Mgr. art. Eva KYSELOVÁ, Ph.D.
- Chapters from Czech Theatre History 1 (Course guarantor)
- Chapters from Czech Theatre History 2 (Course guarantor)
- Chapters from the World Theatre History 1 (Course guarantor)
- Chapters from the World Theatre History 2 (Course guarantor)
- History and Theory of Theatre Seminar 1
- History and Theory of Theatre Seminar 2
- History of World and Czech Theatre 5 (Course guarantor)
- History of World and Czech Theatre 5 (Course guarantor)
- History of World and Czech Theatre 6
- Introductory Training Camp
- Master project II. 1
- Master project II. 2
- Master Thesis Project 1
- Master Thesis Project 2
- Significant Stagings of Czech and World Theatre (Course guarantor)
- Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 1 (Course guarantor)
- Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development I. 2 (Course guarantor)
- Theatre in the Context of the Western Cultural Development II. 2 (Course guarantor)
- Theatre in the Czech Culture 2
Diploma thesis led and defended successfully
- BcA. Krajčová Karolína – "Ani smrti se nebudeme bát...": motivy přírody a smrti v dramatech Srpnová neděle a Křišťálová noc
- BcA. Křápková Lucie – Proměny Faidřina vyznání lásky
- BcA. Kykalová Kateřina – Čekání na Godota s Kočkou na kolejích (formální a tematické přesahy hry Samuela Becketta ve hře Josefa Topola)
- MgA. Forkovičová Barbora – Dodo Gombár - umelecký šéf a režisér Švandovho divadla na Smíchově
- BcA. Švecová Veronika – Reflexe normalizace v současném divadle a dramatu
- BcA. Bureš Adam – Od Syndikátu k Schubertům
- BcA. Mlejnková Lucie – Postavení žen v divadlech