Project Management 4

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
206MGP4 Z 2 24S Czech summer

Subject guarantor

Jarmila Ester FIŠEROVÁ

Name of lecturer(s)

Jarmila Ester FIŠEROVÁ

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The student, in the role of project manager, knows all the strong aspects and knows to use them effectively, reviews one's space for development and demonstrates project management with considerable consideration of t he abilities to negotiate the given project.

Mode of study

Classes in a one-day block. Students work on individual or team contracts from their own work. During this is evaluation of whether all understand the set context and if the course is useful.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

The requirement is previous completion of course 206MGP1-3 Project Management 1-3.

Course contents

Content according to student commissions, ex:


Recommended or required reading

Bahbouh, Radvan: Pohádka o ztracené krajině: psychologie sebekoučování. VI. vydání. Praha: Qed Group, 2018

Crkalová, Anna a Riethof, Norbert: Průvodce světem koučování a osobnostní typologie: inspirace pro praxi. Praha: Management Press, 2012

Doležal J., Máchal P., Lacko B. a kol.: Projektový management podle IPMA, Praha: Grada Publishing, 2009

Fromm, Erich: Umění být, Praha: Naše vojsko, 1994

Glasersfeld, Ernst von: Wissen, Sprache und Wirklichkeit. Arbeiten zum radikalen Konstruktivismus, Braunschweig - Wiesbaden: Vieweg

MÜHLFEIT, Jan a Melina COSTI. Pozitivní leader: jak energie a štěstí pohánějí špičkové týmy na cestě k úspěchu. Přeložil Viktor JUREK. V Brně: Management Press, 2017

Pacovský P.: Člověk a čas, Time Management IV. generace, Praha: Grada Publishing, 2007

Parma, Petr: Systemické koučování, Praha: ISK, 2004

Popper, Karl: Logika vědeckého zkoumání, Praha: Oikoymenh, 1997

Schlippe, Arist von, Schweitzer J.: Systemická terapie a poradenství, Brno: Cesta, 2006

Sinek, Simon: Find your why: a practical guide to discovering purpose for you or your team. New York, New York: Portfolio/Penguin, an imprint of Penguin Random House, [2017]

Assessment methods and criteria

Credit is awarded based on class participation.

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:


Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Fri 09:00–15:30 Jarmila Ester FIŠEROVÁ

The subject is a part of the following study plans