

History of Stage Design 1

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
204DES1 Z 1 2/T Czech winter
Subject guarantor:
Name of lecturer(s):
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The study aim is to contextualize set-design in theatre arts and arts in general.

In the history of set-design (European and domestic) students will learn a respect for the history of the study.

To awaken in the student an interest in the diversity of graphic viewpoints.

To have a bearing in the historical and current material with consideration of one's own work.

Mode of study:

This course is a combination of lectures and classwork.

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

General survey of set design history.

Basic knowledge of Czech set design history.

Recommended optional programme components:

Regular theatre performance attandance.

Course contents:


1/ Course introduction. What is contemporary set-design? What was its historical role? How has its function changed in relation to drama?

2/ A brief history of European set-design with examples of how it has changed from the Baroque to the 20th century. The turning point in the work of A. Appii and G. Craig. A new way of viewing drama. Set design as a creative element.

3/ Czech set-design of the first half of the 20th century.

4/ Works of V. Hofman, F. Troestr, E.F. Burian

5/ The European Avant Garde + Bohemia, an outline

6/ Czech set-design from the second half of the 20th century

7/ Josef Svoboda

8/ World set-design of the second half of the 20th century, an outline.


The instruction is designed to acquaint students with the set-design history; to develop and cultivate their imagination using various historical approaches, to try and understand historical material as inspiration. Using the history of „great set design“ to expand the outlook of the puppet's potential, clearly understanding that during the whole of the last century the opposite also has been applied, i.e. that the puppet inspired the history of art and dramatic art.

It is important that students have an overview of the devlopment of art - at least of the modern period. They should constantly expand and enrich their resources of forms, spaces, colours and approaches. Their potential in creativity. The fact that opinions and approaches to creative work develop leads one to respect the historical chronology.

Recommended or required reading:

Nová česká scéna, zvláštní otisk Života, listu pro výtvarnou práci a uměleckou kulturu, roč. XV, č. 3-4, 1937

Česká scénogafie XX. století, Praha 1981,

Zrcadlo světového divadla, Praha 1995

Dějiny českého výtvarného umění III 1-2, IV 1-2

Vlastislav Hofman, Praha 2OO4

Divadelní revue 2OO3/2

Josef Svoboda, Praha 1984

Jaroslav Malina, Praha 1999

Scénografie, přehled článků ze zahraničních časopisů, DÚ 1964 - 1985

H. Rischbieter, Bühne und bildende Kunst im XX. Jh., Velber bei Hannover 1968

D. Bablet, Les révolutions scéniques du XXe siecle, Paris 1975

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

Lecture - discussion - commented papers - independent assignements - group theatre attendance - group analysis

Assessment methods and criteria:

A requirement for a grade is active participation in classes, fulfillment of the assignments and ability to produce a sensible writing.

Course web page:

Elective course for students in other AMU studies.

Further information:
This course is an elective for all students of this school
Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
místnost R110

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)

(přednášková par. 1)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Tue 09:00–12:00 LJUBKOVÁ M. Atelier
Karlova 26, Praha 1
přednášková par. 1
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
Updates of the above given information can be found at