Philosophical Propaedeutic 1

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
202EFO1 Z 1 2T English winter

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

To introduce student to the philosophical though, particularly, in the context of the philosophy of plays, theatre and philosophy of embodiment.

Mode of study

Lectures, text analysis, moderated discussions, readings.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

No requirements.

Course contents

Survey of Philosophy 1 is focused on the philosophy of acting and introduces in particular, phenomenally, hermeutically and dialogically harmonized philosophies.

  1. Acting as a cultural phenomenon.
  2. Ontology of acting.
  3. Hermeutic concepts of art and works of art.
  4. Art as acting and celebration.

Recommended or required reading

H. G. Gadamer, Truth and Method (second, revised edn, trans. Revisions J. Weinsheimer and D. G. Marshall) New York: Continuum, 1995. (first published 1960) Part: Ontology of Play

E. Fink,The Oasis of Happiness: Toward an Ontology of Play, Yale French Studies No. 41, Game, Play, Literature: Yale University Press. 1968. p. 19-30.

D. Winnicot, Playing and Reality, London and New York: Routledge, 2005. (first published 1971) 

J. Huizinga, Homo Ludens: A Study of the Play-element in Culture. Boston, MA:The Beacon Press, 1950 (first published 1944) 1-49

F. Nietzsche, So spoke Zarathustra, Dover, 1999. (selected stories)

F. Nietzsche, Untimely meditation, Cambridge University Press, 1997. (Part: On Use and Abuse of History for Life)

F. Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy, Penguin, 1993. (first three chapters)

M. Buber, I and Thou, Martino publishing, 2010. (first section)

Assessment methods and criteria

Credit is awarded based on: attendance and participation in lectures/classes, completion of the semester paper.

Schedule for winter semester 2021/2022:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2021/2022:

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The subject is a part of the following study plans