Mgr. Martina MUSILOVÁ, Ph.D.
- Email:
- Courses:
- Acting with the Inner Partner 1
- Acting with the Inner Partner 2 (Course guarantor)
- Basics of Acting 1
- Basics of Acting 2
- Feast, Ritual and Theatrality in European context 1.
- Feast, Ritual and Theatrality in European context 1.
- Fest, Ritual and Theatrality outside the European context 1
- Fest, Ritual and Theatrality outside the European context 1
- Master Project I.1
- Master Project I.2
- Research and Publication Methods
- Diploma thesis led and defended successfully:
- BcA.MgA. Feithová Irena – Role asistenta dialogického jednání v kontextu studia na Katedře autorské tvorby a pedagogiky DAMU
- MgA. Van Wagenenová Kateřina – Práce na společném autorském představení