Stage Design (N0212A310006)

Type of programme Mode of study Profile of the programme Standard study length Language Instruction Department
Continuing Master's Programme full-time academically oriented 2 years Czech Department of Stage Design

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Guarantor of study programme


Programme objectives

Instruction in the programme is based on the blending of art, humanities and technology, which develop students’ personal characteristics and their focus on specific areas of stage design. The Master’s programme is a decisive phase for shaping an artistic personality and is determinative for further professional development. An important characteristic is the ability to “think differently”.

Pedagogical supervision is based on students’ ideas, their original notions and their own solutions, and it helps them develop and identify their projects’ further artistic possibilities. We understand pedagogical supervision in the Master’s programme as a creative process. Teachers are mainly inspirational personalities with unassailable artistic credentials, their own production and ability to reflect theoretically.

The applicant must have completed the Bachelor’s degree programme at DAMU’s Department of Stage Design or another Bachelor’s degree programme in a related field.

Instruction takes place in three specialised studios:

Profile of a programme graduate

Profile for theatrical stage design

A programme graduate is able to:

Graduates can apply their skills in all types of theatres including theatres abroad, thanks to their language skills.

Additional abilities and skills follow from the individual project completed within the scope of the programme.

Profile for costume and masks

A programme graduate is able to:

The graduate is capable of underpinning his/her choice and solution with arguments.

Graduates with this specialisation will find employment in all Czech theatres as well as in foreign theatres. Additional employment opportunities are in the area of film production and work for television, including costume designs for multimedia production.

Profile for film stage design

A programme graduate is able to:

Rules and requirements for creating study plans

General information about admission process

Theatrical stage design: Applicants must submit and defend their own individual Master’s programme project, which must be in accordance with the programme of the Department of Stage Design and within its technical possibilities (max. two-page text attached to the application for admission). Applicants must also submit a set of works (portfolio), which provide a justification for the proposed project. Entrance examinations take place in the form of an interview.

Applicants from outside the Department of Stage Design must attach to their own programme of study a visualisation of the related scenographic solution and pass a one-day talent examination. The accepted project will form the basis of the individual study plan.

Costume and masks: Applicants must be graduates of a Bachelor’s degree programme in stage design or a related field. Applicants must submit and defend their own individual Master’s programme project, which must be in accordance with the programme of the Department of Stage Design and within its technical possibilities (max. two-page text attached to the application for admission). Applicants must also submit a set of works (portfolio), which provide a justification for the proposed project. Entrance examinations take place in the form of an interview. The accepted project will form the basis of the individual study plan.

Film stage design: Completion of a Bachelor’s degree programme in the field of stage design, architecture or a related field; a presentation of works elaborated at home; talent examination and admission interview.

Applicability to other types of academic programmes

Parts of the state final examination and their contents

Other academic duties

Characterisation of professional practice

Anticipated job placement for graduates (typical employment)

Accreditation validity

Study programme valid from Study programme valid to

List of qualifications/specializations