Folk Dance Training 8

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107EFDT8 Z 2 2CT English summer

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

After completing the course, the student will demonstrate knowledge of dance steps of different folklore regions, understand their differences in performance and dynamics, which will be presented in a movement etude. The student will be able to work in pairs, trios and groups. Works with the dynamics of movement, understands the work of the center of gravity, can connect dance steps. The student further deepens his/her knowledge and skills through practical learning in the hall.

Mode of study


Prerequisites and co-requisites


Course contents

Learning objective:

The aim of the study is to master and practically connect the step material of the dances selected, to safely technically master the step material of different areas. The student deepens his/her skills through practical verification.

Thematic areas:

More technically demanding steps are included in each lesson: In each lesson, dance steps are included in more difficult variation and special forms. Students learn to look for mistakes in presenting others, find the reason and correct the mistake. By observing each other, students also learn to observe the differences in the performance of each dancer. They strive to unify the performance and bring it to precision. Students increase their skills in performing the given steps and step motifs.

Step material of dances – Lachian Mazur, Roveňačka, Zbojnická and Káčer, Rejdovák and Rejdovačka, Dratenik and Kozok, Kopaničářský čardáš, Starodávný, Zbujan, Pletený, Skočná

The students continue to work with the dance notations and teach each other. Practicing the step motifs from each dance is essential.

Step motifs: Mazur three-step with partner transfer, Wallachian step with partner turning around partner, gallop with changes of directions, dvojpolka with the procedure obliquely in front and with rotation in pairs, Rejdováková sousedská with the exchange of seats and crawling under the arm, polka rejdovačka with a change in the direction of movement, with the exchange of dancers' seats and with a 180 ° turn in the jump and the whole turnover, polka with the exchange of opposite seats of the dancers, „průplet“ intertwining of four dancers, (patošpičkové) heel and toe steps from Kopaničářský čardáš, rolling the girl from side to side by jumping and Wallachian step, divided step Starodávného, Lachian polka in „rusavském“ holding and rotating the pair, small and large „vybíjaný“, with rotation in pairs, different ways of intertwining and entanglement in girly Chorovodech and pletených, jumping into ties with the next steps, rhythmic stamp and with accompanying arm movement with turns in the jump by 1/2, the whole turn and 1 and 1/2 turn.

Recommended or required reading

Required reading:

BONUŠ, František. The Golden gate is open : 10 beginning of folk dances from the Czech and Slovak Republics for childrenand adults with DVD and CD. Volume I. 1. vyd. Pinnacle: Edward J.P. O'Connor, 2012. ix, 92 s. ISBN 978-0-578-10552-9.

Recommended reading:

KOS, Bohumil. Lidové tance ve školní tělesné výchově. Vyd. 1. Praha: Státní pedagogické nakladatelství, 1976.

BONUŠ, František. Lidové tance: (výbor lidových tanců z Čech, Moravy a Slezska). Strážnice: Ústav lidové kultury, 1996, ISBN 80-238-0362-X.

JELÍNKOVÁ, Zdena et al. Lašsko: popisy tanců ke stejnojmenné videokazetě. Strážnice: Ústav lidové kultury, 1996.

JELÍNKOVÁ, Zdena. Kola a chorovody. Praha: Ústř. dům lid. tvořivosti, 1960.

JELÍNKOVÁ, Zdena. Lidové tance z Kopanic. [Brno: KDO], 1957.

JINDŘICH, Jindřich, ed. Jindřichův Chodský zpěvník: památce znamenitých starých chodským muzikantů, zpěváků a zpěvaček, tanečníků a tanečnic. Díl 6 [hudebnina]. 2. doplněné vyd. Praha: Státní nakladatelství krásné literatury, hudby a umění, 1953.

KOS, Bohumil a František STRUSKA. Mužské lidové tance: Instruktážní brožura pro nácvik lidových tanců ve vojenských souborech. 1. vyd. Praha: Naše vojsko, 1953.

MÁZOROVÁ, Mária a Kliment ONDREJKA. Slovenské ľudové tance. Bratislava: Slovenské pedagogické nakladateľstvo, 1991. ISBN 80-08-00322-7.

SEIDEL, Jan, ed., TREFIL, Václav, ed. a ŠPIČÁK, Josef, ed. Zahrajte mi do kola!: tance českého lidu. Vydání 1. V Praze: L. Mazáč, 1945.

SOCHA, Vincenc, ed. Lidové tance na Lašsku. Část I [hudebnina]. 1. vyd. Lhotka, p. Metylovice: V. Socha, 1948.

VYCPÁLEK, Josef. České tance: 145(s varianty 185)čes. lid. tanců které zejména na Rychnovsku, Choceradsku i Táborsku sebral a zevrubně popsal... Praha: B. Kočí, 1921.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active participation in lessons, knowledge of the discussed steps, dances, their connections and variations.

Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans