 Czech ZK 4 44S
205YPDB3 Drama II. - Structuring Drama Work 3
Czech ZK 4 44S Subject is not scheduled
205PKC1 Drama III. - Structuring Drama Work 1
Czech Z 3 50S Subject is not scheduled
205PTC1 Drama III. - Structuring Drama Work 1
Czech ZK 2 30S Subject is not scheduled
205PRY1 Drama III. - Structuring Drama Work 1
Czech ZK 3 30S Subject is not scheduled
205PRY2 Drama III. - Structuring Drama Work 2
Czech ZK 4 55S Subject is not scheduled
205PKD1 Drama IV. - Structuring Drama Work 1
Czech ZK 5 30S Subject is not scheduled
205PKD2 Drama IV. - Structuring Drama Work 2
Czech ZK 5 55S Subject is not scheduled
205DVS1 Drama at School 1
Czech Z 3 50S Subject is not scheduled
205DVD1 Drama at School 1 Czech Z 3 50S
205DVT1 Drama at School 1
Czech Z 3 50S Subject is not scheduled
205DVJ Drama in Education at School Czech Z 2 50S
205DECBK Drama in Education in the Czech context / Dramatická výchova v Čechách
Subject is not scheduled
205ZZMV1 Drama in Education with Adults 1 Czech Z 1 22S
205QZMY1 Drama in Education with Adults 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ZZMV2 Drama in Education with Adults 2 Czech Z 1 K
205QZMY2 Drama in Education with Adults 2
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DVM1 Drama in education with preschool children Czech Z 1 Z 1
205LIT Dramatic Literature Course
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205PDVBK Dramatickovýchovný projekt s dětmi a mládeží - tvorba programu
Subject is not scheduled
205DDBK Dramatická výchova s dospělými
Subject is not scheduled
205DVDBK Dramatická výchova s dospělými - tvorba programu
Subject is not scheduled
205KDSS Dramatická výchova se specifickými skupinami
Subject is not scheduled
205DVSSS Dramatická výchova se specifickými skupinami
Subject is not scheduled
205KDVSS Dramatická výchova se specifickými skupinami - Dospělí a senioři
Subject is not scheduled
205KDVSR Dramatická výchova se specifickými skupinami - Resocializační programy
Subject is not scheduled
205KDVDS Dramatická výchova se specifickými skupinami - nejmladší děti
Subject is not scheduled
205KDVMK Dramatická výchova v mezinárodním kontextu
Subject is not scheduled
205DVMK Dramatická výchova v mezinárodním kontextu
Subject is not scheduled
205DFBK Dramatická výchova ve formálním vzdělávání
Subject is not scheduled
205DVFBK Dramatická výchova ve formálním vzdělávání - tvorba programu
Subject is not scheduled
205XDSE1 Dramatization Seminar 1 Czech ZK 2 10S
205YDSE1 Dramatization Seminar 1
Czech ZK 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DSVP1 Děti se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KDSP1 Děti se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami a dramatická výchova 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KDSP2 Děti se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami a dramatická výchova 2
Subject is not scheduled
205DSVP2 Děti se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami a dramatická výchova 2
Subject is not scheduled
205RPR1 Essay 1
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205RPM1 Essay 1
Czech ZK 2 Subject is not scheduled
205RPY1 Essay 1
Czech ZK 3 Subject is not scheduled
205XROK1 Essay 1 Czech ZK 2
205YROK1 Essay 1 Czech ZK 2
205RPR2 Essay 2
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205FDV Film and Drama in Education Czech Z 1 Z 1
205DPL1 Graduation Theses Seminar 1
Czech Z 1 16S Subject is not scheduled
205DPK1 Graduation Theses Seminar 1
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205YDIS1 Graduation Theses Seminar 1
Czech Z 1 11S Subject is not scheduled
205QDIS1 Graduation Theses Seminar 1
Czech Z 1 6S Subject is not scheduled
205ZDIS1 Graduation Theses Seminar 1 Czech Z 1 11S
205XDPL1 Graduation Theses Seminar 1
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205DPK2 Graduation Theses Seminar 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DPS2 Graduation Theses Seminar 2
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DIL2 Graduation Theses Seminar 2
Czech Z 1 18S Subject is not scheduled
205YDIS2 Graduation Theses Seminar 2
Czech Z 1 12S Subject is not scheduled
205QDIS2 Graduation Theses Seminar 2
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ZDIS2 Graduation Theses Seminar 2 Czech Z 2 12S
205XDPL2 Graduation Theses Seminar 2
Czech Z 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205HPBK1 Herecká propedeutika 1
Subject is not scheduled
205HPBK3 Herecká propedeutika 3
Subject is not scheduled
205HMBK1 Herecká výchova a metodika herecké práce 1
Subject is not scheduled
205HEVBK Herecká výchova volitelně
Subject is not scheduled
205HDD1 History of Drama in Education and Theatre with Children 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HDD2 History of Drama in Education and Theatre with Children 2
Czech ZK 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205HLD1 History of Literature for Children and Youth 1
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205QHLD1 History of Literature for Children and Youth 1 Czech Z 1 20S
205ZHLD1 History of Literature for Children and Youth 1
Czech Z 1 33S Subject is not scheduled
205HLY2 History of Literature for Children and Youth 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205QHLD2 History of Literature for Children and Youth 2 Czech ZK 3 20S
205ZHLD2 History of Literature for Children and Youth 2
Czech ZK 3 24S Subject is not scheduled
205HLY3 History of Literature for Children and Youth 3
Czech ZK 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205DSC1 History of World and Czech Theatre 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DSS1 History of World and Czech Theatre 1
Czech ZK 3 8S Subject is not scheduled
205XDSS1 History of World and Czech Theatre 1 Czech Z 2 10S
205DSC2 History of World and Czech Theatre 2
Czech ZK 3 8S Subject is not scheduled
205DSS2 History of World and Czech Theatre 2
Czech ZK 3 8S Subject is not scheduled
205XDSS2 History of World and Czech Theatre 2 Czech ZK 4 10S
205DSC3 History of World and Czech Theatre 3
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DSS3 History of World and Czech Theatre 3
Czech ZK 3 8S Subject is not scheduled
205XDSS3 History of World and Czech Theatre 3
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DSC4 History of World and Czech Theatre 4
Czech ZK 3 8S Subject is not scheduled
205DSS4 History of World and Czech Theatre 4
Czech ZK 3 8S Subject is not scheduled
205XDSS4 History of World and Czech Theatre 4
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DSC5 History of World and Czech Theatre 5
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DSS5 History of World and Czech Theatre 5
Czech ZK 3 8S Subject is not scheduled
205XDSS5 History of World and Czech Theatre 5 Czech ZK 2 10S
205DSC6 History of World and Czech Theatre 6
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DSS6 History of World and Czech Theatre 6
Czech ZK 3 8S Subject is not scheduled
205XDSS6 History of World and Czech Theatre 6 Czech ZK 2 10S
205DSC7 History of World and Czech Theatre 7
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HVBK1 Hlasová výchova s metodikou 1
Subject is not scheduled
205HVVBK Hlasová výchova volitelně
Subject is not scheduled
205HRBK1 Hra s předmětem a loutkou 1
Subject is not scheduled
205RVBK1 Hudebně rytmická výchova 1
Subject is not scheduled
205IPBK1 Inscenační práce s dětmi a mládeží - tvorba inscenace 1
Subject is not scheduled
205IPBK2 Inscenační práce s dětmi a mládeží - tvorba inscenace 2
Subject is not scheduled
205KIPS Inscenační práce se zvolenou skupinou
Subject is not scheduled
205INSP Inscenační práce se zvolenou skupinou
Subject is not scheduled
205IKD1 Integrative Creative Workshop - Handicap and Crisis as Challenge to Creativity 1 Czech Z 1 30S
205IKD2 Integrative Creative Workshop - Handicap and Crisis as Challenge to Creativity 2
Czech ZK 3 30S Subject is not scheduled
205ITBK2 Integrativní psychosomatická dílna 2
Subject is not scheduled
205QUDR1 Introduction to Directing 1
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205ZUDR1 Introduction to Directing 1 Czech Z 2 33S
205UDV1 Introduction to Drama in Education 1
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205USD1 Introduction to Drama in Education 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XUSD1 Introduction to Drama in Education 1 Czech Z 2 8S
205YUSD1 Introduction to Drama in Education 1 Czech Z 2 12S
205XZDR1 Introduction to Dramaturgy 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YZDT1 Introduction to Dramaturgy 1
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205XZDR2 Introduction to Dramaturgy 2
Czech ZK 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YZDT2 Introduction to Dramaturgy 2
Czech ZK 2 24S Subject is not scheduled
205XZDR3 Introduction to Dramaturgy 3 Czech ZK 2 8S
205YZDT3 Introduction to Dramaturgy 3
Czech ZK 3 22S Subject is not scheduled
205QDVD1 Introduction to Research Methodology 1
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205ZDVD1 Introduction to Research Methodology 1 Czech Z 2 30S
205QDVD2 Introduction to Research Methodology 2
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205ZDVD2 Introduction to Research Methodology 2 Czech Z 2 30S
205XUTH1 Introduction to the Theory and History of Drama in Education and Children's Theater 1 Czech ZK 2 10S
205YUTH1 Introduction to the Theory and History of Drama in Education and Children's Theater 1
Czech ZK 2 26S Subject is not scheduled
205XPML1 Item, Mask, Puppet - Propedeutics for Drama in Education 1 Czech Z 1 10S
205YPML1 Item, Mask, Puppet - Propedeutics for Drama in Education 1 Czech Z 1 22S
205XPML2 Item, Mask, Puppet - Propedeutics for Drama in Education 2 Czech Z 1 10S
205YPML2 Item, Mask, Puppet - Propedeutics for Drama in Education 2 Czech Z 1 24S
205KTBK1 Kapitoly z teorie literatury 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KKS Klinická stáž
Subject is not scheduled
205KS Klinická stáž
Subject is not scheduled
205KKDP1 Konzultace ke tvorbě diplomové práce 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KNDP1 Konzultace ke tvorbě diplomové práce 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KKDP2 Konzultace ke tvorbě diplomové práce 2
Subject is not scheduled
205KNDP2 Konzultace ke tvorbě diplomové práce 2
Subject is not scheduled
205LPPBK Lektorská práce v profesionálním divadle
Subject is not scheduled
205LPBK Lektorská práce v profesionálním divadle - tvorba programu
Subject is not scheduled
205KLKD1 Literatura v kontextu dramatické výchovy 1
Subject is not scheduled
205LIDV1 Literatura v kontextu dramatické výchovy 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KLKD2 Literatura v kontextu dramatické výchovy 2
Subject is not scheduled
205LIDV2 Literatura v kontextu dramatické výchovy 2
Subject is not scheduled
205MDP1 Methodology of Recitation with Children 1
Czech Z 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205MDS1 Methodology of Recitation with Children 1
Czech Z 3 20S Subject is not scheduled
205MDP2 Methodology of Recitation with Children 2
Czech Z 3 20S Subject is not scheduled
205MDL1 Methodology of Teaching Classroom Drama 1
Czech Z 3 25S Subject is not scheduled
7205QMSV1 Methodology of Teaching Classroom Drama 1
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205ZMSD1 Methodology of Teaching Classroom Drama 1
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205QMSD1 Methodology of Teaching Classroom Drama 1 Czech Z 2 20S
205MDL2 Methodology of Teaching Classroom Drama 2
Czech Z 3 35S Subject is not scheduled
7205QMSV2 Methodology of Teaching Classroom Drama 2
Czech ZK 4 20S Subject is not scheduled
205ZMSD2 Methodology of Teaching Classroom Drama 2
Czech ZK 3 20S Subject is not scheduled
205QMSD2 Methodology of Teaching Classroom Drama 2 Czech ZK 3 20S
205MDL3 Methodology of Teaching Classroom Drama 3
Czech ZK 9 35S Subject is not scheduled
205MDM1 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205MDK1 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 1
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205MDY1 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 1
Czech Z 2 14S Subject is not scheduled
205XMDM1 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 1
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205YMDM1 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 1
Czech Z 2 30S Subject is not scheduled
205MDM2 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 2
Czech Z 1 30S Subject is not scheduled
205MDR2 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 2
Czech ZK 3 20S Subject is not scheduled
205MDA2 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 2
Czech ZK 4 20S Subject is not scheduled
205XMDM2 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 2 Czech Z 2 20S
205YMDM2 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 2
Czech Z 2 36S Subject is not scheduled
205MPM3 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 3
Czech Z 2 25S Subject is not scheduled
205XMDM3 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 3 Czech ZK 3 20S
205YMDM3 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 3
Czech ZK 3 30S Subject is not scheduled
205MPM4 Methodology of the Theatre with Children and Youth 4
Czech ZK 3 45S Subject is not scheduled
205MEBK2 Metodika divadelní práce s dětmi a mládeží 2
Subject is not scheduled
205MEBK4 Metodika divadelní práce s dětmi a mládeží 4
Subject is not scheduled
205KMVU1 Metodologie výzkumu v umění 1
Subject is not scheduled
205METV1 Metodologie výzkumu v umění 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KMVU2 Metodologie výzkumu v umění 2
Subject is not scheduled
205METV2 Metodologie výzkumu v umění 2
Subject is not scheduled
205KMTF Metody a techniky dramatické výchovy v lektorství - Filmová a mediální výchova
Subject is not scheduled
205KMTH Metody a techniky dramatické výchovy v lektorství - Hudební animace
Subject is not scheduled
205KMTM Metody a techniky dramatické výchovy v lektorství - Muzejní a galerijní animace
Subject is not scheduled
205PVM1 Movement within Methodology 1
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205PVK1 Movement within Methodology 1
Czech Z 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205PVO1 Movement within Methodology 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YPVT1 Movement within Methodology 1 Czech Z 2 22S
205XPSM1 Movement within Methodology 1 Czech Z 2 8S
205PVM2 Movement within Methodology 2
Czech Z 1 30S Subject is not scheduled
205PVK2 Movement within Methodology 2
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205PVO2 Movement within Methodology 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YPVT2 Movement within Methodology 2 Czech Z 2 24S
205XPSM2 Movement within Methodology 2 Czech Z 2 8S
205PVM3 Movement within Methodology 3
Czech Z 1 18S Subject is not scheduled
205PVK3 Movement within Methodology 3
Czech Z 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205POV3 Movement within Methodology 3
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205YPVT3 Movement within Methodology 3
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205XPSM3 Movement within Methodology 3
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205PVK4 Movement within Methodology 4
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205PVM4 Movement within Methodology 4
Czech ZK 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205POV4 Movement within Methodology 4
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YPVT4 Movement within Methodology 4
Czech Z 1 24S Subject is not scheduled
205XPSM4 Movement within Methodology 4
Czech Z 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205PVX5 Movement within Methodology 5
Czech Z 1 7S Subject is not scheduled
205YPVT5 Movement within Methodology 5
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205XPSM5 Movement within Methodology 5 Czech Z 1 8S
205PVK6 Movement within Methodology 6
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YPVT6 Movement within Methodology 6
Czech ZK 2 24S Subject is not scheduled
205XPSM6 Movement within Methodology 6 Czech ZK 2 8S
205HRK1 Musical and Rhythmical Education 1
Czech Z 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205HRV1 Musical and Rhythmical Education 1
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205HYV1 Musical and Rhythmical Education 1
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205YHTV1 Musical and Rhythmical Education 1 Czech Z 2 22S
205XHTV1 Musical and Rhythmical Education 1 Czech Z 2 8S
205HRK2 Musical and Rhythmical Education 2
Czech ZK 3 15S Subject is not scheduled
205HRV2 Musical and Rhythmical Education 2
Czech ZK 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205HYV2 Musical and Rhythmical Education 2
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YHTV2 Musical and Rhythmical Education 2 Czech ZK 3 24S
205XHTV2 Musical and Rhythmical Education 2 Czech ZK 3 15S
205KMYS1 Myšlení o divadle 1
Subject is not scheduled
205MYŠD1 Myšlení o divadle 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KMYS2 Myšlení o divadle 2
Subject is not scheduled
205PML1 Object - Mask - Puppet 1
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205PMS1 Object - Mask - Puppet 1
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205PML2 Object - Mask - Puppet 2
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205PMK2 Object - Mask - Puppet 2
Czech Z 2 12S Subject is not scheduled
205PMS2 Object - Mask - Puppet 2
Czech ZK 3 12S Subject is not scheduled
205PMK1 Object - Mask - Puppet1
Czech Z 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205PAR1 Object and Space 1
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205PAR2 Object and Space 2
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205OBOR1 Oborová didaktika - příklady dobré praxe 1
Subject is not scheduled
205OBOR2 Oborová didaktika - příklady dobré praxe 2
Subject is not scheduled
205KODP Oborová didaktika v kontextu současného pedagogického myšlení
ZK 2 4S+4P Subject is not scheduled
205KODP1 Oborová didaktika – příklady dobré praxe 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KODP2 Oborová didaktika – příklady dobré praxe 2
Subject is not scheduled
205PAN1 Pantomime 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205PAN2 Pantomime 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205PEBK2 Pedagogika 2
Subject is not scheduled
205PDG1 Pedagogy 1
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205PDK1 Pedagogy 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XPED1 Pedagogy 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YPED1 Pedagogy 1
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205PDG2 Pedagogy 2
Czech Z 1 25S Subject is not scheduled
205PDK2 Pedagogy 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XPED2 Pedagogy 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YPED2 Pedagogy 2
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205PDK3 Pedagogy 3
Czech ZK 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205PDG3 Pedagogy 3
Czech ZK 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205XPED3 Pedagogy 3 Czech ZK 2 10S
205YPED3 Pedagogy 3
Czech ZK 2 12S Subject is not scheduled
205PED1 Pedagogy and Dramatic Education 1
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205PED2 Pedagogy and Dramatic Education 2
Czech ZK 2 12S Subject is not scheduled
205PHK1 Pedagogy and Psychology of Dramatic Playing 1
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205PPY1 Pedagogy and Psychology of Dramatic Playing 1
Czech Z 2 35S Subject is not scheduled
205QPPD1 Pedagogy and Psychology of Dramatic Playing 1
Czech Z 2 12S Subject is not scheduled
205ZPPD1 Pedagogy and Psychology of Dramatic Playing 1 Czech Z 2 22S
205PHK2 Pedagogy and Psychology of Dramatic Playing 2
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205HPL1 Playing with Object and Puppet 1
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205HPX1 Playing with Object and Puppet 1
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205XHPL1 Playing with Object and Puppet 1 Czech Z 1 14S
205YHPL1 Playing with Object and Puppet 1
Czech Z 1 14S Subject is not scheduled
205HPL2 Playing with Object and Puppet 2
Czech ZK 3 20S Subject is not scheduled
205HPR2 Playing with Object and Puppet 2
Czech ZK 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205HPX2 Playing with Object and Puppet 2
Czech ZK 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205XHPL2 Playing with Object and Puppet 2 Czech ZK 2 18S
205YHPL2 Playing with Object and Puppet 2
Czech ZK 2 18S Subject is not scheduled
205PVBK1 Pohybová výchova s metodikou 1
Subject is not scheduled
205PVVBK Pohybová výchova volitelně
Subject is not scheduled
205PXA1 Practice I. 1
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205XPXA1 Practice I. 1 Czech Z 1
205YPXA1 Practice I. 1 Czech Z 1 24 P
205PXA2 Practice I. 2
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205XPXA2 Practice I. 2 Czech Z 1
205YPXA2 Practice I. 2 Czech Z 1 24 P
205PXA3 Practice I. 3
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205PXB1 Practice II. 1
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205XPXB1 Practice II. 1
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205YPXB1 Practice II. 1
Czech Z 1 24 P Subject is not scheduled
205PXB2 Practice II. 2
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205XPXB2 Practice II. 2
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205YPXB2 Practice II. 2
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205PXB3 Practice II. 3
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205XPXB3 Practice II. 3 Czech Z 1
205YPXB3 Practice II. 3
Czech Z 1 24 P Subject is not scheduled
205PXB4 Practice II. 4
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205XPXB4 Practice II. 4 Czech Z 1
205YPXB4 Practice II. 4
Czech Z 1 24 P Subject is not scheduled
205PXC1 Practice III. 1
Czech ZK 5 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XPXC1 Practice III. 1 Czech Z 2 7S
7205YPEC1 Practice III. 1
Czech ZK 2 12S Subject is not scheduled
205YPXC1 Practice III. 1
Czech Z 2 24 P Subject is not scheduled
205PXC2 Practice III. 2
Czech ZK 7 8S Subject is not scheduled
205XPXC2 Practice III. 2 Czech ZK 4 8S
7205YPEC2 Practice III. 2
Czech ZK 3 13S Subject is not scheduled
205YPXC2 Practice III. 2
Czech ZK 5 24 P Subject is not scheduled
205PDBK1 Praktikum dramatické výchovy - Dramatické hry a improvizace 1
Subject is not scheduled
205PDBK3 Praktikum dramatické výchovy - Dramatické hry a improvizace 3
Subject is not scheduled
205PRBK3 Praktikum dramatické výchovy - Dramatické hry a improvizace 3
Subject is not scheduled
205PSBK1 Praktikum dramatické výchovy - Strukturování dramatické práce 1
Subject is not scheduled
205PSBK3 Praktikum dramatické výchovy - strukturování dramatické práce 3
Subject is not scheduled
205POBK1 Praxe I - observační 1
Subject is not scheduled
205PBBK1 Praxe II - průběžná 1
Subject is not scheduled
205PPBK2 Praxe III - závěrečný bakalářský projekt 2
Subject is not scheduled
205YPRE1 Preparation and Realization of Theatrical Festival 1
Czech Z 1 12S Subject is not scheduled
205XPAR1 Preparation and Realization of Theatrical Festival 1
Czech Z 1 12S
205YPRE2 Preparation and Realization of Theatrical Festival 2
Czech Z 2 22S Subject is not scheduled
205XPAR2 Preparation and Realization of Theatrical Festival 2 Czech Z 1 10S Z 1 10S
205PDP Preparation of Theatrical Festival - optional Czech Z 2
205YHPH1 Propedeutics and Methodology of Acting 1 Czech Z 1 22S
205XHPH1 Propedeutics and Methodology of Acting 1 Czech Z 1 10S
205YHPH2 Propedeutics and Methodology of Acting 2 Czech ZK 3 24S
205XHPH2 Propedeutics and Methodology of Acting 2 Czech ZK 3 15S
205YHPH3 Propedeutics and Methodology of Acting 3
Czech ZK 2 22S Subject is not scheduled
205XHPH3 Propedeutics and Methodology of Acting 3
Czech ZK 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205PAV1 Psychological Aspects of Instruction
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205KPADD Psychologické aspekty současného dětství a dospívání
Subject is not scheduled
205PSYA Psychologické aspekty současného dětství a dospívání
Subject is not scheduled
205KPSTU Psychologické otázky tvořivosti a umění
Subject is not scheduled
205PSTU Psychologické otázky tvořivosti a umění
Subject is not scheduled
205PSD1 Psychology and Drama in Education 1
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205PSK1 Psychology and Drama in Education 1
Czech Z 1 5S Subject is not scheduled
205PDR1 Psychology and Drama in Education 1
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205YPDV1 Psychology and Drama in Education 1 Czech Z 2 22S
205XPSV1 Psychology and Drama in Education 1 Czech Z 2 10S
205PSK2 Psychology and Drama in Education 2
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205PDR2 Psychology and Drama in Education 2
Czech ZK 2 13S Subject is not scheduled
205PSV2 Psychology and Drama in Education 2
Czech ZK 2 26S Subject is not scheduled
205YPDV2 Psychology and Drama in Education 2 Czech Z 2 24S
205XPSV2 Psychology and Drama in Education 2 Czech Z 2 16S
205PSK3 Psychology and Drama in Education 3
Czech ZK 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205YPDV3 Psychology and Drama in Education 3
Czech ZK 2 12S Subject is not scheduled
205XPSV3 Psychology and Drama in Education 3
Czech ZK 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205POS1 Psychology of Personality and Social Psychology 1
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205POS2 Psychology of Personality and Social Psychology 2
Czech ZK 4 10S Subject is not scheduled
205PSY Psychosomatic Worskhop Czech Z 1 Z 1
205KPSD Psychosomatická dílna
Subject is not scheduled
205PSD Psychosomatická dílna
Subject is not scheduled
205LOT1 Puppet Theatre Techniques 1 Czech Z 1 10S
205LOT2 Puppet Theatre Techniques 2 Czech Z 1 10S
205TLU1 Puppet Theatre Technology 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205TLU2 Puppet Theatre Technology 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205LPN1 Puppetry Propaedeutic - Animation 1
Czech Z 1 10S Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205LPN2 Puppetry Propaedeutic - Animation 2
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205KPUT Přehlídka umělecké tvořivosti v oblasti divadla
Subject is not scheduled
205PŘE Přehlídka umělecké tvořivosti v oblasti divadla
Subject is not scheduled
205QPRP1 Recital Project 1
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205ZPRP1 Recital Project 1 Czech Z 2 22S
205QPRP2 Recital Project 2
Czech ZK 3 15S Subject is not scheduled
205ZPRP2 Recital Project 2 Czech ZK 3 24S
205REC Recitation - elective Czech Z 1 Z 1
205PEN1 Recitation 1
Czech ZK 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205PEN2 Recitation 2
Czech ZK 3 15S Subject is not scheduled
205YPME1 Recitation and Methodology of Recitation 1
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205XPMR1 Recitation and Methodology of Recitation 1
Czech Z 1 14S Subject is not scheduled
205YPME2 Recitation and Methodology of Recitation 2
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205XPMR2 Recitation and Methodology of Recitation 2 Czech Z 1 10S
205YPME3 Recitation and Methodology of Recitation 3
Czech ZK 2 24S Subject is not scheduled
205XPMR3 Recitation and Methodology of Recitation 3 Czech ZK 2 20S
205PPK1 Recitation and Recital Project 1
Czech Z 1 14S Subject is not scheduled
205PPP1 Recitation and Recital Project 1
Czech Z 1 25S Subject is not scheduled
205PPE1 Recitation and Recital Project 1
Czech Z 1 18S Subject is not scheduled
205PPP2 Recitation and Recital Project 2
Czech Z 1 21S Subject is not scheduled
205PPK2 Recitation and Recital Project 2
Czech ZK 3 30S Subject is not scheduled
205PPE2 Recitation and Recital Project 2
Czech ZK 3 13S Subject is not scheduled
205PPP3 Recitation and Recital Project 3
Czech ZK 3 22S Subject is not scheduled
205RSBK1 Reflektivní seminář k praxi 1
Subject is not scheduled
205YPVU1 Relations in Space - Introduction to Stage Design 1
Czech Z 1 11S Subject is not scheduled
205XPVZ1 Relations in Space - Introduction to Stage Design 1
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205YPVU2 Relations in Space - Introduction to Stage Design 2
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205XPVZ2 Relations in Space - Introduction to Stage Design 2
Czech Z 2 12S Subject is not scheduled
205PVZ1 Relations in Space 1
Czech Z 1 20S Subject is not scheduled
205PZK1 Relations in Space 1
Czech Z 1 16S Subject is not scheduled
205PVS1 Relations in Space 1
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205PZK2 Relations in Space 2
Czech Z 1 7S Subject is not scheduled
205PVZ2 Relations in Space 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205PVD2 Relations in Space 2
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205PZK3 Relations in Space 3
Czech Z 1 4S Subject is not scheduled
205SES1 Self-reflection Seminar 1
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205SSE1 Self-reflection Seminar 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205QSSC1 Semiotics and Scenology of Behavior 1
Czech Z 2 12S Subject is not scheduled
205ZSSC1 Semiotics and Scenology of Behavior 1 Czech Z 2 22S
205PHV1 Singing and Voice Training 1
Czech Z 1 12S Subject is not scheduled
205PHV2 Singing and Voice Training 2
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205KSDP1 Skupinový divadelní projekt 1
ZK 4 25DT Subject is not scheduled
205KSDP2 Skupinový divadelní projekt 2
ZK 4 25DS Subject is not scheduled
205SPPBK Skupinový přednesový projekt
Subject is not scheduled
205MLV Speech training Czech Z 1 Z 1
205SCH1 Stage Music 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205SHK1 Stage Music 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XSCH1 Stage Music 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YSCH1 Stage Music 1
Czech Z 1 12S Subject is not scheduled
205SCH2 Stage Music 2
Czech Z 1 16S Subject is not scheduled
205SHK2 Stage Music 2
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205XSCH2 Stage Music 2 Czech Z 1 8S
205YSCH2 Stage Music 2
Czech Z 1 11S Subject is not scheduled
205IPD Staging process with children
Czech Z 1 Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205QIDM1 Staging process with children 1 Czech ZK 4 10S
205ZIDM1 Staging process with children 1
Czech ZK 4 20S Subject is not scheduled
205XST1 Storytelling Czech Z 1 15S
205YST1 Storytelling
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205KSSCH Sémiotika a scénologie chování
Subject is not scheduled
205SEM Sémiotika a scénologie chování
Subject is not scheduled
205KTDV1 Teorie a historie dramatické výchovy a dětského divadla 1
Z 2 4P+4S Subject is not scheduled
205KTDV2 Teorie a historie dramatické výchovy a dětského divadla 2
ZK 3 5P+5S Subject is not scheduled
205VLP1 Texts and Topics for Drama and Theatre with Children 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XVPD1 Texts and Topics for Drama and Theatre with Children 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205VLP2 Texts and Topics for Drama and Theatre with Children 2
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205XVPD2 Texts and Topics for Drama and Theatre with Children 2
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DFO1 Theatre Forum
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205DIA1 Theatre Project I. 1
Czech ZK 3 15S Subject is not scheduled
205DPR1 Theatre Project I. 1
Czech ZK 3 45S Subject is not scheduled
205DIP1 Theatre Project I. 1
Czech ZK 4 65S Subject is not scheduled
205YDRA1 Theatre Project I. 1 Czech ZK 3 22S
205XDJA1 Theatre Project I. 1 Czech ZK 3 15S
205DIA2 Theatre Project I. 2
Czech ZK 4 40S Subject is not scheduled
205DPA2 Theatre Project I. 2
Czech ZK 4 60S Subject is not scheduled
205DJA2 Theatre Project I. 2
Czech ZK 3 25S Subject is not scheduled
205YDRA2 Theatre Project I. 2 Czech ZK 3 24S
205XDJA2 Theatre Project I. 2 Czech ZK 3 30S
205YDRA3 Theatre Project I. 3
Czech ZK 3 30S Subject is not scheduled
205XDJA3 Theatre Project I. 3
Czech ZK 3 15S Subject is not scheduled
205YDRA4 Theatre Project I. 4
Czech ZK 3 24S Subject is not scheduled
205XDJA4 Theatre Project I. 4
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YDRA5 Theatre Project I. 5
Czech ZK 3 22S Subject is not scheduled
205XDJA5 Theatre Project I. 5 Czech ZK 3 14S
205DRB1 Theatre Project II. 1
Czech ZK 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205DEB1 Theatre Project II. 1
Czech ZK 2 24S Subject is not scheduled
205DPY1 Theatre Project II. 1
Czech ZK 3 45S Subject is not scheduled
205QDPB1 Theatre Project II. 1
Czech ZK 4 20S Subject is not scheduled
205ZDPB1 Theatre Project II. 1 Czech ZK 4 24S
205DEX2 Theatre Project II. 2
Czech ZK 5 20S Subject is not scheduled
205DRS2 Theatre Project II. 2
Czech ZK 4 30S Subject is not scheduled
205DPY2 Theatre Project II. 2
Czech ZK 2 40S Subject is not scheduled
205QDPB2 Theatre Project II. 2 Czech ZK 6 30S
205ZDPB2 Theatre Project II. 2
Czech ZK 6 36S Subject is not scheduled
205DPB3 Theatre Project II. 3
Czech ZK 4 45S Subject is not scheduled
205DEB3 Theatre Project II. 3
Czech ZK 7 50S Subject is not scheduled
205QDIP1 Theatre Review 1
Czech Z 2 50S Subject is not scheduled
205ZDIP1 Theatre Review 1 Czech Z 2 50S
205PDP1 Theatre Showcase Prep 1
Czech Z 2 25S Subject is not scheduled
205PDP2 Theatre Showcase Prep 2
Czech Z 2 25S Subject is not scheduled
205DDL1 Theatre Workshop 1 Czech Z 1 48S Z 1 48S
205DDL2 Theatre Workshop 2
Czech ZK 3 60S Subject is not scheduled
205KTE Theatre and Education / Divadlo a výchova
English Subject is not scheduled
205DPD1 Theatre for Children 1
Czech Z 3 20S Subject is not scheduled
205DPE1 Theatre for Children 1
Czech Z 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205QDPD1 Theatre for Children 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ZDPD1 Theatre for Children 1 Czech Z 1 24S
205DPD2 Theatre for Children 2
Czech ZK 5 20S Subject is not scheduled
205DPE2 Theatre for Children 2
Czech ZK 5 10S Subject is not scheduled
205QDPD2 Theatre for Children 2 Czech ZK 2 10S
205ZDPD2 Theatre for Children 2
Czech ZK 2 22S Subject is not scheduled
205DND Theatre for toddlers and young children
Czech Subject is not scheduled
205DVV Theatre in Education - Elective
Czech Z 1 10S Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DVX1 Theatre in Education 1
Czech Z 2 36S Subject is not scheduled
205DVZ1 Theatre in Education 1
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DIV1 Theatre in Education 1
Czech Z 1 15S Subject is not scheduled
205QDVV1 Theatre in Education 1
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205ZDVV1 Theatre in Education 1 Czech Z 2 22S
205QDVY1 Theatre in Education 1
Czech Z 3 20S Subject is not scheduled
205DVZ2 Theatre in Education 2
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205DVX2 Theatre in Education 2
Czech Z 2 45S Subject is not scheduled
205DIV2 Theatre in Education 2
Czech Z 1 17S Subject is not scheduled
205QDVV2 Theatre in Education 2
Czech Z 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205ZDVV2 Theatre in Education 2 Czech Z 2 24S
205QDVY2 Theatre in Education 2
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205DIV3 Theatre in Education 3
Czech Z 2 17S Subject is not scheduled
205QDVV3 Theatre in Education 3
Czech ZK 3 20S Subject is not scheduled
205ZDVV3 Theatre in Education 3
Czech ZK 3 20S Subject is not scheduled
205QDVY3 Theatre in Education 3 Czech ZK 3 20S
