Specialization Subjects: Compulsory Subjects

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Code Course Name Language Instruction Schedule WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER
Tutor completion ECTS range completion ECTS range
202HDG1 Authorial Acting 1
Czech Z 4 4T Subject is not scheduled
202HDG2 Authorial Acting 2
Czech ZK 4 4T Subject is not scheduled
202HTA1 Authorial Acting in Collaborative Project 1
Czech Z 4 5T Subject is not scheduled
202HTA2 Authorial Acting in Collaborative Project 2
Czech ZK 4 5T Subject is not scheduled
202VVO3 Awareness in Movement 3 Czech Z 2 2T
202VVO4 Awareness in Movement 4 Czech ZK 2 2T
202TPH3 Body in Motion 3 Czech Z 2 2T
202TPH4 Body in Motion 4 Czech Z 2 2T
202PRN Changes of Authorship Czech ZK 3 2T
202IHN1 Individual Voice Education in front of a Group 1 Czech Z 2 2T
202IHN2 Individual Voice Education in front of a Group 2 Czech ZK 2 2T
202IHN3 Individual Voice Education in front of a Group 3 Czech Z 2 2T
202IHN4 Individual Voice Education in front of a Group 4 Czech ZK 2 2T
202ISE3 Interpretation Seminar 3 Czech Z 2 2T
202ISE4 Interpretation Seminar 4 Czech ZK 2 2T
202UDA1 Introduction to Authorial Acting 1
Czech Z 1 2PT Subject is not scheduled
202UDA2 Introduction to Authorial Acting 2
Czech Z 1 2PT Subject is not scheduled
202UPN1 Introduction to Psychology 1 Czech Z 1 2T
202UPN2 Introduction to Psychology 2 Czech ZK 2 2T
202FPD1 Philosophical Propaedeutic 1 Czech Z 1 2T
202FPD2 Philosophical Propaedeutic 2 Czech ZK 2 2T
202VRM3 Speech as Active Communication 3
Czech Z 3 1T Subject is not scheduled
202VRM4 Speech as Active Communication 4
Czech ZK 3 1T Subject is not scheduled