MgA. Milan ŠOTEK, Ph.D.
- Fundamentals of Creativity 1 (Course guarantor)
- Fundamentals of Creativity 2 (Course guarantor)
- The History of Czech Theatre 1
- The History of Czech Theatre 2 (Course guarantor)
- Theory and Practice of (written) Dramatic Theatre 1
- Theory and Practice of Stage Language 1 (Course guarantor)
- Theory and Practice of Stage Language 2 (Course guarantor)
- Western Theatre History 1 (Course guarantor)
- Western Theatre History 2 (Course guarantor)
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- MgA. Černá Zuzana – Divadelní soubor – Inscenační tvorba v ansámblovém prostředí
- BcA. Brodská Judita – Specifika provozování kabaretu Červená sedma
- MgA. Černá Zuzana – Role: Hanička (Lucerna, A. JIrásek)