Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 1

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
207DZA1 ZK 3 2T Czech winter

Subject guarantor


Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

To teach students the principles that determined the form of theatre in various historical periods and to give them the societal and artistic context, standing and function of theatre in those periods.

Mode of study

Presentation, screening relevant audio-visual excerpts.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

No requirements.

Course contents

Theatre in the context of the development of Western culture 1 is intended for all first year students in all DAMU studies. The content of the lectures is to introduce the basic features of the developmental phases of European theatre from antiquity to Classicism. Experts in each phase give lectures.

Recommended or required reading

Dějiny divadla v kontextu západní kultury I - ZS

Basic literature

Brockett, Dějiny divadla (příslušné kapitoly)

Stehlíková, Řecké divadlo klasické doby

Stehlíková, Římské divadlo klasické doby

Stehlíková, A co když je to divadlo?

Bohadlová, Flaminio Scala a jeho Il teatro Delle Favole Rappresentative v zrcadle doby

Vostrý, O hercích a herectví (kapitola Maska a tvář)

Mikeš, Divadlo španělského zlatého věku (2. vydání)

Černý, Středověké drama

Dunton-Downer, Shakespeare a jeho svět

Bžochová-Wild, Úvod do shakespearovského divadla

Digrin, Divadlo učenců a diplomatů

Bejblík, Shakespearův svět


Aischylos Oresteia

Sofokles Oidipus vladař

Euripides Medeia

Aristofanes Žáby

Plautus Mostellaria, aneb, Komedie o strašidlech

Seneca Faidra

Mastičkář (in Hrabák, Staročeské drama)

anonym Everyman

de la Chesnay, Odsouzení hostiny

Adam de la Halle Hra v loubí

Machiavelli Mandragora

Lope de Vega Zahradníkův pes, Fuente ovejuna

Calderón Život je sen

Shakespeare Romeo a Julie, Sen noci svatojánské, Richard III., Hamlet, Othello, Král Lear, Bouře

Advanced literature:

Gombrich, Příběh umění (příslušné kapitoly)

Stehlíková, Divadlo za časů Nerona a Seneky

Kratochvíl, Komedie dell´arte

Vostrý, Režie je umění

Fischer-Lichte, Dejiny drámy (příslušné kapitoly)

Carlson, Dejiny divadelných teórií (příslušné kapitoly)

Bachtin, François Rabelais a lidová kultura středověku a renesance

Hilský, Shakespeare a jeviště svět

Jurkowski, Proměny ikonosféry (příslušné kapitoly)

Alžbětinské divadlo I-III

Dějiny Evropy, Praha 1995

Davies, Evropa / Dějiny jednoho kontitnentu, (zejm. Úvod)

Christopher Dawson, Zrození Evropy, viz též Krize západní vzdělanosti a zejm. Porozumět Evropě, zvl. kap. 2 „Evropa a sedm stadií západní kultury“, str. 36-54

Dante Božská komedie (Mikešův výbor)

Boccaccio Dekameron

Assessment methods and criteria

Theatre in the Context of Western Culture I - Winter semester

(Exam Questions)

  1. Greek theatre (origin of theatre, organization and function of theatre festivals, staging conventions, theatre space).
  2. Greek Tragedy (characteristics, playwrights and pieces).
  3. Greek Comedy (characteristics, playwrights and pieces).
  4. Roman theatre (origin of theatre, theatre during the Republic and Empire, staging conventions, theatre space).
  5. Roman theatre (genres - mime, pantomime, atellana, tragedy-comedy - playwrights and pieces).
  6. Theatre in the Middle Ages (origin and sources of theatre, liturgical and sacred theatre, genres, playwrights and pieces).
  7. Commedia dell' arte and Italian Renaissance (Concept of the Renaissance and characteristics of the period, comedia erudita - playwrights and pieces, CD'A - characteristics, staging conventions, types).
  8. Elizabethan theatre (origin and sources, staging conventions, theatre space, public and private theatre, genres, playwrights and pieces - predecessors, contemporaries and followers of W. Shakespeare).
  9. Shakespeare and his drama pieces (influences and sources, genre divisions (historical plays, tragedies, comedies, romances).
  10. Spanish Renaissance comedy nad Spanish theatre of the golden age (sources and influences, organization of theatre life and staging conventions, playwrights and pieces).
  11. Theatre and the Baroque (origins, principles, staging conventions and practice).

Grades and credit award conditional upon completion of the exam over the period covered. The exam is written and (the compensatory oral) and verifies the material mastered at the level presented. Also, a knowledge of the prescribed required literature (trade publications and dramas) and a good bearing in wider social contexts (i.e. in the context of Western culture).

The Dept. of Theory and Critique determines three regular and two make-up exam dates.

Exam material arises from lectures and list of texts and is only oral.

The student is obliged to register for one of the three listed regular exam times.

The second make-up time is completed before two instructors.

A student registered with an unexcused absence is given a grade of X.

A student not registered for any of the regular exam times is automatically given a grade of X.

A student not successful at either of the two make-up times may request a Dean's exam time which is a commision exam.

If the registered student does attend the exam (only for extenuating circumstances), they are to, at least one day prior to the exam, excuse himself/herself to the examiner:

Further information

This course is an elective for all students of this school

Schedule for winter semester 2018/2019:

room S201
Hallerův sál

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)
(lecture parallel2)
Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Wed 09:00–10:30 Eva KYSELOVÁ Hallerův sál
Karlova 26, Praha 1
lecture parallel2

Schedule for summer semester 2018/2019:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

The subject is a part of the following study plans