Pedagogical Psychology 2
Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
107PSY2 | exam | 2 | 1 lecture hours (45 min) of instruction per week, 40 to 50 hours of self-study | English | summer |
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The aim of the course is to lead students to an understanding of possible pedagogical-psychological phenomena, presumed causes and other factors. To awaken in students a psycho-didactic sensitivity that leads to psychological reasoning and action in the sense of positive formation of the individual during education. To teach the students to use professional terminology and to look for starting points, methods and possibilities of classical and alternative solutions within the educational process.
Educational Psychology is a subject whose acceptance, teaching and mastery can significantly affect the quality of teaching. It develops the competences of the educator in terms of didactic, methodological, diagnostic, technical and, above all, personal development. Teaching promotes independent ability to prepare pedagogical guidance of students, develops communicative skills, problem-solving skills and challenging situations. On the basis of gradual familiarization with key pedagogical - psychological topics, students are better anchored in reflection on specific issues and problems of contemporary humanization of education and lifelong learning. Areas that play an important role in the arts-centered educational process are highlighted.
Thematic areas:
A.Learning Theory - Transmissive and Humanistic Concepts
B.Motivation, temperament, virtues, attitudes (communication, conflict, interpersonal perception)
C.Overview of basic personality theories (cultural and value variables)
D.Self-concept - personality formation and development (thinking, experiencing, behaving)
E. Frustration and stress (mental hygiene, burnout...)
F.Creativity, talent - development within the educational process
Within these themes, it is possible to foster in students a new conception of education based on a more humanistic approach. This extends the possibility to train with students the ability to psychologically analyse situations with regard to the developmental stages of the individual, thus cultivating pedagogical-psychological activities and approaches. To encourage students to autonomy, mental hygiene, critical thinking, dialogue, self-reflection, healthy doubt, etc.
Learning outcomes
The student has a good understanding of the basic foundations of educational psychology, scientific concepts of personality theory, is able to determine individual and developmental differences according to the age of pupils and the laws of pedagogical-psychological development of pupils.
He/she is better oriented in professional terminology, can use theoretical concepts in his/her own practice and name pedagogical-psychological phenomena.
Prerequisites and other requirements
Required reading:
TAYLOR, Jim and Ceci TAYLOR. Psychology of Dance. USA: Human Kinetics, 1995. ISBN 978-0873224864.
Recommended reading:
DRAPELA, Victor J. Přehled teorií osobnosti. 6. vyd. Přeložil Karel BALCAR. Praha: Portál, 2011. ISBN 978-80-262-0040-6
HELUS, Zdeněk. Úvod do psychologie: učebnice pro střední školy a bakalářská studia na VŠ. Praha: Grada, 2011. Psyché (Grada). ISBN 978-80-247-3037-0.
JEDLIČKA, Richard, Jaroslav KOŤA a Jan SLAVÍK. Pedagogická psychologie pro učitele: psychologie ve výchově a vzdělávání. Praha: Grada, 2018. Psyché (Grada). ISBN 978-80-271-0586-1.
KRYKORKOVÁ, Hana a Růžena VÁŇOVÁ. Učitel v současné škole. Praha: Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze, 2010. ISBN 978-80-7308-301-4.
MATĚJČEK, Zdeněk a Josef LANGMEIER. Výpravy za člověkem. Praha: Odeon, 1981. Klub čtenářů (Odeon).
SEDLÁČKOVÁ, Daniela. Rozvoj zdravého sebevědomí žáka. Praha: Grada, 2009. Pedagogika (Grada). ISBN 978-80-247-2685-4.
VÁGNEROVÁ, Marie. Vývojová psychologie: Dětství, dospělost, stáří, Karolinum – 2012, ISBN: 978-80-246-2153-1.
Evaluation methods and criteria
Examination in the form of testing, discussion based on the submitted seminar paper (4-5 standard pages).
Other requirements: Attendance 70%, presentation of selected topic, activity in class, completion of partial assignments.
Further information
No schedule has been prepared for this course