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Study plan Stage Design - Film and Television (M.A.) – 2nd year

Study of qualification: Stage Design
Department of Stage Design
Study programme: Dramatic Arts
Study type: Continuing Master's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Povinné předměty hlavní
Stage Design - Film and Television 203SFE3 ZK 10 8T 203SFE4 ZK 10 8T
Theory of Stage Design in Film and Television 203TFT3 ZK 4 3T 203TFT4 ZK 4 3T
Minimal number of credits per semester 14 14
Required subjects
Graduation Theses Seminar 1 203DFT1 Z 1 1T
History of Stage Design 203DSF3 Z 6 3T 203DSF4 Z 6 3T
Drawing and Painting 203KML3 ZK 3 4T
Implementation Practice 203RRF3 Z 3 60S 203RRF4 Z 4 60S
Minimal number of credits per semester 13 10
Compulsory optional subjects
Dějiny filmu In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 4 credits
In this group you have to complete throughout your study at least 2 subject
Compulsory Optional Subjects In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 1 credit
In this group you have to complete throughout your study at least 1 subject
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Total number of set credits 27 24
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects 3 6
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30 30

obor scénografie

Dějiny filmu [203FTMD]

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