Feast, Ritual and Theatrality in European context 1.
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
207SEK1 | Z | 1 | 2/T | Czech | winter |
- Subject guarantor:
- Name of lecturer(s):
- Martina MUSILOVÁ
- Learning outcomes of the course unit:
At the completion of the course the student will be able to define theatrical aspects of religious and folk celebrations, carnivals and rituals
- Mode of study:
Analysis of selected chapters of writings and video-recordings and discussion about them.
- Prerequisites and co-requisites:
Analysis and review skills
- Course contents:
In three topic areas, based on readings (selected chapters) and the viewing of video-recordings and subsequent class discussions, students are acquainted with extra-European celebration and ritual forms and their theatrical features (theatricality). Their relation to the First theatre reform will be followed as well. Insight into the writings will be supplemented by particular examples which will originate in the students personal experience.
Topic areas:
1. Rituál a lidové slavnosti - J. G. Frazer, P. Bogatyrev, T. H. Eriksen
2. Svátek, karneval, náboženské slavnosti - M. M. Bachtin, J. de Heers, V. Ron, Č. Zíbrt
3. Slavnost v moderní společnosti - B. Blažek, J. Gehl, M. Pavlicová, G. Lipovetsky
- Recommended or required reading:
BACHTIN, M. M. Francois Rabelais a lidová kultura středověku a renesance. Argo, Praha 2007
BLAŽEK, Bohuslav. Venkov - města - média. Sociologické nakladatelství (SLON), Praha 1998
BOGATYREV, P. Lidové divadlo české a slovenské. Fr. Borový, Praha 1940
BURKE, Peter. Žebráci, šarlatáni, papežové. H&H, Jinočany 2007
DÜLMEN, Richard van. Divadlo hrůzy. Soudní praxe a trestní rituály v raném novověku. Rybka Publishers, Praha 2001
ERIKSEN, Thomas Hylland. Sociální a kulturní antropologie. Portál, Praha 2008
FISCHER-LICHTE, Erike. Divadelnost/teatralita a inscenace. In. ROUBAL, Jan (Ed.). Antologie současné německé teorie. Divadelní ústav, Praha 2006
FRAZER, James George. Zlatá ratolest. Mladá fronta, Praha 1994
GEHL, Jan. Život mezi budovami. Nadace Partnerství, Brno 1996
HEERS, Jacques. Svátky bláznů a karnevaly. Argo, Praha 2006
LIPOVETSKY, G. Paradoxní štěstí. Prostor, Praha 2007
Maska, kostým a lidové divadlo. Česká oriental. spol. & Dar Ibn Rushd, Praha 2001
PAVLICOVÁ, Martina. Lidová kultura a její historicko-společenské reflexe. ituál. Masarykova univerzita, Brno 2007
RON, V. Lidové pašijové divadlo v českých zemích. Vyšehrad, Praha 2009
ZÍBRT, Č. Veselé chvíle v životě lidu českého. Vyšehrad, Praha 2006
- Assessment methods and criteria:
Class participation (80%), during the semester independent reading, preparation of partial papers on an assigned topic and participation in discussions are required.
- Course web page:
- Note:
If less than 3 students register for the course, it may be cancelled.
- Further information:
- This course is an elective for all students of this school
- Schedule for winter semester 2015/2016:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- Schedule for summer semester 2015/2016:
- The schedule has not yet been prepared
- The subject is a part of the following study plans: