
Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled

Code Completion Credits Range Language Instruction Semester
307MPC Z 2 20S English winter

Subject guarantor

Name of lecturer(s)

Learning outcomes of the course unit

The authors and artisti research in the field of the influence of the postcolonialism in the art forms - presentation

Mode of study

in person

Prerequisites and co-requisites


Course contents


7. 1. –

Decolonization lecture by Rado Ištok – reflection of the lecture, issues in todays perception of the graphic forms of the different comodities, shaping the space by the graphic design with reminiscence of colonies

8. 1.

Decolonization and the Problem of the Enchantment - Vjera Borozan

Discussion with the tutor about the problems of the heratige of colonies in the post comunistic countries with the special attention to the countries of the former Jugoslavia. Disussion over the speific samples of the mass culture of 90-ties

Recommended or required reading

Vjera Borozan: Dědictví kolonialismu a nebezpečné důsledky hromadění kapitálu

Rado Ištok: Kapitoly z koloniálního dějepisu umění. Kapitola 1: Černá kůže, bílé turbany

Philippová, L. „Návraty oživlých mrtvol. Zombie v populární kultuře.“ In: Dingir, č. 4, Praha, 2016, 131–133.

Philippová, L. „Vúdú online: Podoby haitského vúdú v kyberprostoru“ In: Dingir, č. 3, Praha, 2015, 97–98.

Philippová, L. „Millennial Aspects of the Rastafari Movement“ In: Vojtíšek, Zdeněk et alii: Millennialism. Expecting the End of the World in the Past and Present. Praha: Dingir. 2013. s. 61–70.

Assessment methods and criteria

Active attending of the program, discussion, presentation of the result of the artistic resarch


Mgr. Lenka Philippová graduated from theology and religious studies at the Hussite Theological Faculty, Charles University and she is currently finishing her PhD at the Centre of Ibero-American Studies, Faculty of Arts Charles University. Her research interests include African American cultures and religions; religion and popular culture; panafricanism, RastafarI.

Vjera Borozan - art historian and curator, working in Prague, where in 2011 she obtained a doctoral degree at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University. She currently works as the director of the platform for contemporary art Artyčok TV. In the past she lectured at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Brno, currently she lectures at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague (since 2009). She worked as the director of the National Museum in Montenegro (2017-2018) and collaborated with the contemporary art initiative

Rado Ištok je kurátor, výzkumník a redaktor žijící ve Stockholmu. V rámci projektu 4C: Od konfliktu ke spolunažívaní skrze kreativitu a kulturu (4Cs: From Conflict to Conviviality through Creativity and Culture, 2018-2020) působí jako kurátor uměleckých rezidencí a výstavy v Umělecké kolonii Nida jež je součástí Akademie umění ve Vilniusu, a jako vedoucí výzkumného projektu Prostory péče, neposlušnosti a touhy (Spaces of Care, Disobedience and Desire, 2018-2020) realizovaného ve spolupráci s Marie-Louise Richards a Natálií Rebelo za finanční podpory fondu pro umělecký výzkumu Královského institutu umění ve Stockholmu. Současne působí i jako nezávislý kurátor. Vystudoval dějiny umění na Univerzitě Karlově v Praze a kurátorský program na Stockholmské Univerzitě ve Švédsku.

Further information

No schedule has been prepared for this course

The subject is a part of the following study plans