Opera Direction (8201R076)

bachelor's programme qualification

No new students are accepted for the qualification. Qualification finishes 2024-12-31.

Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning

The programme is governed by the Act on Higher Education Institutions No. 111/1998 Coll., as amended, and by the AMU Attendance and Examination Regulations.

Qualification requirements and regulations

A completed secondary or a completed secondary vocational education; exceptionally, it is also possible to admit candidates without a completed secondary, a completed secondary vocational or higher vocational education at a conservatory.Regulations:The Czech education system is governed by the Act on Higher Education Institutions, as amended (Act No. 111/1998 Coll.), and by the internal regulations of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague.

Field of study characterization

The only programme of its kind in the Czech Republic, focusing on operatic directing.The programme offers a comprehensive set of practical and theoretical subjects.The close interconnection with the Voice programme makes it possible to verify skills in practice within the scope of work in the opera studio and during the preparation and realisation of the final stage projects and their public presentation.

The programme provides insight into the world of opera in its stage form, but also into issues of the audio-visual recording of this genre.The programme prepares the student in the field of operatic directing with crossover into other stage forms of art and the audio-visual realm.

Key learning outcomes

A graduate of the Bachelor?s programme in the field of Operatic Directing has all-round proficiency in the profession of operatic directing, encompassing all its musical and dramatic aspects.His or her experiences relate in particular to the staging of chamber works.He or she is equipped with practical skills and theoretical knowledge which provide an overview of the field and of basic operatic literature; he or she possesses knowledge of opera?s place in history as well as in contemporary artistic reality.Among his or her main competences is the ability to cooperate and reach agreement in the process of creation.A graduate of the Bachelor?s programme is able to create an original authorial work of shorter length and is able to present the work publicly.

Occupational profiles of graduates with examples

A graduate of the Bachelor?s programme in Operatic Directing should be able to lead simple performance groupings and work in the role of assistant director.He or she may apply the skills learned, for example, in the position of assistant opera director, director?s aide or director in smaller theatres, or in educational institutions (conservatories, etc.).

Access to further studies

After duly completing the Bachelor?s programme it is possible for the student to continue his or her studies in the Master?s programme.

Examination regulations, assessment and grading

Studies are assessed by credits and examinations stipulated by study plans.The student is informed of these through the information system.The student registers for examinations using the information system, and is entitled to a second and third attempt to pass an examination.If neither of these attempts proves successful, the Dean may in exceptional cases permit a fourth attempt (administered by a commission).It is not permitted to repeat an examination for the main subjects or to repeat written examinations.The credit is an ungraded form of assessment of studies.It is allocated upon fulfilment of requirements stipulated for individual subjects and is recorded in the information system with the word „Credited“ (Z).An examination is a graded form of assessment of studies, which tests knowledge and level of creativity in the relevant subject.In the main subjects, examinations are administered by a commission.Examinations are graded on the scale ?A, B, C, D, E, F?.

Graduation requirements

Studies in this programme are duly completed with the state final examination.This examination is held before an examination committee comprised of the faculty´s professors, assistant professors and expert assistants, or of invited experts approved by the faculty´s artistic council.The state final examination and announcement of the results are public.The student must sit for a state final examination no later than two academic years after fulfilling the study obligations of the relevant study plan.A student who has fulfilled the conditions for the relevant study plan, performed a Bachelor´s concert, submitted a qualifying thesis with all the required formalities and obtained the required number of credits may register for the state final examination.The examination includes an oral defence of the Bachelor´s thesis.The Dean stipulates the contents of the state final examination for individual fields of study on the basis of the recommendation of the relevant department.State final examinations are graded on the scale „A, B, C, D, E, F“.The examination committee shall decide the overall assessment for the state final examination by vote in camera.

The student fulfils the requirements of the study plan.The student passes the final state examination.A condition of advancement to the Master?s examination is the realisation of the graduate work (see above).An additional requirement is the elaboration of a supplemental theoretical written work in accordance with an assigned topic.

The State Bachelor?s Examination consists of the following parts:

-the diploma thesis and its defence (a theoretical written work);

-discussion and defence of the Bachelor?s work (operatic outputs or a shorter opera);

-a short oral interview (concerning the main field).

Mode of study


Qualification director or equivalent


Field of study is part of study programme

Qualification study plans