Video Documentary - Producer

Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
305CVDPX Z 3 Czech winter and summer

Subject guarantor


Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

Studenti si ověřují při praktické tvorbě a výrobě AVD svoje teoretické znalosti. Cílem praktického cvičení je naučit studenty využívat svých teoretických znalostí v praxi, naučit studenty produkce spolupracovat při tvorbě AVD se studenty ostatních oborů a naučit studenty produkce vést celý tým při tvorbě a výrobě AVD.

Mode of study

Independent work by the producer on the exercise. The workshop lead provides the necessary consultation.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Corresponding knowledge of AVD production technology, copyright, commercial law. Ability to independently lead a crew.

Course contents

Student ve funkci produkčního zajišťuje celou realizaci praktického cvičení od přípravných porad a konzultací, přes zpracování rozpočtu a natáčecího plánu, realizační poradu, natáčení, celou postprodukci až po závěrečné vyúčtování se Studiem FAMU.

Recommended or required reading

Autorský zákon, Občanský zákoník, Pracovní právo

Assessment methods and criteria

The condition for the award of credit points for execution of the exercise is the completion of the entire exercise including a confirmation, by the FAMU Studio director (or authorized representative), of all documentation corresponding to the exercise.

The documentation includes, in particular:

All types of contracts (writers, students, cast, co-producers, sponsors, etc), which support the authorization and extent of the law, without which it is not possible to register the work. (not forgetting copyright for music use)

Literary or technical screenplay

Production list and journal of executive meetings

Daily reports (dailies)

Composition of music

Final budget, final production report

Sub-title document

The student work grading for the exercise is performed by the workshop lead.

The award of the appropriate credit for the exercise is performed by the department head after the student has submitted the aforementioned confirmation from the FAMU Studio and the approval of the workshop lead.


Full credit points are received by the student who works on the entire exercise as the head of production with complete responsibility for the successfull execution of the exercise and fulfillment of the aforementioned conditions and execution of the exercise without an assistant.

Reduced credit points are received by the student who works on the entire exercise as the head of production with complete responsibility for the successfull execution of the exercise and fulfillment of the aforementioned condtions and execution of the exercise with a production assistent.

Reduced credit points are received by the student who works on the entire exercise as the production assistant and the head of production (upon agreement with the workshop head) has no objections to the work.

Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans