doc. Daniel MIKOLÁŠEK
Teacher's web page
- Chamber Music for Percussion Instruments 1 (Course guarantor)
- Chamber Music for Percussion Instruments 2 (Course guarantor)
- Chamber Music for Percussion Instruments 7 (Course guarantor)
- Chamber Music for Percussion Instruments 8 (Course guarantor)
- Chamber Music Playing 1
- Chamber Music Playing 10 - Contemporary Music
- Chamber Music Playing 2
- Chamber Music Playing 3
- Chamber Music Playing 4
- Chamber Music Playing 5
- Chamber Music Playing 6
- Chamber Music Playing 7 - Contemporary Music
- Chamber Music Playing 8 - Contemporary Music
- Chamber Music Playing 9 - Contemporary Music
- Chamber Music Playing - Historically Educated Interpretation 10
- Chamber Music Playing - Historically Educated Interpretation 7
- Chamber Music Playing - Historically Educated Interpretation 8
- Chamber Music Playing - Historically Educated Interpretation 9
- Chamber Music Playing - Standard Repertoire 10
- Chamber Music Playing - Standard Repertoire 7
- Chamber Music Playing - Standard Repertoire 8
- Chamber Music Playing - Standard Repertoire 9
- Concert Practice - Percussion Instruments 1 (Course guarantor)
- Concert Practice - Percussion Instruments 2 (Course guarantor)
- Concert Practice - Percussion Instruments 3 (Course guarantor)
- Concert Practice - Percussion Instruments 4 (Course guarantor)
- Didactics/Teaching Practical of Percussion Instrumensts 1 (Course guarantor)
- Didactics/Teaching Practical of Percussion Instrumensts 2 (Course guarantor)
- History and Literature of Percussion instruments 1 (Course guarantor)
- History and Literature of Percussion Instruments 1 (Course guarantor)
- History and Literature of Percussion instruments 2 (Course guarantor)
- History and Literature of Percussion Instruments 2 (Course guarantor)
- History and Literature of Percussion instruments 3 (Course guarantor)
- History and Literature of Percussion instruments 4 (Course guarantor)
- History and Literature of Percussion instruments 5 (Course guarantor)
- History and Literature of Percussion instruments 6 (Course guarantor)
- Keyboard Percussion Instruments 1 (Course guarantor)
- Keyboard Percussion Instruments 2 (Course guarantor)
- Keyboard Percussion Instruments 7 (Course guarantor)
- Keyboard Percussion Instruments 8 (Course guarantor)
- Orchestral Parts and Solos for Percussion Instruments 1
- Orchestral Parts and Solos for Percussion Instruments 2 (Course guarantor)
- Orchestral Parts and Solos for Perucussion Instruments 1 (Course guarantor)
- Orchestral Parts and Solos for Perucussion Instruments 2 (Course guarantor)
- Orchestral Parts and Solos for Perucussion Instruments 3 (Course guarantor)
- Orchestral Parts and Solos for Perucussion Instruments 4 (Course guarantor)
- Orchestral Parts and Solos for Perucussion Instruments 5 (Course guarantor)
- Orchestral Parts and Solos for Perucussion Instruments 6 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 1 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 1 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 10 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 2 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 2 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 3 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 4 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 5 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 6 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 7 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 7 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 8 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 8 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments 9 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 1 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 1
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 10 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 2 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 2 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 3 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 4 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 5 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 6 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 7 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 7 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 8 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 8 (Course guarantor)
- Percussion Instruments Seminar 9 (Course guarantor)
- Performing (Course guarantor)
- Performing (Course guarantor)
- Relaxation in Music
- Rhythm and Sound Studio 1
- Rhythm and Sound Studio 2
- Snare Drum 1 (Course guarantor)
- Snare Drum 2 (Course guarantor)
- Snare Drum 2 (Course guarantor)
- Sound and rythm Studio 1 (Course guarantor)
- Sound and rythm Studio 2 (Course guarantor)
- Sound and rythm Studio 3 (Course guarantor)
- Sound and rythm Studio 4 (Course guarantor)
- Sound and rythm Studio 5 (Course guarantor)
- Sound and rythm Studio 6 (Course guarantor)
- The jazz consultation-Percussion Instruments (Course guarantor)
- The jazz Improvisation for Percussion Instruments 2 (Course guarantor)
- The jazz Improvisation for Percussion Instruments 4 (Course guarantor)
- The jazz Improvisation for Percussion Instruments 6 (Course guarantor)
- The melodic percussion Instruments 1 (Course guarantor)
- The melodic percussion Instruments 10 (Course guarantor)
- The melodic percussion Instruments 2 (Course guarantor)
- The melodic percussion Instruments 3 (Course guarantor)
- The melodic percussion Instruments 4 (Course guarantor)
- The melodic percussion Instruments 5 (Course guarantor)
- The melodic percussion Instruments 6 (Course guarantor)
- The melodic percussion Instruments 7 (Course guarantor)
- The melodic percussion Instruments 8 (Course guarantor)
- The melodic percussion Instruments 9 (Course guarantor)
- Timpani 1 (Course guarantor)
- Timpani 2 (Course guarantor)
- Timpani 2 (Course guarantor)
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Koubek Tomáš – Bicí nástroje v praxi
- MgA. Koubek Tomáš – Bicí nástroje ve vybraných skladbách Igora Stravinského
- BcA. Andrlová Klára – Bicí nástroje ve 21. století
- BcA.MgA. Sokolov Oleg – Marimba-vývoj a současnost
- MgA. Sokolov Oleg Ph.D. – Hudební a mimohudební prvky vč. audiovizuálních v hudbě pro bicí nástroje ve 20. a 21. století
- MgA. Vytiska Miroslav – Bicí nástroje ve vojenských hudbách
- BcA. Pashayev Mikhail – Bicí nástroje v Ázerbajdžánu
- BcA. Zhdanovich Anton – Technika hry na tympány podle Freda D. Hingera
- BcA. Veselý Šimon – Komercializace " klasické " hudby
- MgA. Veselý Šimon – Vývoj nároků na interpretaci děl českých skladatelů pro bicí nástroje od 60.let 20.stol. po současnost
- MgA. Zhdanovich Anton – Evropská specifika umění hry na bicí nástroje: Základy přirozené hry
- MgA. Kasal Jan – Systemizace orchestrálních partů bicích nástrojů
- BcA. Rehberger Pavel – Rámové bubny - historie a současnost
- BcA. Bilan Ladislav – Pražský soubor bicích nástrojů
- BcA. Doležal Radek – Doznění - dozvuk - tlumení bicích nástrojů
- BcA. Diviš Matěj – Gamelan v České republice
- MgA. Rehberger Pavel – Skupina bicích nástrojů orchestru Národního divadla v Praze - historie a současnost
- BcA. Hon Štěpán – Rozvoj interpretačních možností hry na bicí nástroje
- MgA. Bilan Ladislav – Techniky hry na různé bicí nástroje - specifika a souvislosti
- BcA. Procházka Antonín – Poučená interpretace orchestrálních partů bicích nástrojů
- MgA. Doležal Radek – Cvičení, tvorba, interpretace - nástroj poznání sebe sama
- BcA. Brabec Lukáš – Bicí nástroje severských zemí Evropy
- BcA. Hermanovský Ivo – Metodika hry na melodické bicí nástroje
- BcA. Hrábek Matouš – Balkánské inspirace v hudbě pro bicí nástroje
- MgA. Hon Štěpán – Hudebníkův warm-up
- BcA. Šindelářová Blanka – Historie, vývoj a současné využití orchestrálních zvonů
- MgA. Diviš Matěj – "Kokosová marimba" výroba a uplatnění