Exhibition Project 1

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307EEXP1 zkouška 4 13 hodiny výuky za celý semestr (45 minut), 90 až 110 hodin domácí příprava anglicky letní

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


The Photo Series for Exhibition is the student's main work in this year. It should demonstrate the skills that the student learned in the course. Systematic work on the Photo Series for Exhibition, with obligatory consultations while the work is in progress. It is also the main part of the final examination and is a final subject assessed by a committee of teachers.

First-year students may ask any teacher from the Photography Department to supervise their work.

Supervised by: individual tutor

Consultations: hours as posted by the relevant teacher

The Exhibition Series is a set of at least eight photographs that make an integrated whole. The number can be lesser if the character of the work demands it - it has to agreed by the supervisor. The manner in which they are made, their size, and the way they are mounted must be consulted with the supervisor. The student may present the Exhibition Photo Series in another form if he or she can explain why this is necessary.

Výsledky učení

The Photo Series for Exhibition is the student's main work in this year. It should demonstrate the skills that the student learned in the course. It is also the main part of the final examination and is a finals subject assessed by a committee of teachers.

First-year students may ask any teacher from the Photography Department to supervise their work.

Předpoklady a další požadavky

All assignments of the academic year (including workshops) must be classified in KOS.



Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

An essay justifying the planned series will be presented to the selected teacher. On the basis of this essay, the teacher will decide whether to supervise the student. Once the teacher has consented to supervise the Photo Series for Exhibition the student must submit the Exhibition Series form to the Department of Photography.

The necessary parts of the form to be filled in are:

name of the student

academic year

date of submission

signature of student

title of the work

short description of the work

name of the supervisor

signature of the supervisor

The deadline of the submission is around the beginning of March. Exact date will be specified by the Department of Photography at the beginning of the winter exam period.

By signing the Exhibition Series proposal the teacher demonstrates that he or she is acquainted with the student?s project and is willing to supervise it.

The Photo Series for Exhibition must include at least eight photographs forming an integrated whole. The manner in which they are made, their size, and the way they are mounted must first be agreed to by the supervisor. The student may present the Photo Series for Exhibition in another form if he or she can explain why this is necessary.

Students present for klauzuras the following items in timely manner:

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