Music and Psychological Acoustics 2

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
171HPA2 Z 6 2T Czech summer

Subject guarantor


Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

This course broadens basic knowledge in the perception of a music signal. Students are acquainted with the psycho-acoustic linked to the concept of sound, psycho-acoustic dimensions, their physiological traverses and the relationships among subjective perception properties of sound and objective properties of sound signals.

Mode of study

1 hour per week.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Basic knowledge of physiologic and music acoustics.

Course contents

Sound color: multidimensionality, acoustic and psycho-acoustic concepts

Objective color causality: spectral (frequency structure of a sound signal and its internal interaction), time (changes in periodicity and irregularity)

Perceptual space in relation to a 3D depiction of a music signal: dynamics level (time package, percussive, non-percussive, tremolo), melodic (frequency, instant frequency, harmonics, vibrato), harmonics (basic classification of music signals).

Presentation of the sound spectra: Schumann law of tone color and its application, interval and formant concepts

Sources of music sound: measuring vibrations of chordophones, string oscillations, resonator properties; measuring aerophones, oscillation mechanisms, vibrations of sound column, measuring vibrations of idiophone and membranophone, stick oscillations and plates and membranes

Tuning musical instruments, system overview, tuning measurements

Voice: measuring the human vocal system, vocal chords, vocal tract, formants (vowels, consonants): Dynamic properties (whisper, accent): Melody and understandability of words

Singing voice: vocal field measurement, development and division according to range, singing voice intonation and techique, breathing measurements

Sound in space: Binaural hearing, time-space perception of sound, sound color as a binaural phenomenon

Sound properties of musical instruments (dynamic, performance), influence of sound on spatial acoustics

Organs: pipe organs, tone color of lip and reed pipes, organ sound construction, diapozon registers

Electronic organs, static and dynamic synthesis (linear, non-linear), summary and differential methods, Furier and Non-Furier, modulational, form, comprehensive signal filtration;

Physical and mathematic modelling.

Recommended or required reading

Syrový, Václav: Hudební akustika, AMU 2003 kap. 3, 5

Otčenášek, Zdeněk: O subjektivním hodnocení zvuku, AMU 2008

Syrový, Václav: Kapitoly o varhanách, AMU 2004

Assessment methods and criteria

Activity, attendance.



Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

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Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

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