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Study plan Scenography - Costume and mask (M.A.) – 1st year

Study of qualification: Costume design
Department of Stage Design
Study programme: Stage Design
Study type: Continuing Master's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Povinné předměty hlavní
Costume and Mask 203KOM1 ZK 8 8T 203KOM2 ZK 8 8T
Minimal number of credits per semester 8 8
Required subjects
History of Stage Design
203DSI1 Z 5 3T 203DSI2 ZK 5 3T
Drawing and Painting 203KML1 Z 3 4T 203KML2 ZK 3 4T
Visualisation of Scenographic Project 203VSM1 ZK 3 3T 203VSM2 ZK 3 3T
Evolutional Tendencies of Occidental Theatre within Modern Culture. 201VTZ1 Z 2 3T
History of Clothing 203DOO1 Z 3 1T 203DOO2 ZK 4 1T
Film Costume
203KOF1 ZK 2 3T 203KOF2 ZK 2 3T
Kostýmní realizační praxe
203KRP1 Z 2 20S 203KRP2 Z 2 20S
Technology of Costume Making
203KTC1 Z 2 1T 203KTC2 Z 2 1T
Minimal number of credits per semester 20 23
Povinné předměty s možností opakovaného zapsání
English for Students of Theatre 702DAOU3 ZK 3 2T 702DAOU4 ZK 3 2T
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Optional subjects
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Total number of set credits 28 31
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects 2 -1
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30 30

Subjects of profiling base

Subject Type During final examination the following will be evaluated
Costume and Mask 1 (203KOM1) BS Diploma thesis
Costume and Mask 1 (203KOM1) BS Graduate performance
Costume and Mask 2 (203KOM2) BS Diploma thesis
Costume and Mask 2 (203KOM2) BS Graduate performance
Costume and Mask 4 (203KOM4) BS Diploma thesis
Costume and Mask 4 (203KOM4) BS Graduate performance
Costume and Mask 3 (203KOM3) BS Diploma thesis
Costume and Mask 3 (203KOM3) BS Graduate performance
History of Stage Design 1 (203DSI1) BS Diploma thesis
History of Stage Design 2 (203DSI2) BS Diploma thesis
History of Stage Design 3 (203DSI3) BS Diploma thesis
History of Stage Design 4 (203DSI4) BS Diploma thesis
Evolutional Tendencies of Occidental Theatre within Modern Culture. (201VTZ1) BS History and theory of dramatic art (S203HTDU)
History of Stage Design 1 (203DSI1) BS History and theory of subject field (S203HTO)
History of Stage Design 2 (203DSI2) BS
History of Stage Design 3 (203DSI3) BS
History of Stage Design 4 (203DSI4) BS