

Simplified study plan Theory and criticism (B.A.)

Study of qualification: Theory and Criticism Department of Theory and Criticism
Study programme: Dramatic Arts Study type: Bachelor's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
Code Course Name Completion Credits
1. semester
207INS1 Interpretation Seminar 1 ZK 3
207SKT1 Seminar of Criticism 1 ZK 4
207TED1 Theory of Drama 1 ZK 3
207DZA1 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 1 ZK 3
201REZ1 Directing 1 Z 3
207SCP1 Stage Design Propaedeutic 1 Z 3
207SHD1 History of Theatre Seminar 1 ZK 3
207ZHT1 Basics of Acting 1 Z 2
207ZJV1 Basics of Stage Work 1 Z 1
207ZRP1 Basics of Rhetoric and Poetics 1 Z 1
201ZTP1 Fundamentals of Creativity 1 Z 2
Foreign Languages z 1
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
2. semester
207INS2 Interpretation Seminar 2 ZK 3
207SKT2 Seminar of Criticism 2 ZK 4
207TED2 Theory of Drama 2 ZK 3
207DZA2 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 2 ZK 3
201REZ2 Directing 2 ZK 3
207SCP2 Stage Design Propaedeutic 2 ZK 3
207SHD2 History of Theatre Seminar 2 ZK 3
207ZHT2 Basics of Acting 2 ZK 2
207ZJT2 Basics of Stage Work 2 ZK 2
207ZRP2 Basics of Rhetoric and Poetics 2 ZK 1
201ZTP2 Fundamentals of Creativity 2 ZK 2
Foreign Languages zk 2
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
Total credits from compulsory subjects in this semester 31
3. semester
207INS3 Interpretation Seminar 3 ZK 3
207SKT3 Seminar of Criticism 3 ZK 4
207TED3 Theory of Drama 3 ZK 3
202DVP1 Acting with the Inner Partner 1 Z 2
207DCK1 Theatre in the Czech Culture 1 ZK 3
207DZB1 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 1 ZK 3
204DJF1 Dramaturgie jako funkce 1 Z 1
207SHD3 History of Theatre Seminar 3 ZK 3
207SST1 System and Structure of Theatre 1 ZK 2
203TSC1 Theory of Stage Design 1 Z 1
204ELD1 Introduction to Aesthetics of the Puppet Theatre 1 Z 1
207ZDJ1 Sources of Creation 1 Z 1
Foreign Languages z 1
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
4. semester
207INS4 Interpretation Seminar 3 ZK 3
207SKT4 Seminar of Criticism 4 ZK 4
207TED4 Theory of Drama 4 ZK 3
202DVP2 Acting with the Inner Partner 2 ZK 2
207DCK2 Theatre in the Czech Culture 2 ZK 3
207DZB2 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 2 ZK 3
204DJF2 Dramaturgie jako funkce 2 ZK 1
207SHD4 History of Theatre Seminar 4 ZK 3
207SST2 System and Structure of Theatre 2 ZK 2
203TSC2 Theory of Stage Design 2 ZK 2
204ELD2 Introduction to Aesthetics of the Puppet Theatre 2 ZK 1
207ZDR2 Sources of Creation 2 ZK 2
Foreign Languages zk 2
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
Total credits from compulsory subjects in this semester 31
5. semester
207SCV1 Work on Stage 1 ZK 6
207SKT5 Seminar of Criticism 5 ZK 6
207STE1 Theory of Drama Seminar 1 ZK 3
207ESE1 Aesthetics 1 Z 4
207PKB1 Translating Seminar 1 Z 2
207SZD1 Contemporary Theatre of the Western Culture 1 ZK 3
207ZMK1 Introduction of Management/marketing 1 Z 2
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
6. semester
207SCV2 Work on Stage 2 ZK 6
207SKT6 Seminar of Criticism 6 ZK 6
207STE2 Theory of Drama Seminar 2 ZK 3
207BCS1 Bachelor Seminar 1 Z 2
207ESE2 Aesthetics 2 ZK 4
207PKB2 Translating Seminar 2 ZK 2
207SZD2 Contemporary Theatre of the Western Culture 2 ZK 3
207ZMK2 Introduction of Management/marketing 2 Z 2
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
Generated on 2014-06-18
Updates of the above given information can be found at