History and Theory of Visual Arts and Architecture 4
Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
373DVU4 | ZK | 3 | 2T | Czech | summer |
Subject guarantor
Name of lecturer(s)
Learning outcomes of the course unit
The aim of this course in not only to deliver a basic image of a given section of European visual culture development and mediate a basic collection of works and style attributes which are an expression of our collective visual memory, but also to provide and cultivate a grasp and understanding of historical visual artifacts with their relationships and contexts.
Mode of study
Lecture + screenings
Prerequisites and co-requisites
This course assumes a basic orientation in the history of art and European cultural history and a visual sensitivity required for this level of study at FAMU.
Course contents
- Urbanization, changes in value hierarchies in relationship to a city.
- Rearrangement of private and public, sacral and profane relationships.
- Development of residence as the origin of mastering the material surroundings.
- Science and art - Issues of precise historicism.
- Style and architecture, tradition and innovation.
- Precise historicism and the semiotics of the visual aspect of an environment.
- The history of art and distribution of historical art works.
- Medialization of architecture - photography and „light images.“
- Mustrbuch issues and collage principles
- New interpretations - industrial and agricultural constructions, stations, sewer systems.
- National content forms of their communication
- Issues in the relations of national style and international Central-European historicism.
- Constituting Czech and German architecture in our country.
- Sacral architecture and the national program
- Changes in the visual aspects of cities - public transport, public lighting.
- The corzo and cafe phenomena (a cross section)
- Art and visual everyday life.
- Formation of the awareness of the value of historical surroundings.
- Reclamation issues.
- An analysis of precise historicism.
- Late historicism - architecture the public.
- Particulars of Czech Neo-Baroque.
- The World Exposition Jubilee and the Czechoslovak ethnographic exhibit.
- „High“ and folk architecture.
- Museums and Registry practice
- Architecture education, professional organizations, Vienna-Prague relations, respectively Vienna-Brno.
- National Architecture and multi-cultural environments.
- Reflections on architecture beyond territorial monarchies.
- Routes in the beginning of early modernity.
- Intellectual foundation of early modernity.
- Justice and architecture.
- Development of residence.
- Architecture and expression.
- Cubist Architecture theory and its sources.
- Architecture - program - theory - historiography
- Modern Architecture semantic issues.
- Relationship to historical surroundings, the role of the Klub za starou Prahu (The Club for Old Prague)
- Construction and reflections on periods.
- Reception of Czech Cubist Architecture (a cross section)
- Investigating new state and national representative architecture after the birth of independent Czechoslovakia and victory of national decoratism.
- Monumental architecture issues.
- Background of style - parallel rusticalization of cubist accidence
- Relations of architecture and other types of art, respectively the architect and other artists.
- Architecture and WWI.
- The issues of the modernistic image of architecture development.
- Architectural „mainstream“ and style pluralism.
- Butterbur Romanticism.
- Relationship of Purism and formation of Functionalism.
- Science vs. Art, Constructivism and „the regular eradication of art.“
- Shifting of the time of Architecture.
- Czech, Moravian and Silesian cities and metropolitan architecture issues.
- The tradition and cult of modernity, the genius loci as superstition.
- Medialization of architecture, architecture - photography - film
- New relations to natural situations - sport and recreational architecture, camping.
- Architecture and politics, architecture and ideology, architecture and utopia.
- Residence, variations in the treatment in private and public relationships, individual and collective.
- The architect as an organizer of all life functions.
- Functionalism and modern classicism, monument architecture issues.
- Science - theory - program - „internal historiography.“
- Architecture and WWII.
- The eradication of Functionalism and its residue
Recommended or required reading
Seznam povinné literatury:
Umberto Eco (ed.), Dějiny krásy. Praha 2005.
Jacek Debicki - Jean-François Favre - Dietrich Grünewald - Antonio Filipe Pimentel: Dějiny umění. Malířství - sochařství - architektura. Praha 2001.
