New Contexts of the Traditional Dance Culture and Revival 2
Subject is not scheduled Not scheduled
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language Instruction | Semester |
107NCFD2 | exam | 3 | 1 lecture hours (45 min) of instruction per week, 65 to 80 hours of self-study | English | summer |
Subject guarantor
Name of lecturer(s)
Learning objective:
The lecture focuses on the special issue of the transformation and recontextualization of traditional folk culture. These are musical and dance expressions that are nowadays rethought by society and adapted to its contemporary needs. Underpinning the study will be theoretical backgrounds dealing with cultural and collective memory, cultural heritage, concepts of revivalism and folklorism, transmission and reinvention of tradition, stereotyping, representation and commodification.
The lecture provides students with an understanding of cultural processes through dance examples, links empirical research on selected dance phenomena with their theoretical reflection, places them in a broader cultural context, and applies contemporary scholarly perspectives to their interpretation. It develops an orientation in the problems of contemporary dance science and its links with other humanities disciplines.
Thematic areas:
- Traditionalism and authenticity of folklore expression, continuity of tradition and its innovation in contemporary society - meaning and use, identity, status and integration
- Intangible cultural heritage, UNESCO Declaration, identification and transformation of cultural heritage, the ride of kings; tourism, commodification, commercialization
- Recontextualization, rethinking tradition, the so-called invented tradition; modern urban carnivals and public space; cultural and collective memory; community and community
- Appropriation of distant cultural traditions, fusion, hybridization and bricolage
Learning outcomes
Students deepen their knowledge and understanding of the ways in which dance exists, changes and functions in contemporary Western and specifically Czech culture through the example of the transformations of folk dance (and other primarily participatory dance forms). Developing theoretical thinking, applying theoretical concepts to specific dance material. Linking dance science with other social sciences and humanities, contemporary understanding of the symbolic nature of cultural phenomena and dance as one case.
Prerequisites and other requirements
Required reading:
ASSMANN, Jan. Cultural Memory and Early Civilization: Writing, Remembrance, and Political Imagination. Cambridge Univ Pr, 2011. ISBN 9780511996306.
HALBWACHS, Maurice. On Collective Memory. Chicago; London: University of Chicago Press, 1992. Heritage of Sociology Series. ISBN 978-0226115962.
HOBSBAWM, Eric and RANGER, Terence, eds. The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983. ISBN 978-0521246453.
STAVĚLOVÁ, Daniela: The Ride of the Kings in Vlčnov from the Perspective of Contemporary Research. Národopisná revue 5, 2015, s. 47 – 64.
STAVĚLOVÁ, Daniela: Traditional Rural Festivity in an Urban Space and Dichotomy of Public and Private: The Music and Dance Repertory Process. Negotiating the Place for a Dance. In: Stepputat, Kendra (ed.): Dance, Senses, Urban Contects.29th Symposium of the International Council for Traditional Music (ICTM) Study Group on Ethnochoreology. ICTM Study Group on Ethnochoreology, Institute of Ethnomusicology, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, Graz, Austria 2017, p. 222-229. ISBN 978-3-8440-5337-7.
STAVĚLOVÁ, Daniela a KRATOCHVÍL, Matěj. Inventing the Carnival: Contemporary Festivities, Tradition and Imaginaries/Vymyslet masopust: město, novodobé slavnosti, tradice a imaginace. Český lid 103, 2016, č. 4, s. 537–568. ISSN 00090794.
STAVĚLOVÁ, Daniela: Red Rose, Why Don´t You Thrive. A Carnival Carol from Doudleby: Dance, Identity, Status and Integration. Multimedia study/Červená růžičko, proč se nerozvíjíš. Doudlebská masopustní koleda: tanec, identita, status a integrace. Multimediální studie. Praha: Etnologický ústav AV ČR, 2008. ISBN 978-80-87112-15-1.
Recommended reading:
STAVĚLOVÁ, Daniela. Tanec do kolečka na Chodsku – tradice a současnost. Národopisná revue 7, 1997, č. 3-4, s. 116–118. ISSN 0862-8351.
JILÍK, Jiří. Záhadná jízda králů. Beroun: Nakladatelství MH, 2007. Morava - utajená minulost. ISBN 978-80-86720-63-0.
Národopisná revue [online]. 2013, roč. 23, č. 1. [cit. 2021-04-11]. ISSN 0862-8351. Dostupné z:
FROLEC, Václav a kol. Jízda králů. Lidový obřad, hra, slavnost. Praha: Tisková, ediční a propagační služba, 1990.
Film footage of dance events from the teacher's private collection, available on YouTube, etc.
Evaluation methods and criteria
Conditions for the examination - solution of the assigned research topic, its written elaboration and presentation in the internal colloquium. Attendance in class at least 75%.
Further information
No schedule has been prepared for this course