doc. Mgr. Daniela JOBERTOVÁ, Ph.D.
- Analysis and translation of a theoretical text 1 (Course guarantor)
- Analysis and translation of a theoretical text 2 (Course guarantor)
- Bachelor Thesis (Course guarantor)
- Critique Practical I. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Critique Practical I. 2 (Course guarantor)
- Critique Practical II. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Critique Practical II. 2 (Course guarantor)
- History and transformations of theatre criticism 1
- History and transformations of theatre criticism 2
- International student mobility - Traineeship
- Introductory Training Camp (Course guarantor)
- KritikLab (Course guarantor)
- Master Project I.1 (Course guarantor)
- Master Project I.2 (Course guarantor)
- Master project II. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Master project II. 2
- Professional Practice (Course guarantor)
- Propaedeutics of Critical Writing (Course guarantor)
- Seminar of Criticism 1 - Theatre Perception (Course guarantor)
- Seminar of Criticism - Performance Analysis (Course guarantor)
- Theory and Practice of Theatre Creation (Course guarantor)
- Translating Seminar 2
- Translation of Artistic Text
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Machačíková Markéta – Dramatik Jean Genet
- BcA.MgA. Pokorný Vít – Divadlo a postmoderna
- BcA. Vondráková Adéla – Hra Sarah Kane Psychóza v 4,48 na českých jevištích
- BcA. Melicharová Tereza – Groteska v současném španělsky psaném dramatu
- MgA. Bathory Karolína – Problematika autoadaptace v dílech Marguerite Durasové La musica, Milenec, Anglická milenka
- MgA. Vaněčková Kateřina – Divadelní spolek Jiří v kontextu města Poděbrady
- BcA. Flemrová Lucie – Vliv Antonina Artauda na tvorbu Flory Détraz
- MgA. Kykalová Kateřina – Pohádka v dramatice Joëla Pommerata
- MgA. Holá Kateřina – Současná britská dramatika reflektující klimatické změny
- BcA. Kosáková Tereza – Od zábavy k tragédii: proměny dramatického proverbu Alfreda de Musseta