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Study plan Harp (Bc) – 3rd year

Study of qualification: Harp
String Instruments Department
Study programme: Art of Music
Study type: Bachelor's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Povinné předměty hlavní
Harp Playing 105HA5 Z 11 2T 105HA6 Z 12 2T
Harp Seminar 105SHA5 Z 2 2T 105SHA6 Z 2 2T
Play in Orchestra 100HO5 Z 3 BLOK 100HO6 Z 3 BLOK
Chamber Music Playing 121KH5 Z 4 2T 121KH6 ZK 4 2T
Orchestral Parts and Solos for Harp 105PHA5 Z 1 1T 105PHA6 ZK 1 1T
Minimal number of credits per semester 21 22
Povinné předměty s možností opakovaného zapsání
Music History 108DHU5 ZK 4 2T
Music Aesthetics 108HES1 Z 5 1+1/T 108HES2 ZK 5 1+1/T
Concert Practical 105KP2 Z 1
Music Theory Pre-seminar of Making Theses 108PTKP Z 1 1T
Minimal number of credits per semester 9 6
Compulsory optional subjects
Theoretical Foundation (Bc) - required elective for the 3rd year of studies Z 1 1+1/T ZK 1 1+1/T
Minimal number of credits per semester 1 1
Optional subjects
Movement and Relaxation Training - elective
Physical Education - elective
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Total number of set credits 31 29
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects -1 1
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30 30
Foreign language (Bc) - required elective [702CJB]

Studium cizího jazyka musí být zakončeno zkouškou na úrovni B1 nebo vyšší.

Physical Education - elective [703TV]

Další výběr je v nabídce Centra pohybové přípravy, sportu a rehabilitace AMU.