History and Theory of Visual Arts and Architecture 4

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
373DVU4 ZK 3 2T Czech summer

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The aim of this course in not only to deliver a basic image of a given section of European visual culture development and mediate a basic collection of works and style attributes which are an expression of our collective visual memory, but also to provide and cultivate a grasp and understanding of historical visual artifacts with their relationships and contexts.

Mode of study

Lecture + screenings

Prerequisites and co-requisites

This course assumes a basic orientation in the history of art and European cultural history and a visual sensitivity required for this level of study at FAMU.

Course contents


  1. Urbanization, changes in value hierarchies in relationship to a city.
  2. Rearrangement of private and public, sacral and profane relationships.
  3. Development of residence as the origin of mastering the material surroundings.
  4. Science and art - Issues of precise historicism.
  5. Style and architecture, tradition and innovation.
  6. Precise historicism and the semiotics of the visual aspect of an environment.
  7. The history of art and distribution of historical art works.
  8. Medialization of architecture - photography and „light images.“
  9. Mustrbuch issues and collage principles
  10. New interpretations - industrial and agricultural constructions, stations, sewer systems.
  11. National content forms of their communication
  12. Issues in the relations of national style and international Central-European historicism.
  13. Constituting Czech and German architecture in our country.
  14. Sacral architecture and the national program
  15. Changes in the visual aspects of cities - public transport, public lighting.
  16. The corzo and cafe phenomena (a cross section)
  17. Art and visual everyday life.
  18. Formation of the awareness of the value of historical surroundings.
  19. Reclamation issues.
  20. An analysis of precise historicism.


  1. Late historicism - architecture the public.
  2. Particulars of Czech Neo-Baroque.
  3. The World Exposition Jubilee and the Czechoslovak ethnographic exhibit.
  4. „High“ and folk architecture.
  5. Museums and Registry practice
  6. Architecture education, professional organizations, Vienna-Prague relations, respectively Vienna-Brno.
  7. National Architecture and multi-cultural environments.
  8. Reflections on architecture beyond territorial monarchies.
  9. Routes in the beginning of early modernity.
  10. Intellectual foundation of early modernity.
  11. Justice and architecture.
  12. Development of residence.


  2. Architecture and expression.
  3. Cubist Architecture theory and its sources.
  4. Architecture - program - theory - historiography
  5. Modern Architecture semantic issues.
  6. Relationship to historical surroundings, the role of the Klub za starou Prahu (The Club for Old Prague)
  7. Construction and reflections on periods.
  8. Reception of Czech Cubist Architecture (a cross section)
  9. Investigating new state and national representative architecture after the birth of independent Czechoslovakia and victory of national decoratism.
  10. Monumental architecture issues.
  11. Background of style - parallel rusticalization of cubist accidence
  12. Relations of architecture and other types of art, respectively the architect and other artists.


  1. Architecture and WWI.
  2. The issues of the modernistic image of architecture development.
  3. Architectural „mainstream“ and style pluralism.
  4. Butterbur Romanticism.
  5. Relationship of Purism and formation of Functionalism.
  6. Science vs. Art, Constructivism and „the regular eradication of art.“
  7. Shifting of the time of Architecture.
  8. Czech, Moravian and Silesian cities and metropolitan architecture issues.
  9. The tradition and cult of modernity, the genius loci as superstition.
  10. Medialization of architecture, architecture - photography - film
  11. New relations to natural situations - sport and recreational architecture, camping.
  12. Architecture and politics, architecture and ideology, architecture and utopia.
  13. Residence, variations in the treatment in private and public relationships, individual and collective.
  14. The architect as an organizer of all life functions.
  15. Functionalism and modern classicism, monument architecture issues.
  16. Science - theory - program - „internal historiography.“
  17. Architecture and WWII.
  18. The eradication of Functionalism and its residue

Recommended or required reading

Seznam povinné literatury:

Umberto Eco (ed.), Dějiny krásy. Praha 2005.

Jacek Debicki - Jean-François Favre - Dietrich Grünewald - Antonio Filipe Pimentel: Dějiny umění. Malířství - sochařství - architektura. Praha 2001.

Ernst Hans Gombrich: Příběh umění. Praha 1992, 2. vyd. Praha b. r.

Wilfried Koch: Evropská architektura. Encyklopedie evropské architektury od antiky po současnost. Praha 1998.

Seznam doporučené literatury:

Jaroslav Anděl, Nová vize. Avantgardní architektura v avantgardní fotografii: Československo 1918 - 1938. B. m. 2005.

Jan Baleka, Výtvarné umění. Výkladový slovník (malířství, sochařství, grafika). Praha 1997.

Dějiny architektury (ed. M. Reaburn). Praha 1993.

Dějiny českého výtvarného umění III (ed. T. Petrasová - H. Lorenzová). Praha 2001.

Dějiny českého výtvarného umění IV (ed. V. Lahoda - M. Nešlehová - M. Platovská - R. Švácha - L. Bydžovská). Praha 1998.

Encyklopedie architektů, stavitelů, zedníků a kameníků v Čechách. Praha 2004.

Kenneth Frampton: Moderní architektura. Kritické dějiny. Praha 2004.

Wolfhart Henckmann - Konrad Lotter, Estetický slovník. Praha 1995.

Rostislav Koryčánek: Česká architektura v německém Brně. Brno 2003.

Nová encyklopedie českého výtvarného umění (ed. A. Horová). Praha 1995.

Nová encyklopedie českého výtvarného umění. Dodatky (ed. A. Horová). Praha 2006.

Josef Pechar - Petr Urlich: Programy české architektury. Praha 1981.

Rostislav Švácha: Od moderny k funkcionalismu. Proměny pražské architektury první poloviny dvacátého století. Praha 1995.

Rostislav Švácha - Jan Malý: Lomené, hranaté a obloukové tvary. Česká kubistická architektura 1911 - 1923. Praha 2000.

Jindřich Vybíral: Česká architektura na prahu moderní doby. Devatenáct esejů o devatenáctém století. Praha 2002.

Jindřich Vybíral: Mladí mistři. Architekti ze školy Otto Wagnera na Moravě a ve Slezsku. Praha 2002.

Jindřich Vybíral: Století dědiců a zakladatelů. Architektura jižních Čech v období historismu. Praha 1999.

Pavel Zatloukal: Příběhy z dlouhého století. Architektura let 1750 - 1918 na Moravě a ve Slezsku. Olomouc 2002.

Obrazový materiál k přednáškám je v digitální podobě k dispozici u vyučujícího.

Assessment methods and criteria

Attendance at lectures + completion of assignments. Completed assignments to be sent to: czumalo@gmail.com


Course is held every 3 years. The course has been announced for the 2010/2011 school year.

Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans