Ph.D. Seminar How to … Master Academic Conferences

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
940MDSAK ZK 6 English

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

Mode of study

Sessions (via MS Teams): Mon. 2 May; Tues. 10 May; Weds. 18 May, 15:00 – 18:00 CET

Session 1 (May 2): What is an academic conference, and why attend?

• Topics include: The types of conferences and their role in an academic career; types of participation (e.g., papers, responses, chairing, workshops or roundtables); finding conferences and funding for them; how to maximize the experience of a conference; the practicalities involved in a conference application. Students will be assigned to small groups to compose panel proposals.

• Assignment (due 10 May): Search for conferences you might want to apply for (links will be provided), and sketch out notes for an abstract; brainstorm panel ideas for a fictional conference with your small group.

Session 2 (May 10): The conference proposal and abstract

• This session will explore, in depth, the elements involved in a persuasive conference paper abstract and panel proposal. Small-group and individual assignments will be workshopped.

• Assignment (due in class 18 May): Full drafts of your individual abstract and group panel proposal.

Session 3 (May 18): Writing to speak, speaking to engage

• This session will explore, in depth, the considerations involved in writing a persuasive and engaging conference paper; the role of visual aids and handouts; strategies for presentation; the role of responses. Small-group and individual assignments will be presented.

Prerequisites and co-requisites


Course contents

This seminar will offer a practical introduction to academic conferences in the humanities, arts, and social sciences. We will discuss the many types of conferences, their role in an academic career, how to search and apply for them, and how to maximize the experience. A focus of our work will be the writing involved in applying for and attending conferences. Students will learn how to write an abstract and a panel proposal, and they will practice these skills individually and in small groups. We will also discuss the writing involved in presenting at a conference, and optimal ways to frame one’s research for an audience.

Class sessions will be in English; written work may be completed in English or Czech.

Instructor: Dr. Alice Lovejoy, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota


Office hours on-line: 18:00 – 19:00 on class days

Recommended or required reading


Assessment methods and criteria

Individual paper abstract, 300 words (40% offinal grade)

• Group panel proposal (panel proposal, 300 words; individual paper proposals, 100 words;

keywords; bibliography) (40% offinal grade)

• Attendance and participation (20% of final grade)

• Assignment (due 20th May by email to Final versions of your individual abstract and group panel proposal.

Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans