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Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
204ASD1 Alternative World Theatre in the 20th and 21st Century 1 English, Czech Z 2 2T
204ASD2 Alternative World Theatre in the 20th and 21st Century 2 English, Czech 15:30–17:00
Hallerův sál
ZK 2 2T
204ZJT1 Basics to Stage Technology - Course 1 Czech Z 1 20S Z 1 20S
204PAD1 Contemporary Forms of Alternative Theatre 1 Czech see detail Z 1 2T
204PAD2 Contemporary Forms of Alternative Theatre 2 Czech ZK 1 2T
204ALTN1 Dance 1 Czech Z 1 2T
204ALTN2 Dance 2 Czech Thu
Z 1 2T
204RUP1 Expanded Viewpoints – time, space, and improvisation 1
English, Czech Z 1 3T Subject is not scheduled
204RUP2 Expanded Viewpoints – time, space, and improvisation 2
English, Czech Z 1 3T Subject is not scheduled
204LDD1 History of Puppet Theatre in Contexts and Developmental Connections 1 Czech see detail ZK 1 2T
204LDD2 History of Puppet Theatre in Contexts and Developmental Connections 2 Czech ZK 1 2T
204MDD1 Modern Theatre and its Double 1 Czech see detail Z 1 2T
204MDD2 Modern Theatre and its Double 2 Czech ZK 1 2T
204MDD3 Modern Theatre and its Double 3 Czech see detail Z 1 2T
204MDD4 Modern Theatre and its Double 4 Czech ZK 2 2T
204MMP1 Multimedia in performance practice 1 Czech Z 1 28
204ALDA1 Second Atelier 1 Czech Z 1 2ST
204ALDA2 Second Atelier 1 Czech Z 1 2ST
204ALZP1 Singing 1 Czech Z 1 2T
204ALZP2 Singing 2 Czech Thu
Z 1 2T
204ALML1 Stage Speech - Group 1 Czech Z 1 1T
204ALML2 Stage Speech - Group 2 Czech Tue
Z 1 1T