Simplified study plan Arts Management (B.A.)

Department of Arts Management

Study of qualification: Production
Study programme: Dramatic Arts

Study type: Bachelor's Programme

Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified

1st year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
206ZDP1 Basics of Theatre Producing 1 ZK 2
207ZDP1 Basics of Theatre Terminology 1 ZK 2
206KUA1 Culture and Social Communication I. 1 Z 1
206DSC1 Czech Theatre Infrastructure 1 Z 1
702SAP1 English For Theatre And Music Management 1 Z 1
206FRA1 Fundraising I. Z 1
206ZMG1 Introduction to Management & Marketing 1 ZK 1
206USE1 Introductory Seminar Z 1
206MAK1 Media and Communication 1 Z 1
206PTA1 Production Practice I. 1 Z 2
206SYA1 Symposiums and Conferences I. 1 Z 1
206DAN1 Taxes and Accounting 1 ZK 2
206MNT1 Team Management 1 Z 1
207DZA1 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 1 ZK 3
206DSM1 Theatre Seminar 1 ZK 2
Required courses credits 22
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
305PR1 Law 1 ZK 3
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies

Summer semester


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 8
Total number of credits per grade 60

2nd year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
702SAP3 English For Theatre And Music Management 3 Z 1
206MDP1 Media in practice ZK 3
206PTB2 Production Practice II. 2 Z 4
206MGP1 Project Management 1 Z 1
206KSS1 Social media communication 1 Z 1
206SYB1 Symposiums and Conferences II. 1 Z 1
206TAV2 Technology and scenery fabrication 2 Z 1
207DZB1 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 1 ZK 3
207DCK1 Theatre in the Czech Culture 1 ZK 3
206MKD1 Theatre Marketing 1 Z 2
Required courses credits 20
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
206ATR1 Copyright Law 1 Z 2
305PR1 Law 1 ZK 3
206PJB1 Project II. 1 Z 3
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
702SAP4 English For Theatre And Music Management 4 ZK 2
206DPR1 History of Theatre from the Arts Management View 1 Z 2
206PDA1 Producing Theatre I. 1 ZK 3
206PDA2 Producing Theatre I. 2 ZK 3
206PTB3 Production Practice II. 3 Z 5
206MGP2 Project Management 2 Z 3
207DZB2 Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 2 ZK 3
207DCK2 Theatre in the Czech Culture 2 ZK 3
206MKD2 Theatre Marketing 2 ZK 3
Required courses credits 27
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
206ATR2 Copyright Law 2 ZK 3
206PJB1 Project II. 1 Z 3
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 13
Total number of credits per grade 60

3rd year

Winter semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
206RKM1 Advertisement and Communication 1 Z 2
206BKS1 Bachelor seminar 1 Z 2
206SMR1 Contracting practice 1 ZK 2
204DJF1 Dramaturgy as a Function 1 Z 1
206KDI1 Economy of the Theatre Operation 1 ZK 3
702SAP5 English For Theatre And Music Management 5 ZK 3
206SOD1 History and Theory of Theatre Seminar 1 ZK 2
206DPR2 History of Theatre from the Arts Management View 2 Z 2
305PR4 Law 4 ZK 3
206MPL1 Media Policy and Legislation 1 Z 2
206GPO1 Politics of Grants 1 Z 3
206PDB1 Producing Theatre II. 1 ZK 3
206MGP3 Project Management 3 Z 2
206SYC1 Symposiums and Conferences III. 1 Z 1
Required courses credits 31
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
206ATR1 Copyright Law 1 Z 2
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies

Summer semester

Required subjects
Code Name Completion Credits
206BKS2 Bachelor seminar 2 Z 2
206SMR2 Contracting practice 2 ZK 2
204DJF2 Dramaturgy as a Function 2 ZK 1
206KDI2 Economy of the Theatre Operation 2 ZK 3
206SOD2 History and Theory of Theatre Seminar 2 ZK 2
206MPL2 Media Policy and Legislation 2 ZK 2
206PDB2 Producing Theatre II. 2 ZK 3
206MGP4 Project Management 4 Z 2
206ISU1 The Infrastructure of the Arts ZK 3
206SHD1 Theory and Administration of a Multi-group Theatre 1 ZK 3
Required courses credits 23
Required courses (to be passed in any semester of studies)
Code Name Completion Credits
206ATR2 Copyright Law 2 ZK 3
Credits are taken into account in semester in which the course was accomplished
It is possible to pass the course in any semester of studies


Suggested number of credits achieved from electives 6
Total number of credits per grade 60