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Study plan Sound Design - Bachelor-1920-1year – 2nd year

Study of qualification: Sound Design
Department of Sound Design
Study programme: Film, Television, Photography, and New Media
Study type: Bachelor's Programme
Study plan: overall | 1st year | 2nd year | 3rd year | simplified
tutor code completion ECTS range code completion ECTS range
Povinné předměty hlavní
Final Commission 308KZ2 ZK 2
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 2
Required subjects
Acoustics 1 308AKU1 ZK 1 2T
308AK2 ZK 2 2T
History of Music 308DH1 Z 1 2T 308DH2 ZK 2 2T
Electroacoustics 308EAK2 ZK 2 2T 308EAK3 ZK 2 14S
Practical Music Skills 1 308HP1 Z 1 14S
Sound Department Seminar 308OS3 Z 1 24S 308OS4 Z 1 28S
Postsynchronous procedures 308POP Z 1 12PS
Film Sound Technology and Methods 308PTFIZ3 Z 1 2T 308PTFIZ4 Z 1 2T
Sound Workshop 308RED3 Z 2 3T 308RED4 Z 2 3T
Radio Production 308RT Z 1 12S
Seminar on Sound Dramaturgy 308SEZDR Z 1 2T
Theory of Sound Creation 308TZT2 ZK 2 2T 308TZT3 ZK 2 2T
Sound Design in Documentary Film
308ZTDO Z 1 12S
Assistant Practice 308AP2 Z 1
Listening Analysis 308SAN1 Z 1 12S 308SAN2 Z 1 14S
Practical Assignments 308OCS3 Z 2 308OCS4 Z 3
Practical Assignments 308SOCV3 Z 3 75CS
AV Joint Assignment 308SAVIC2 Z 6
The History of World Cinema 373DSVK3 ZK 3 6PT
Minimal number of credits per semester 22 21
Povinné předměty s možností opakovaného zapsání
Methodology Seminar for Bachelors 305SMS ZK 2 7S
English for Students of Film 702FAOU2 ZK 3 2T
Minimal number of credits per semester 3 2
Compulsory optional subjects
History of Culture 1920_4k In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 4 credits
Spectrum of Audiovision 1920_4K In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 4 credits
PHYSICAL EDUCATION FAMU - OBLIGATORY CHOICE_1920 In this group you have to obtain throughout your study at least 1 credit
Minimal number of credits per semester 0 0
Total number of set credits 25 25
Recommended number of credits per semester that should be obtained from optional and compulsory-optional subjects 5 5
Total recommended number of credits per semester 30 30