Pedagogical Seminar for Folk Dance 7

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107EPSF7 Z 3 2ST English winter

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The student will gain information about the region, its processing and use in teaching folk dances, in preparing materials for teaching folk dance and creating performances for art school students, amateur and professional groups.

After each area covered, the student prepares technical training and searches for dances in the literature related to the area, develops a methodological procedure for teaching.

Mode of study


Prerequisites and co-requisites


Course contents

Learning objectives:

The course focuses on watching film materials, recordings of dances of each ethnographic area and practical mastering of selected dances, in a practical workshop in the hall. The course focuses on the region of Silesia. The students create a movement preparation for the selected area.

The aim of the study is a deeper understanding of the selected ethnographic area of Silesia and pedagogical work on its dance mastery with emphasis on the specifics of the area. Students work independently to acquire information about the region, process it and use it in teaching folk dances.

Thematic areas:

  1. Dances from Silesia: Silesia has undergone a complex development throughout its history. This territory in the Upper and Middle Oder basin has gradually become part of various state formations. With regard to the breadth of the dance repertoire and the representation of individual dance types in Teschen, it must be said that all the developmental layers of our folk dances have been preserved here, with the exception of the chain-type chorovod. One of the most widespread dances in the whole of Opava, Klimov and Hlučín regions is the dance of the polonaise type, generally called 'taněc'.
  2. Goral region: Ověnžok and kulany, Kolomajka, Křižok I - II, Linder, Maštolka, Vruny; Moravian-Silesian border: Starodavny, Ondraš Men's Jump in a foursome, Men's Jump with a baton in a pair,
  3. Třinec region: Kolomajka from Lybžice, Křižok a kačok from Třinec, Šotyška from Lybžice; Těšín region: Povulny from Těrlicka, Bioly from Bystřice, Čapkany from Košarisk, Gonšor; Kostkovy I - II from Albrechtice, Hulan from Řeka, Klepavý waltz from Jablunkov, Mazurek from Bocanovice, Śviňok.
  4. Orlovsko: Tanec and Hungarian, Funty, Kača, Kozok and Hungarian, Myksik, Pohančok and Hungarian, Šatkovy; Bohumínsko: Handerlok from Petřvald, Kačok and small cross from Petřvald, Mamlas from Skřečon, Žebrok from Petřvald, Šaroš and Šotyšky from Petřvald
  5. Klimkovsko, Opava and Hlučínsko: Taněc I, II - III from Svinov, Taněc I and II from Zbyslavice, Vrtek from Zbyslavice, Cupek from Dolní Lhota, Koval from Krásné Pole, Lendr I - III from Horní Lhota, Polka na šest from Krásné Pole, Silesian Chardash from Velka Polomi, Bulger from Dvořisko, Cigani I - III from Neplachovice, Koziz from Darkovice, Open Polka from Podvihov, Russian Polka from Krásné Pole

Recommended or required reading

Required reading:

BONUŠ, František. The Golden gate is open : 10 beginning of folk dances from the Czech and Slovak Republics for childrenand adults with DVD and CD. Volume I. 1. vyd. Pinnacle: Edward J.P. O'Connor, 2012. ix, 92 s. ISBN 978-0-578-10552-9.

JELÍNKOVÁ, Zdenka, BUROŇOVÁ, Anna et al. Slezsko: popisy tanců ke stejnojmenné videokazetě. Strážnice: Ústav lidové kultury, 1997. Lidové tance z Čech, Moravy a Slezska; díl 10. ISBN 80-86156-00-1.

Recommended reading:

BARTOŠ, František, ed. a JANÁČEK, Leoš, ed. Národní písně moravské v nově nasbírané [hudebnina]. Praha: nákladem České akademie císaře Františka Josefa pro vědy, slovesnost a umění, 1901.

GELNAR, Jaromír, ed. Slezské písně z Třinecka a Jablunkovska [hudebnina]. 1. vydání. Praha: Státní nakladatelství krásné literatury, hudby a umění, 1957.

JELÍNKOVÁ, Zdenka - výběr z díla

MYSLIVEC, František. Naše staré národní tance. Sešit 1. Praha: Moravec, 1925.

PODEŠVOVÁ, Hana - výběr z díla

PODEŠVOVÁ, Hana. Lidové tance na Těšínsku. Ostrava: Krajské kulturní středisko, 1987.

Assessment methods and criteria

Practical participation in the seminar is required, preparation of at least one movement-dance variation to the discussed folklore ethnographic area (technical preparation of dance skills of the area). Seminar work on the topic of the area chosen by the student.

Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans