Preparation of photo famu exhibition in Tisch NYU

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
307MPPFE Z 2 15S English, Czech summer

Subject guarantor

Tomáš DVOŘÁK, Štěpánka ŠIMLOVÁ

Name of lecturer(s)

Tomáš DVOŘÁK, Štěpánka ŠIMLOVÁ

Learning outcomes of the course unit

exhibiton + catalogue

Mode of study

e-mail and skype communication

Prerequisites and co-requisites

choosing of the project by the curator or the exhibition

Course contents

Project development in relation to the topic - cooperation with the curator

Annotation of the project in written form in the prescribed extent

Preparation of materials for catalog printing

Cooperation on exhibition floorplan and adjustment

Production of artifacts, prepress and printing preparation

correct and timely delivery of data for the exhibition and catalog, including texts

Recommended or required reading

Anna-Kaisa Rastenberg - Iris Sikking (eds.), Why Exhibit? Positions on Exhibiting Photographies. Amsterdam: Fw:Books - Helsinki: University of the Arts 2018.

Francois Bovier - Adeena May (eds.), Exhibiting the Moving Image. Zurich: JRP/Ringier - Dijon: Les presses du reél 2015.

Alessandra Mauro (ed.), Photoshow: Landmark Exhibitions that Defined the History of Photography. London: Thames & Hudson 2014.

Tamara Trodd (ed.), Screen/Space: the Projected Image in Contemporary Art. Manchester: Manchester University Press 2011.

Lucy Steeds (ed.), Exhibition. Cabridge, Mass.: The MIT Press 2014.

Shirley Read, Exhibiting Photography: A Practical Guide to Displaying Your Work. Oxford: Focal Press 2013.

Assessment methods and criteria

active participation and cooperation on the finalization of the catalogue and online version of the exhibition



Schedule for winter semester 2019/2020:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2019/2020:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans