Speech Propedeutics 3

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
202EVI3 Z 1 1T English winter

Subject guarantor

Howard Scott LOTKER, Michaela RAISOVÁ

Name of lecturer(s)

Howard Scott LOTKER, Michaela RAISOVÁ, Pavel ZAJÍČEK

Learning outcomes of the course unit

To learn one's speaking and manage it.

To learn spoken Czech and manage it.

Learn to hear and listen.

Learn to speak with sense and logic.

Learn to speak with emotion and distinctively.

Learn to speak to someone (and to oneself).

All based on appropriately selected texts primarily of Czech provenience.

All in connnection with Recitation and its Teaching 1 according to talent.

Mode of study

Regular classes with the majority of instruction hours in individual instruction (one to one).

Analysis of practices and summary exam.

Discussion on the recommended literature.

All this in regards to „Recital and its Instructor 2“ according to individual disposition.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Skills in functional listening to speech and creation of speech.


Interest in the object.

Basic talent and education.

Linked to Recitation and its Training 2.

Course contents

Systematic work from class to class and intensive preparations at home of a selected text or texts. Linked to Recitation and its Instruction 1 dependent on talent.

Recommended or required reading

Čunderle, Michal: Malá propedeutika přednesu. In Řečiště 1999/4, s. 4-6.

Frynta, Emanuel: Zastřená tvář poezie. Praha: Nakladatelství Franze Kafky 1993.

Hlas, mluva, řeč / Řeč, mluva, hlas. Praha: Ústav pro výzkum a studium autorského herectví DAMU 2006.

Válková, Libuše - Vyskočilová, Eva: Hlas individuality, psychosomatické pojetí hlasové výchovy. Praha: Ústav pro výzkum a studium autorského herectví, KATaP DAMU 2005.

Vyskočil, Ivan a kol.: Dialogické jednání s vnitřním partnerem. Brno: JAMU 2005.

Assessment methods and criteria

Credit is awarded based on: class participation, attendance (75%), paper and disucssions over the recommended readings.

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans