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Simplified study plan Directing and Dramaturgy for Alternative and Puppet Theatre (B.A.)

Study of qualification: Direction - Dramaturgy of Alternative and Puppet Theatre Department of Alternative and Puppet Theatre
Study programme: Dramatic Arts Study type: Bachelor's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
Code Course Name Completion Credits
1. semester
204IRT1 Work on Performance 1 ZK 6
204HTR1 Acting 1 ZK 3
204RDT1 Directing and Dramaturgy 1 ZK 6
207ZDP1 Basics of Theatre Terminology 1 ZK 2
204ELD1 Introduction to Aesthetics of the Puppet Theatre 1 Z 1
204PHK1 Space - Mass - Communication 1 Z 1
207DZA1 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 1 ZK 3
204DJF1 Dramaturgy as a Function 1 Z 1
204MLV1 Stage Speech - Individually 1 Z 1
703PKD Preparation Course Z 1
204ZPE1 Singing - Individually 1 Z 1
Foreign Languages z 1
Optional Study Subjects
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
2. semester
204IRT2 Work on Performance 2 ZK 6
204HTR2 Acting 2 ZK 3
204RDT2 Directing and Dramaturgy 2 ZK 6
207ZDP2 Basics of Theatre Terminology 2 ZK 2
204ELD2 Introduction to Aesthetics of the Puppet Theatre 2 ZK 1
204PHK2 Space - Mass - Communication 2 Z 1
204LDD1 History of Puppet Theatre in Contexts and Developmental Connections 1 ZK 1
207DZA2 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 2 ZK 3
204DJF2 Dramaturgy as a Function 2 ZK 1
204MLV2 Stage Speech - Individually 2 Z 1
204MDD1 Modern Theatre and its Double 1 Z 1
204ZPE2 Singing - Individually 2 Z 1
Foreign Languages zk 2
Optional Study Subjects
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
3. semester
204IRT3 Work on Performance 3 ZK 7
204RDT3 Directing and Dramaturgy 3 ZK 4
204SDD1 Elements of a Theatre Work 1 Z 2
204SCH1 Stage Music Seminar 1 Z 1
204LDD2 History of Puppet Theatre in Contexts and Developmental Connections 2 ZK 1
207DCK1 Theatre in the Czech Culture 1 ZK 3
207DZB1 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 1 ZK 3
204LTP1 Literary Preparation 1 Z 2
204MDD2 Modern Theatre and its Double 2 ZK 1
204TDI1 Theory of Drama 1 Z 1
204ZAP1 Introduction to Anthropology - Cultural Epochs (European Way of Thinking) 1 Z 1
Foreign Languages z 1
Optional Study Subjects
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
4. semester
204IRT4 Work on Performance 4 ZK 7
204RDT4 Directing and Dramaturgy 4 ZK 4
204SDD2 Elements of a Theatre Work 2 ZK 2
204SCH2 Stage Music Seminar 2 Z 1
207DCK2 Theatre in the Czech Culture 2 ZK 3
207DZB2 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 2 ZK 3
204LTP2 Literary Preparation 2 ZK 2
204MDD3 Modern Theatre and its Double 3 Z 1
204PAD1 Contemporary Forms of Alternative Theatre 1 Z 1
204TDI2 Theory of Drama 2 ZK 1
204ZAP2 Introduction to Anthropology - Cultural Epochs (European Way of Thinking) 2 ZK 1
Foreign Languages zk 2
Optional Study Subjects
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
5. semester
204IRT5 Work on Performance 5 ZK 12
204RDT5 Directing and Dramaturgy 5 ZK 6
204SDD3 Elements of a Theatre Work 3 Z 2
204TLH1 Human Body Throughout History 1 Z 1
204KPB1 Consultation Work for Bachelor Exam 1 Z 1
204LTP3 Literary Preparation 3 Z 2
204MDD4 Modern Theatre and its Double 4 ZK 2
204PAD2 Contemporary Forms of Alternative Theatre 2 ZK 1
204LDS1 Specifics of the Puppet Theatre 1 Z 1
Optional Study Subjects
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
6. semester
204IRT6 Work on Performance 6 ZK 12
204RDT6 Directing and Dramaturgy 6 ZK 6
204SDD4 Elements of a Theatre Work 4 ZK 3
204TLH2 Human Body Throughout History 2 ZK 1
204KPB2 Consultation Work for Bachelor Exam 2 Z 1
204LTP4 Literary Preparation 4 ZK 2
204LOL1 Puppetness and Puppetlikeness 1 ZK 1
Optional Study Subjects
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30
Generated on 2015-06-16