Psychology 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
108PSY1 Z 1 2T Czech winter

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Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

Psychology students will acquire an overview and knowledge of psychology and all its disciplines which are necessary for performance in the music teaching profession. Students will be acquainted with all professional concepts and terminology of psychology: human nature, the human psyche, the conscious and subconscious, experience, behaviour, personality and its mental activity and processes, biological determination of the psyche, the nervous system, humors system, inheritance and basic mental functions: perception, attention, memory, thought, imagination and fantasy, feelings, etc. As well, students will acquire a basic overview of the history of psychology focusing on the main figures in the field in historical development.

This general introduction connects a specific type of psychology to music education psychology and its link to music studies. Students will be acquainted with all diagnostic methods which are necessary for the future music teaching profession. This covers the identification of music skills, abilities, disposition, music intelligence and memory, etc. which creates the necessary requirements for the future music instructor.

The study of psychology and music psychology enables students greater self-discovery of their own musicality, interest, motivation, desire and other factors. This material enables student a greater depth to their own music awareness and understanding of some demonstrations of music creation and music perception.

Mode of study

Lectures, contact instruction.

Course characteristics: An elective course which is designed as a two-semester lecture for music students. As an elective course, the lecture is intended for bachelor and master's study years. At the end of the Winter semester the course is concluded with credit. At the end of the Summer semester, an exam. Completion of the education courses, including psychology and academics are also requirements for students to register for the state exam and acquire education certification for the future music/music training instructor during the bachelor's or master's study program. The course is not designed for life-long learning studies.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

např. časopis Československá psychologie (ISSN 0009-062X); nebo Psychologie a její kontexty (ISSN 1803-9278 (print) ISSN 1805-9023 (online); dále Psychologie pro praxi (ISSN 1803-8670), ale také časopis Psychoterapie: praxe - inspirace - konfrontace (ISSN 1802 - 3983).

Due to the extent of the given course, aside from lecture participation, study of the recommended readings is required. For each lecture topic is recommended at least one professional writing or working paper related to the given area.

Recommended elective instructional elements: The recommended elective elements of independent study are the following: First of all, aside from a study of the professional and recommended readings, it is also necessary to monitor professional review periodicals, for example: Československá psychologie (ISSN 0009-062X); or Psychologie a její kontexty (ISSN 1803-9278 (print) ISSN 1805-9023 (online); also Psychologie pro praxi (ISSN 1803-8670), as well Psychoterapie: praxe - inspirace - konfrontace (ISSN 1802 - 3983).

A further recommendation is membership in the National Education Library J.A. Komensky in Prague (see webpage:, where all professional literature, psychology dictionaries are available to all psychology course students. All recommended professional periodicals and e-PK services and others are available in the study lab.

Course contents

The psychology course in the first semester is designed for and originates in the basis principles and concepts of the science of psychology. It acquaints and prepares student to be able to begin practice, aside from professional preparations for the given music subject, the students have a bearing in psychology issues which are a necessary part of the music teaching profession. Students will be acquainted with the fundamental field concepts and terminology of psychology. At the beginning of the first semester, also the main figures and trends in the history of psychology will be introduced. The Summer semester will be devoted to basic developmental tendencies in psychology from Antiquity to the 20th century with a consideration of the historical development of music psychology and its reflection in the Czech lands. Students are acquainted with the development of psychology ideas, acquire an overview of the development of the most significant pschology systems, understand idea sources, important theories and methodological approaches of the main psychology systems; comprehend the relationship between contemporary positions and the historical development of psychology.

The Summer semester, however, focuses exclusively on the process of music education and education through music. It links psychology with music studies and based on this has developed the relatively new discipline of music psychology whose latest conclusions and knowledge are an integral part of successful preparation for the music teaching profession.

The course acquaints students with the most important styles and methods of professional music training and diagnostic methods and the development of creative music skills and abilities of students at individual levels of music education.

Recommended or required reading

Required reading:

  1. ČÁP, J. a MAREŠ, J.: Psychologie pro učitele. Praha: Portál, 2001.
  2. GARDER, H.: Dimenze myšlení, teorie rozmanitých inteligencí. (kapitola Hudební inteligence). Praha: Portál, 1999.
  3. KUČERA, D.: Moderní psychologie. Praha: Grada, 2013. ISBN 978-80-247-4621-0.
  4. KULKA, J.; POLEDŇÁK, I.; PRAŽÁKOVÁ, Z.: Psychologie pro konzervatoře. Praha: SPN, 1998.
  5. PIAGET, J. - INHELDEROVÁ, B.: Psychologie dítěte. Praha: Portál, 2007 (2010, 2014), 144 s., ISBN 978-80-7367-263-8.
  6. POLEDŇÁK, I.: ABC Stručný slovník hudební psychologie. Praha: Supraphon, 1984.
  7. SEDLÁK, F.; VÁŇOVÁ, H.: Hudební psychologie pro učitele. Praha: Karolinum, 2013. ISBN 978-80-246-2060-2.

Recommended reading:

  1. HELUS, Z.: Úvod do psychologie. Učebnice pro střední školy a bakalářská studia na VŠ. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2011.
  2. HOLAS, M. Hudební nadání. Praha: Hudební fakulta AMU v Praze, 1994.
  3. PLHÁKOVÁ, A.: Dějiny psychologie. Praha: Grada Publishing, 2006.

Assessment methods and criteria

Winter semester:

  1. Paper completed - 50%
  2. Work on student's study and professional portfolio - 50%

Summer semester:

  1. Written exam - 100%

The student, during the Winter semester, will be guided to the creation of a professional portfolio which is to serve as the final work and which the student submits at the state final teaching and psychology exam. The portforlio content is the following:

. Content

. Professional CV

. Copy of student diplomas

. One's contemplations on the philosophy of music education

. One of two student reviews from professional articles.

. One review (paper) on a professional monograph

. Confirmation by the school where the student completed teaching practice.

. Confirmation by the school where the student has possibly also worked

. A written analysis of one to two hours of teaching practice

. A written summary of the entire practice

. Plan of one's development for the next five years



Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

room 2017
Učebna 2017

(Lichenštejnský palác)
(lecture parallel1)
room 2017
Učebna 2017

(Lichenštejnský palác)
(lecture parallel2)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Mon 10:20–11:50 Bojana KLJUNIČ Učebna 2017
Lichenštejnský palác
lecture parallel1
Fri 10:20–11:50 Bojana KLJUNIČ Učebna 2017
Lichenštejnský palác
lecture parallel2

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans