Filmmaker - Lecturer

Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
306MFP Z 1 2/D Czech winter

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The course aim is to support the teaching abilities of the film students and graduates oriented toward formal and informal education. Film/Audio-visual education is sporadically taught in Czech schools. There are no certified teachers. We wish to change this situation.

Mode of study

Individual lecturers will present inspiring examples and case studies of their work at the colloquium. Students will be able to ask their own questions at the end - during the round-table. The class will develop through discussion and partial presentations by individual students.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

For course credit students are required to comple the Filmmaker - Instructor (1.12, HAMU gallery) and Filmmaker - Instructor (8.12, FAMU, Editing Dept) colloquia. Prior to completing the classes students, via email, preparatory information.

Course contents

Film education is a course whose introduction into Czech schools has be discussed since the 1960s. Throughout the 50 years it has continually returned to one topic. Who is to be taught? Instructors do not have a film education and filmmakers no teaching education. We wish to bring this to light in the context of considerations of introducing teaching minimums for FAMU students.

The module is comprised of two parts: a colloquium and classes. During the colloquium FAMU representatives, guest academics and some members of the Association for Film and Audio-visual Education will be presented. Students will be introduced to the approach of individual institutions for supporting teaching all students and graduates. The classes will discuss various issues. We wish to gain feedback to the ideas of introducing teaching minimums and assist students to use their particular know-how in the teaching process. Film research and Education Faculty students also attend the module providing for inter-disciplinary discussions. Registered students will recieve prior to completion instructions for preparation.

Recommended or required reading

Sobotová, Pavla: Filmař pedagogem, aneb praktický sborník pedagogických přístupů a postupů. FAMU, 2017.

Forejtová Lipovská, Alexandra: Soudobé snahy o prosazení filmové / audiovizuální výchovy ve všeobecném vzdělávání. Katedra filmových studií, FF UK, 2013.

Harapátová, Lucie: Filmová a audiovizuální výchova jako téma absolventských prací., 2016.

Assessment methods and criteria

Students will be graded for attendance, participation and preparations for the classroom section of the module.


Lecturer CV:

Jiří Forejt

Dramaturgist, instructor, methodologist. Graduate of Film and Television Production at FAMU. Author and initiator of the concept of working with the public implemented 2013-2016 at Ponrepo Cinema. He started the establishment of the Film Education Dept. at the National Film Archive. He is founder and president of the management board at Free Cinema Pofiv ops. He is a producer at Free Cinema Films. He collaborates with Project 100 distributer as a methodologist. Since 2016 he has organized education seminars for film professionals, „How to Introduce Film.“ Since 2017 he has been a dramaturgist at the Marienbad Film Festival. Currenly he is working on his doctoral research focused on working with the public in cinema spaces. At FAMU he teaches on topics related to film education, working with the public, cinematographic attraction and Italian film.

Martin Čihák

Studied at the Mathematics-Physics Faculty of Charles University (teaching) then graduated from the Film and Television Faculty -FAMU (Editing Dept.) and finally post-graduate studies at the Film Research Dept of the Faculty of Philosophy of Charles University where he defended his dissertation „Composite Procedures of the Film Avant-garde“ which in broadened and revised form was published at NAMU under the title „Immersion in Cinema.“ In the book „Distance Assembly of Artavazd Peleshian (NAMU, 2017), he published the text “Didactics of Distance" devoted to issues in teaching distance assembly.

David Čeněk

Completed the Education Faculty of the Southern Bohemia University (French and Spanish). In 2004, he completed film research studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, Charles University where he was an assistant, lecturing at FAMU. He specializes in the history of Latin American, Frech and Spanish film and African or Arab Cinema. He has long been devoted to the topic of film education, visual anthropoligy, ethnographic documentaries and representation of aboriginal peoples in film. He publishes writings in Cinepur and A2 magazines. With Helena Bendova he prepared and translated as well as collaborated on the Jean-Luc Godard publication, texts and interviews and with Tereza Porybna, an Anthology of Visual Anthropology - Culture of life and the observed. As a dramaturgist he has worked on the MFDF Jihlava, Febiofest festivals, Summer Film School at Uherské Hradište and the Festival of Spanish Film La Pelicula.

Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

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