Ernst Hans Gombrich: Příběh umění. Praha 1992, 2. vyd. Praha b. r.
Wilfried Koch: Evropská architektura. Encyklopedie evropské architektury od antiky po současnost. Praha 1998.
Seznam doporučené literatury:
Jaroslav Anděl, Nová vize. Avantgardní architektura v avantgardní fotografii: Československo 1918 - 1938. B. m. 2005.
Jan Baleka, Výtvarné umění. Výkladový slovník (malířství, sochařství, grafika). Praha 1997.
Dějiny architektury (ed. M. Reaburn). Praha 1993.
Dějiny českého výtvarného umění III (ed. T. Petrasová - H. Lorenzová). Praha 2001.
Dějiny českého výtvarného umění IV (ed. V. Lahoda - M. Nešlehová - M. Platovská - R. Švácha - L. Bydžovská). Praha 1998.
Encyklopedie architektů, stavitelů, zedníků a kameníků v Čechách. Praha 2004.
Kenneth Frampton: Moderní architektura. Kritické dějiny. Praha 2004.
Wolfhart Henckmann - Konrad Lotter, Estetický slovník. Praha 1995.
Rostislav Koryčánek: Česká architektura v německém Brně. Brno 2003.
Nová encyklopedie českého výtvarného umění (ed. A. Horová). Praha 1995.
Nová encyklopedie českého výtvarného umění. Dodatky (ed. A. Horová). Praha 2006.
Josef Pechar - Petr Urlich: Programy české architektury. Praha 1981.
Rostislav Švácha: Od moderny k funkcionalismu. Proměny pražské architektury první poloviny dvacátého století. Praha 1995.
Rostislav Švácha - Jan Malý: Lomené, hranaté a obloukové tvary. Česká kubistická architektura 1911 - 1923. Praha 2000.
Jindřich Vybíral: Česká architektura na prahu moderní doby. Devatenáct esejů o devatenáctém století. Praha 2002.
Jindřich Vybíral: Mladí mistři. Architekti ze školy Otto Wagnera na Moravě a ve Slezsku. Praha 2002.
Jindřich Vybíral: Století dědiců a zakladatelů. Architektura jižních Čech v období historismu. Praha 1999.
Pavel Zatloukal: Příběhy z dlouhého století. Architektura let 1750 - 1918 na Moravě a ve Slezsku. Olomouc 2002.
Obrazový materiál k přednáškám je v digitální podobě k dispozici u vyučujícího.
Assessment methods and criteria
Attendance at lectures + completion of assignments. Completed assignments to be sent to: czumalo@gmail.com
Course is held every 3 years. The course has been announced for the 2010/2011 school year.
Further information
No schedule has been prepared for this course
The subject is a part of the following study plans
- Scriptwriting and Dramaturgy - Bachelor-1819 (optional subject)
- Scriptwriting and Dramaturgy - Master-1819 (optional subject)
- Scriptwriting and Dramaturgy - Master-1819 (optional subject)
- Film Directing_Bachelor-1718 (optional subject)
- Film Directing - Master-1718 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Film Directing - Master-1718 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Documentary Film - Bachelor - 1819 (optional subject)
- Documentary Film - Master - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Documentary Film - Master - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Cinematography - Bachelor - 1819 (optional subject)
- Cinematography - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Cinematography - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Production - Bachelor-1819 (optional subject)
- Production - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Production - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Editing - Bachelor-1819 (optional subject)
- Editing - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Editing - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Photography CZ - Bachelor - 1819 (optional subject)
- Photography CZ - Master - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Photography CZ - Master - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Restoring of Photogrphy (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Sound Design - Bachelor-1819 (optional subject)
- Sound Design - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Sound Design - Master-1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Animation - Bachelor - 1718 (optional subject)
- Animation - Master - 1718 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Animation - Master - 1718 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Audiovisual Studies - Bachelor - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Audiovisual Studies - Master - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)
- Audiovisual Studies - Master - 1819 (required optional subject, optional subject)