Specialization Subjects: Compulsory Optional Subjects B

Hide subjects not taught in the current semester
Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
202FHM1 Affiliation of Authorship Acting and Modern Psychotherapeutic Trends 1 Czech Z 3 3T
202FHM2 Affiliation of Authorship Acting and Modern Psychotherapeutic Trends 2 Czech Z 3 3T
202DRF Festival Dramaturgy and Arts Management Czech Z 2 24S
202ILM3 Individual Voice Education 3
Czech Z 2 1T Subject is not scheduled
202ILN4 Individual Voice Education 4
Czech ZK 2 1T Subject is not scheduled
202ZDP Interest Workshop with the Guest Pedagogue English, Czech Z 1 24CS Z 1 24CS
202DPI1 Song Dramaturgy 1 Czech Z 2 2T
202DPI2 Song Dramaturgy 2 Czech Z 2 2T
202PVK1 Training for Movement 1 Czech Z 2 2T
202PVK2 Training for Movement 2 Czech Z 2 2T