

Developmental Neuropsychobiology 2

Register Display Schedule
Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
205NPB2 Z 1 8/S Czech summer
Subject guarantor:
Vladimír KOMÁREK
Name of lecturer(s):
Vladimír KOMÁREK
Learning outcomes of the course unit:

The purpose of the course is to introduce students to basic information about the brain and explain, in what manner it is part of all element of human activity and what significance it has for the development of a child.

- A good bearing in basic neurology, particularly the limbic system.

- Awareness of the relationship between psychological and neurological processes.

- Introduction to various types of disabilities with which an drama education instructor may come into contact.

Mode of study:

discussions, readings, analysis of media recordings

Prerequisites and co-requisites:

Completion of Psychology and Drama Training, personal experience in working with children, active participation.

Recommended optional programme components:

No elective requirements.

Course contents:


I. Introduction

- classical neuroanatomy (periferal nerves and the central nervous system),

- functional neruoanatomy: brain stem, subcortex (basal ganglia, thalmus, limbic area - amygdalar, hippocampal, cingular), core (rear and frontal halves of the brain)

- neurobiology,

- neurophsyiology,

- neurobiochemistry.

II. Various neurophysio- biological concepts.

III. Phylogenetic and ontogenetic aspects.

IV. The brain and its functions: motor movement; empathy, emotion, sexual behaviour; cognitive processes (memory, thought, creativity).

V. Drama and the brain: experience, rituals, resilience.

VI. Limited findings and dysfunctions.

VII. Abnormal and pathological states.

Recommended or required reading:

ČERNÁ, Marie aj. Lehké mozkové dysfunkce. 2., přeprac. vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 1992. 160 s. ISBN 80-7066-597-1.

DAMASIO, Antonio R. Descartesův omyl: Emoce, rozum a lidský mozek. Přel. Lucie Motlová a Alžběta Hesová. Praha: MF, 2000. 264 s. Přel. z: Descartes' Error. Emotion, Reason and Human Brain [1994]. Ed. Kolumbus, sv. 152. ISBN 80-204-0844-4.

---. Hledání Spinozy: radost, strast a citový mozek. Praha: dyybuk, Jan Šavrda, 2004. 352 s. Přel. z: Looking for Spinoza: Joy, Sorrow, and the Feeling Brain. ISBN 80-903001-9-7.

JENNINGS, Sue. Remedial drama : a handbook for teachers and therapists. London: Pitman, 1973. 116 s.

KOMÁREK, Vladimír. Mozkové zákulisí. Tvořivá dramatika. 1996, roč. VII, č. 1-2000, roč. XI, č. 3.

KOUKOLÍK, František. Lidský mozek: Funkční systémy. Norma a poruchy. Praha: Portál, 2000. 360 s. ISBN 80-7178-379-X.

LESNÝ, Ivan; ŠPITZ, Jan. Neurologie a psychiatrie pro speciální pedagogy. Praha: SPN, 1989. 232 s. ISBN 80-04-22922-0.

PROVAZNÍK, Jaroslav (ed.). Dramatická výchova a dítě v bludišti dnešního světa. Praha: Sdružení pro tvořivou dramatiku, 2001. 164 s. ISBN 80-901660-4-0.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods:

lecture, classes

Assessment methods and criteria:

Credit is awarded based on:

participation in class,

a presentation based on a study of literature and resources or completion of a course paper.

Course web page:

May be completed in the 3rd or 4th year of Bachelor's study, 2nd or 3rd year of Master's study.

Schedule for winter semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
Schedule for summer semester 2013/2014:
The schedule has not yet been prepared
The subject is a part of the following study plans:
Generated on 2014-06-18
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