MgA. Vít NEZNAL, Ph.D.
- Bachelor Thesis
- Master Project I.1
- Master Project I.2
- Master project II. 1
- Master project II. 2
- Media Theory (Course guarantor)
- Reading of Theoretical Texts about Theatre (Course guarantor)
- Reading of Theoretical Texts about Theatre 2 (Course guarantor)
- Specifics of the Puppet Theatre 1 (Course guarantor)
- Theatre Theory II. 2
- Theory and Practice of Theatre Creation
- Theory of Drama 1 (Course guarantor)
- Theory of Drama 2 (Course guarantor)
- Workshop of Stage Direction and Dramaturgy 2 (Course guarantor)
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Svobodová Veronika – Dramaturgie site specific divadla
- BcA. Stárková Jana – O loutkách a neloutkách
- BcA. Liška Jakub – Předloha v tvorbě spolku JEDL
- BcA. Šlechtová Ema – Studio DAMÚZA: divadelní tvorba pro batolata
- BcA. Bártová Johana – Fotografický záznam divadelního představení.
- MgA. Švecová Veronika – Postup live cinema v současném českém loutkovém divadle