- Acting in Front of a Camera 1
- Bridges into Practice 1
- Bridges into Practice 2
- Bridges into Practice 3
- Bridges into Practice 4
- Directing Seminar 1
- Directing Seminar 2
- Directing Seminar 3
- Directing Seminar 4
- Directorial Thinking Seminar 1
- Directorial Thinking Seminar 2
- Final Commission 1 (Course guarantor)
- Major Feature Exercise
- Poněšice KK+KR - Vnitrozáběrová montáž (Course guarantor)
- Projection of Contemporary Fllm - Film Language 1
- Projection of Contemporary Fllm - Film Language 1
- Projection of Contemporary Fllm - Film Language 3
- Projection of Contemporary Fllm - Film Language 3
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Raková Anna – Alenka v Matrixu: