Pedagogical Seminar for Modern and Contemporary Dance 2
Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
107EPSM2 | credit | 2 | 1 seminar hours (45 min) of instruction per week, 40 to 50 hours of self-study | English | summer |
Subject guarantor
Name of lecturer(s)
The teaching content of the course Pedagogical Seminar Modern and Contemporary Dance 2 consists in deepening the knowledge and experience from the previous semester in the form of observing in classes. In the summer semester, the teaching consists mainly of an independent pedagogical practice, in which the student applies and actually verifies the knowledge and skills acquired from the Modern and Contemporary Dance Didactics and Methodology classes. The pedagogical practice is always preceded by detailed preparation and is professionally consulted with the teacher of the subject,
The aim of the study is the practical development of independent pedagogical work, awareness of the role and role of the teacher, formation of individual pedagogical style and direct confrontation with real situations in the form of teaching at selected state institutions (e.g. conservatories, ZUŠ), dance companies or private studios.
The Modern and Contemporary Dance 2 Pedagogical Seminar is closely linked to the course Didactics and Methodology of Modern and Contemporary Dance.
Thematic areas:
Observing in modern and contemporary dance classes in higher years at conservatories
Preparation of pedagogical output
Teaching practice in selected institutions
Learning outcomes
The student is able to use their knowledge and skills flexibly and creatively in pedagogical practice in various types of educational and leisure institutions.
Prerequisites and other requirements
Didactics and Methodology for Modern and Contemporary Dance 4
Required reading:
COHAN, Robert: The Dance Workshop. London: HarperCollins Publishers, 1986. ISBN 10:0047900105.
FRANKLIN, Eric N. Dynamic alignment through imagery. 2nd ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, c2012. ISBN 0736067892.
FRANKLIN, Eric N. Dance imagery for technique and performance. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, c1996. ISBN 9780873229432.
LEWIS, Daniel. The Illustrated Dance Technique of José Limón. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1994, ISBN 0-87127-209-1.
SCHURR, Gertrude; YOCOM, Rachael Dunaven: Modern Dance (Techniques and teaching). New York: A. S. Barnes and co., 1949.
STODELLE, Ernestine: The Dance Technique of Doris Humphrey and its Creative Potential. Princeton, New Jersey: Dance Horizons/ Princeton Book Company, Publishers, 1978.
STEWART, Virginia, comp.: Modern Dance. New York: Dance Horizons, 1970.
Recommended reading:
FELDENKRAIS, Moshé: Feldenkraisova metoda: Pohybem k sebeuvědomění. Praha: Pragma, 1996. ISBN 978-80-7428-240-9.
+selected thesis
MATYSOVÁ, Radka. Cvičení podle Pilatesovy metody. Magisterská diplomová práce. Praha: AMU, Hudební fakulta, katedra tance, 2002.
ŠIMKOVÁ, Veronika. Střed těla. Magisterská diplomová práce. Praha: AMU, Hudební a taneční fakulta, katedra tance, 2006.
ŠIMKOVÁ, Veronika. Práce s představou v taneční pedagogice. Bakalářská práce. Praha: AMU, Hudební fakulta, katedra tance, 2005.
VAGNEROVÁ, Lenka. Limón technika. Magisterská diplomová práce. Praha: AMU, Hudební a taneční fakulta, katedra tance, 2001.
Internet sources:
Evaluation methods and criteria
Credit is awarded on the basis of written reflection of the experience gained from participation in observations at the institutions visited and active participation in subsequent discussions, attendance at workshops organized by the department and their written reflection (their methodological-didactic analysis), review of one contemporary dance performance seen in a given semester.
Other requirements: 80% attendance, activity in teaching, portfolio production.
Further information
No schedule has been prepared for this course