Media Archeology
Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
373AM | ZK | 2 | 3T | English, Czech | summer |
Subject guarantor
Name of lecturer(s)
Learning outcomes of the course unit
Students are acquainted with the history of media-archeology research: They receive an overview of key methods, understand the importance of research and the history of media in a societal context including so called forgotten concepts in the sense of parallel histories of media.
Mode of study
Lecture, readings, discussion
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Course contents
This course offers a glimpse into the history, theory and practical aspects related to the interdisciplinary field of; archeology of audio-visual media. Part of the course will be an acquaintance with the genealogy of this field of research including its social, techological and artistic research context in Czech and internatioanl context. The course reflects current changes related to the digitalization and convergence processes of media, including questions of archiving and restoration of media artefacts. It guides the students in the terminology, methodologies and historical issues of various area interpretations of this relatively recent and quickly developing area. This course focuses on the history and contemporary field of audio-visuality. Individual lectures cover the rise and fall of various forms of the technical image (photography, film, video), archeology of capturing technology, transmission of signal, creation of sound (audio recordings, networks, codes, signals with a view to current issues of archiving, restoration, migration and distribution.
In contrast to a linear concept of the classical concept of the history of (media) art, the archeology of media offers potential use through cross discussion, use of free methods and exact and humanities studies and inspires the frequent creation of new media artists (Paul de Marinis, Paul Panhuysen, Jeffrey Shaw, Werner Nekes, Gustav Deutsch, Petre Forgacs, Martin Howse, Zoe Beloff, Gerhard Sengmueller, Andrej Smirnov). Part of Media archaeology research focuses, as well, on issues of inter-textuality, remediation and the ecology of post-media society, or the genealogy of narrative samples, migrating across time and areas of the written word, graphic depiction, history of research, technique, philosophy or anthropology.
Archaeology of media - history of the discipline
Key concepts
Methods of media archaeology research
Case Studies (multi-media works (Woody Vasulka), a film piece and its archiving, an audio-visual piece and its remediation, devices and software programs and their emulations)
13.2 cancelled
20.2. Miloš Vojtěchovský introduction
27.2. Miloš Vojtěchovský: Time Machines
6.3. Lucie Česálková
13.3. Robert Horvitz
20.3. Matěj Strnad
27.3. Kateřina Svatoňová
3.4. Tomáš Dvořák
10.4. Karel Piorecký
24.4. Milan Guštar
10.5. Verena Kuni, eng
15.5. Jussi Parikka, eng
- 5. Bernd Herzogenrath: Decasia - Matter that ‘Images’, eng
May lectures for OPEN EYE on Wednesday evening
Recommended or required reading
Basic bibliography:
Jussi Parikka: What is Media Archaeology? London, Polity Press, 2012, ISBN: 9780745650265
Barbara Maria Stafford and Frances Terpak Devices of Wonder: From the World in a Box to Images on a Screen, Getty Foundation
Erkki Huhtamo, Jussi Parikka (eds.): Media Archaeology: Approaches, Applications, and Implications, UC press 2011
Friedrich A. Kittler, Optical media. Berlin Lectures 1999. Cambridge: Polity Press 2010.
Addl. bibliography (selection)
Barbara Büscher – Jana Horáková, Imaginary Spaces. Raum/Prostor - Medien/Média -
Performance/Performance. Praha: KLP 2008.
Tomáš Dvořák, Sběrné suroviny. Texty, obrazy a zvuky nedávné minulosti. Praha: Filosofia 2009.
Thomas Elsaesser, The New Film History as Media Archeology. CiNéMAS, roč. 14, 2004, č. 2-3., s.75-117.
Oliver Grau, MediaArtHistories. Massachusetts: New The MIT Press 2007.
Alison Griffithsová, „Pohyblivé obrazy nebes“. Pohroužení do vesmírného divadla planetária. Iluminace roč. 20, 2008, č. 3 (71), s. 68-106.
Erkki Huhtamo, „Od kybernetizace k interakci: příspěvek k archeologii interaktivity“. Teorie vědy, roč.
26, 2004, č. 2, s. 81-92.
Friedrich A. Kittler, „Gramofon, film, psací stroj“, Teorie vědy, trans. Silvia Vedrödiová, No. 2, Vol. 11, pp 33-55. Translation of the Introduction. Reprinted in Kapitoly z dějin a teorie umění, ed. Tomáš Dvořák, 2010, pp 51-68.
Friedrich A. Kittler, Discourse Networks 1800 / 1900, trans. Michael Metteer with Chris Cullens, Stanford University Press, 1990.
Eric Kluitenberg (ed.), Book of imaginary Media: excavating the dream of the ultimate communication medium. Rotterdam: NAi Publishers 2006.
Jussi Parikka, Digital Contagions: A Media Archeology of Computer Viruses, New York: Peter Lang, 2007
Dieter Daniels, Barbara U. Schmidt (eds.), Artists as Inventors-Inventors as Artists, Hatje Cantz, 2008
Carolyn Marvin, When Old Technologies Were New. Thinking About Electric Communication in the
Late Nineteenth Century. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press 1988.
Avital Ronell, The Telephone Book. Technology, Schizophrenia, Electric Speech. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press 1989
William Uricchio, Media, Simultaneity, Convergence. Culture and Technology in an Age of Intermediality. Utrecht: Universiteit Utrecht 1997
Wolfgang Ernst, „Let there be irony. Cultural history and media archaeology in parallel lines". Art History, roč. 28, 2005, 5, s. 582-603.
Wolfgang Ernst, „Medienarchäologie. Eine Provokation der Kommunikationsgeschichte“. In: Habbo Knoch – Daniel Morat (Hg.), Kommunikation als Beobachtung. Medienwandel und Gesellschaftsbilder 1880-1960. München: Fink 2003. s. 37-56.
Siegfried Zielinski, The Deep Time of the Media. Toward an Archaeology of Hearing and Seeing by Technical Means. Cambridge: The MIT Press 2006.
Siegfried Zielinski – Silvia M. Wagnermaier (eds.). Variantology I. On Deep Time Relations of Art, Science and Technologies. Berlin: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter König 2005.
Siegfried Zielinski – David Link (eds.). Variantology II. On Deep Time Relations of Art, Science and Technologies. Berlin: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walter König 2006
Siefried Zielinski, Audiovisons. Cinema and Television as Entr’Actes in History. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press 1999
Paul DeMarinis, Buried in Noise, Kehrer, 2011
Bruce Sterling: DeadMediaNotebook
Assessment methods and criteria
Oral exam. Checking the knowledged of the presented material and required study material
Informace o lektorech:
Mgr. Tomáš Dvořák, Ph.D (FAMU)
History and theory of media archeologz
Eric Rosenzveig
Mgr. Miloš Vojtěchovský
Time Machines: art, archeology, dead media and the concept of deep time
PhDr. Jaroslav Anděl
Archeology of thought and transdisciplinarianism
Ing. Milan Guštar, Ph.D (HAMU)
Archeology of electronic devices
PhDr. Kateřina Svatoňová, Ph.D. FFUK
Archeology of media in the Bohemia. (history of virtual reality, archeology of media, audio-visual alternatives, history of optical media)
Doc.Lucie Česálková Ph.D.
Archeology of immersion or Archeology of interactivity
NFU oddělení výzkumu Tel: 778 522 713
archeology of the moving image and audio-visual media
Mgr. Matěj Strnad, NFA
Encyklopedia, libraries, archives and education (comments on the history and practice of archiving)
Methods of archiving and restoration of media content
Robert Horvitz
Non-linear history and signal phenomenology
Prof. Dr. Verena Kuni M.A.
Visual Culture at Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main.
Dr. Hanna Rose Shell
Program in Science, Technology, and Society
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
hrshell (at)
Jussi Parikka
Technological Culture & Aesthetics at Winchester School of Art (University of Southampton).
Mercedes Bunz
Senior Lecturer at the University of Westminster, London, Multimedia Journalism and Social Media
Further information
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans
- Scriptwriting and Dramaturgy - Bachelor-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Scriptwriting and Dramaturgy - Master-1819 (optional subject)
- Scriptwriting and Dramaturgy - Master-1819 (optional subject)
- Film Directing_Bachelor-1718 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Film Directing - Master-1718 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Film Directing - Master-1718 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Documentary Film - Bachelor - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Documentary Film - Master - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Documentary Film - Master - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Cinematography - Bachelor - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Cinematography - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Cinematography - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Production - Bachelor-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Production - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Production - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Editing - Bachelor-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Editing - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Editing - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Photography CZ - Bachelor - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Photography CZ - Master - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Photography CZ - Master - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Restoring of Photogrphy (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Sound Design - Bachelor-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Sound Design - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Sound Design - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Animation - Bachelor - 1718 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Animation - Master - 1718 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Animation - Master - 1718 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Audiovisual Studies - Bachelor - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Audiovisual Studies - Master - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Audiovisual Studies - Master - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)