Dialogue Acting and Meditation 2

Display Schedule

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
202DJM2 Z 2 2T English, Czech summer

Subject guarantor


Name of lecturer(s)


Learning outcomes of the course unit

Dialogue with and internal partner is a psychosomatic discipline, whose creator is Prof. Ivan Vyskočil.

In general this may be:

Meditation rests in a systematic development of energy, concentration and remembering experiences noticed. The course is to help integrate these skills into experimentation in dialogue.

Mode of study

Class of individual trials in groups.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Creativity, analysis and review skills. The classes are intended for students aware of the fundamentals of dialogue.

Course contents

The study takes place in 6-12 member groups. An inseparable part of the course is regular review - through the method of introspection the student learns to identify the most significant issues which arise from the individual stance. Review is further developed and evaluated.

Recommended or required reading

Buber, Martin: Já a ty. Olomouc: Votobia 1995.

Fink, Eugen: Oáza štěstí. Praha: Mladá fronta 1992.

Chah, Ajahn (1982): A Taste Of Freedom. Bung Wai Forest Monastery

Nyanaponika Théra (1995). Jádro buddhistické meditace. Praha: DharmaGaia.

Sujiva (2006). Základy meditace vhledu. Praha: DharmaGaia.

Vyskočil, Ivan a kol. Dialogické jednání s vnitřním partnerem. Brno: JAMU 2004. (Zde i další doporučená literatura.)

Sborníky KATaP a Ústavu pro výzkum a studium autorského herectví:

Dialogické jednání jako otevřená otázka. Praha: AMU 1997.

Psychosomatický základ veřejného vystupování. Praha: AMU 2000.

Hic sunt leones /o autorském herectví/. Praha: Ústav pro výzkum a studium autorského herectví DAMU 2003.

Herecká propedeutika proč, pro koho a jak? Praha: Ústav pro výzkum a studium autorského herectví DAMU 2006.

Hlas, mluva, řeč/Řeč, mluva, hlas. Praha: Ústav pro výzkum a studium autorského herectví DAMU

Psychosomatika & Pohyb. Praha: Ústav pro výzkum a studium autorského herectví DAMU 2008.

Osobnostní herectví - učitelství. Praha: 2010.

Autor - autorství. Praha: NAMU 2010.

Assessment methods and criteria

Credit is awarded primarily based on one's experiments during the course. The requirement to successfully complete the course is also on-going written reviews. Presumed is , as well, an acquaintance with the recommended literature.

Schedule for winter semester 2019/2020:

The schedule has not yet been prepared

Schedule for summer semester 2019/2020:

room R313

(Karlova 26, Praha 1)


Date Day Time Tutor Location Notes No. of paralel
Tue 09:30–12:30 Učebna
Karlova 26, Praha 1

The subject is a part of the following study plans