Jerzy Grotowski – Texts and Contexts 2
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
202JGT2 | ZK | 2 | 3T | English, Czech | summer |
Subject guarantor
Name of lecturer(s)
Learning outcomes of the course unit
The course aim is to introduce students to the main phases of Jerzy Grotowski's work.
Mode of study
Elective course, regular meetings (3 hrs per week). Active interpretation of the Grotowski's work in context (theatre, cultural, social, political, anthropological, religious). Study based on texts by Grotowski, conversations with him and texts and films about him.
Prerequisites and co-requisites
DAMU students, able to study the assigned texts (electively in Czech, English, Polish..) may register for the course. Capacity is 10 people. Priority is given to Czech and international Dept. of Alternative and Puppet Theater students.
Course contents
I. Stage theatre (1959-1969):
- Stage theatre 13 order and the peak of Theatre Laboratorium works,
- exerises and their changes, actors and their changes,
- Towards a Poor Theatre (1968) - world response and changes in direction (1969-71)
II. Deserted Theatre (1970-1976); Institute Laboratorium:
- phases „active cultures“ para-theatre, projects, Brzezinka,
- Universita Narodu Wroclaw, University searching for Venice - 1975,
- traveling for Theatre sources 1976-1982.
III. Grotowski in the world (1982-1999):
- American phase (1983, Irvine, California - objective drama).
- Italian phase (1985 Pontedera - Il Centro di Lavoro di Jerzy Grotowski).
- Performer teacher (1986-1996) - Dept. of Theatre Anthropology 1997 College de France.
IV. Main figure from Grotowski's nest and inheritance issues:
- actors, dramaturgist, directors, teachers, intepreters - theatrology, filmmakers, collection makers.
Recommended or required reading
- J. Grotowski: Towards a poor Theatre. ed. E. Barba, Odin Teatrets Forlag 1968
- nebo J. Grotowski: Ku teatrowi ubogiemu. Instytut Grotowskiego, Wroclaw 2007
- nebo J. Grotowski - Teksty z lat 1965-1969, ed. J.Degler, Z. Osiński, Wroclaw 1989
- nebo J. Grotowski a Teatr Laboratorium – texty (3 části), ed. J. Pilátová, Praha 1990
- J.Pilátová: Hnízdo Grotowského; na prahu divadelní antropologie. Praha 2009 (vybrané kapitoly anglicky nebo polsky)
- nebo Zbigniew Osiński: Jerzy Grotowski. Źródla, inspiracje, konteksty I, II. Slowo/obraz terytoria. Gdańsk 1998
- nebo anglicky výbor z Osińského Grotowski and his Laboratory, 1986
- Peter Brook With Grotowski. Theatre is Just a Form. Inst. GrotowskiegoWroclaw 2009
- nebo Teksty zebrane. Grotowski. Inst. Grotowskiego, Inst.Teatralny, Warszawa 2012
- nebo překlady Grotowského in Svět a divadlo a Divadelní revue,dle bibl. Hnízda Grotowského
- Ludwik Flaszen: Grotowski & Company. Odin Teatret + The Grotowski Institute, 2009
- Virginie Magnat: Grotowski, Women, and Contemporary Performance. Meetings with
- Remarkable Women. Routledge New York, London 2014
Assessment methods and criteria
Credit base on class participation (75% attendance), in place of attendance is a written interpretative tex, studied during absences.
Further information
This course is an elective for all students of this school
Schedule for winter semester 2020/2021:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2020/2021:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans
- Authorial Acting in English (B.A.) (optional subject)
- Authorial Acting (B.A.) (optional subject)
- Authorial Acting in English (B.A.) (optional subject)
- Authorial Acting in English (M.A.) (optional subject)
- Authorial Acting - 2 years (M.A.) (optional subject)
- Authorial Acting (B.A.) (optional subject)