Pedagogical pre-seminar 1

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Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
107PPR1 Z 3 2T Czech winter

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Learning outcomes of the course unit

This course creates conditions for acquiring practical experience with basic movement quality and the principles of contemporary dance through movement games, verbal communication, technique training or training as a research activity. Students are guided to adopting various manners of considering the body as a structure and the body in motion, as well as, developing their own creativity, intuition and imagination under the guidance of 1st and 2nd year master's study students.

Mode of study

Instruction is through practical exercises originating from active application of theory knowledge.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

Requirements are an openness to acquiring new knowledge, the basic movement quality and priciples of contemporary dance, ability to improvise, creativity, interest in theory and an effort to become aware of current events in contemporary dance in the field of education and choreography domestically and abroad. Participation in dance - education seminars and workshops organized by other institutions, monitoring and comparing the instruction methods of various instructors, continual adding of new information through the internet are recommended. Independent study through e-learning and study materials and recommended bibliography are emphasized.

Course contents

Lesson content is to learn one's own body, find shades of intensity in one's embodiment and approach the body as a tool of communication to that it becomes a source of communication. The Pedagogy Proseminar teaches to discover trust in one's own movement, in one's conscious movment of the present body and thought. This direct personal experience leads to the removal of extemporaneous effort and tension, increases speed, elasticity, stability and communication.

Series and topics:

I. Basci BMC priniciples

II. Anatomy in movement

III. Working with the internal and intimate space of the human body, working with external space

IV. Musical accompaniment, sound, silence

V. Movement experience in pairs and in groups (listening to other bodies as an expansion of the awareness of one's own body)

Recommended or required reading

Bartal L., Ne´eman N.: Movement awareness and creativity. UK: Dance Books Ltd.

Belej M.: Motorické učenie. Prešov: Prešovská univezita, 2001.

Bertherat, Bernstein: The body has its reasons: self-awareness through conscious movement. UK: Dance Books Ltd., 1995.

Bloom K.: Moves: A Sourcebook of Ideas for Body Awareness and Creative Movement (Performing Arts Studies). Taylor&Francis, 1998.

Calais-Germain, B.: Anatomie der Bewegung (Technik und Funktion der Körpers). Wiesbaden, 2.Auflage, 1999.

Dowd, I.: Taking Root to Fly.USA: G&H SOHO, Inc., 1995

Feldenkrais M.: Feldenkraisova metoda. Pohybek k sebeuvědomění. Praha: Pragma, 1996.

Fitt S..: Dance Kinesiology. New York: Shirmer Books, 1988.

Franklin E.: Conditioning for Dance. Human Kinetics Publishers, 2003.

Franklin E.: Dynamic Alignement Through Imagery. USA: Human Kinetics, 1996. *

Hackney P.: Making Connections. Routledge, 2002

Hodgson J.: Mastering Movement. Routledge, 2001.

Howse J.: Dance Technique and Injury Prevention. Theater Arts Book, 2000.

Huwyler J.: The dancer´s body, a medical perspective on dance and dance training. UK: Dance Books Ltd., 2005.

Johnson, Don Hanlon: Bone, breath and gesture. UK: Dance Books Ltd., 1995.

Jowitt Deborah: Not just any body, advancing health, well-being and excellence in dance and dancers. UK: Dance Books Ltd., 2001

Koniak M., Leško, M.: Biomechanika. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 1984.

Lánik V.: Kineziológia. Martin: Osveta, 1992.

Laws H.: Fit to dance 2. UK: Dance Books Ltd., 2005.

Linc, R.: Náuka o pohybe. Martin: Osveta, 1993

Masters R., Houstonová J.: Naslouchejte svému tělu. Praha: Pragma,1993.

Matt Pamela: A Kinestetic Legasy. USA: CMT Press, AZ, 1993.

Newlove J., Dalby J.: Laban for all. Routledge, 2004.

Olsen.A.: Bodstories.New York: Station Hill Press, 1991.

McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2006.

Parková G.: Umění proměny. Praha: Alternativa, 1996.

Rolf I.: Rolfing a realita těla: Pracujte s přirozenou tělesnou gravitací. Praha: Pragma, 1999

Rolland, J.: Inside Motion, An Ideokinetic Basis For Movement Education. Rolland String Research Associates, 1984, 1987.

Solomon R., Solomon J., Minton S.: Preventing Dance Inhuries. Human Kinetics Publishers, 2005.

Sweigard, L.: Human movement potential. New York: Harper&Row Publishers, 1974..

Todd M.E.: The Thinking Body. New Yourk: Dance Horizons, 1937, 1968. *

Wildman F.: Feldenkrais a jeho metoda - cvičení pro každý den. Praha: Pragma, 1999.

Internet: - Official website of the Modern Dance Festival in Vienna - Official website of Frey Faust instructors and dancers which oficiální stránka tanečníka a pedagoga Freye Fausta, which develops the Axis Syllabus method system – e-learnig

Assessment methods and criteria

Credit is awarded based on:

a) 80% participation in classes

b) written evaluation of the pedagogy proseminar classes

c) during the semester, independent readings and participation in discussions in class are required which are requirements for sitting the exam.



Schedule for winter semester 2020/2021:

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Schedule for summer semester 2020/2021:

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