205DSI1 Theatrical Sports and Improvisation 1 Czech Z 2 10S
205DSI2 Theatrical Sports and Improvisation 2 Czech Z 2 10S
205THD1 Theory and History of Drama in Education and Children's Theatre 1
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205THR1 Theory and History of Drama in Education and Children's Theatre 1
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205QTHD1 Theory and History of Drama in Education and Children's Theatre 1
Czech ZK 4 15S Subject is not scheduled
205ZTHD1 Theory and History of Drama in Education and Children's Theatre 1 Czech ZK 4 24S
205THD2 Theory and History of Drama in Education and Children's Theatre 2
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205THR2 Theory and History of Drama in Education and Children's Theatre 2
Czech ZK 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205QTHD2 Theory and History of Drama in Education and Children's Theatre 2
Czech ZK 5 15S Subject is not scheduled
205ZTHD2 Theory and History of Drama in Education and Children's Theatre 2 Czech ZK 5 26S
205THD3 Theory and History of Drama in Education and Children's Theatre 3
Czech ZK 9 10S Subject is not scheduled
205THD4 Theory and History of Drama in Education and Children's Theatre 4
Czech ZK 9 10S Subject is not scheduled
205TDV1 Theory of Drama in Education 1
Czech ZK 2 28S Subject is not scheduled
205MYD1 Thoughts About Drama 1
Czech Z 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205MYS1 Thoughts About Drama 1
Czech Z 1 8S Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205ZMOD1 Thoughts About Drama 1 Czech Z 2 12S
205QMDI1 Thoughts About Drama 1
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205MYD2 Thoughts About Drama 2
Czech ZK 4 10S Subject is not scheduled
205ZMOD2 Thoughts About Drama 2 Czech ZK 3 13S
205QMDI2 Thoughts About Drama 2
Czech ZK 3 8S Subject is not scheduled
205HV1 Voice Education - Individ. 1
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV10 Voice Education - Individ. 10
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV2 Voice Education - Individ. 2
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV3 Voice Education - Individ. 3
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV4 Voice Education - Individ. 4
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV5 Voice Education - Individ. 5
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV6 Voice Education - Individ. 6
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV7 Voice Education - Individ. 7
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV8 Voice Education - Individ. 8
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HV9 Voice Education - Individ. 9
Czech Z 1 Subject is not scheduled
205HVM1 Voice within Methodology 1
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205HVK1 Voice within Methodology 1
Czech Z 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205HSM1 Voice within Methodology 1
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YHVT1 Voice within Methodology 1 Czech Z 2 22S
205XHSM1 Voice within Methodology 1 Czech Z 2 8S
205HVK2 Voice within Methodology 2
Czech Z 2 15S Subject is not scheduled
205HVM2 Voice within Methodology 2
Czech Z 1 30S Subject is not scheduled
205HSM2 Voice within Methodology 2
Czech Z 1 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YHVT2 Voice within Methodology 2 Czech Z 2 24S
205XHSM2 Voice within Methodology 2 Czech Z 2 8S
205HVK3 Voice within Methodology 3
Czech Z 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205HVM3 Voice within Methodology 3
Czech Z 1 18S Subject is not scheduled
205HSY3 Voice within Methodology 3
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205YHVT3 Voice within Methodology 3
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205XHSM3 Voice within Methodology 3
Czech Z 1 8S Subject is not scheduled
205HVK4 Voice within Methodology 4
Czech Z 2 10S Subject is not scheduled
205HVM4 Voice within Methodology 4
Czech ZK 2 20S Subject is not scheduled
205HSY4 Voice within Methodology 4
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YHVT4 Voice within Methodology 4
Czech Z 1 24S Subject is not scheduled
205XHSM4 Voice within Methodology 4
Czech Z 2 8S Subject is not scheduled
205HVS5 Voice within Methodology 5
Czech Z 1 7S Subject is not scheduled
205YHVT5 Voice within Methodology 5
Czech Z 1 22S Subject is not scheduled
205XHSM5 Voice within Methodology 5 Czech Z 1 8S
205HVK6 Voice within Methodology 6
Czech ZK 3 10S Subject is not scheduled
205YHVT6 Voice within Methodology 6
Czech ZK 2 24S Subject is not scheduled
205XHSM6 Voice within Methodology 6 Czech ZK 2 8S
205VPBK1 Výtvarně dramatická propedeutika 1
Subject is not scheduled
205KVNEU Vývojová neuropsychobiologie
Subject is not scheduled
205VNPB Vývojová neuropsychobiologie
Subject is not scheduled
205MLS Youth Stage Czech Z 1
205ZDBK2 Základy dramaturgie 2
Subject is not scheduled
205KUR Úvod do režie
Subject is not scheduled
205UDR Úvod do režie
Subject is not scheduled
205UDSBK Úvod do studia dramatické výchovy
Subject is not scheduled