Contemporary Photography and Arts 2

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky Semestr
307EFU2 zkouška 4 2 hodiny výuky týdně (45 minut), 79 až 99 hodin domácí příprava anglicky letní

Garant předmětu

Jméno vyučujícího (jména vyučujících)


(12/02) Cute Pictures in Gallery and on Social Media

Simon May: The Power of Cute, Princeton University Press 2019.

(19/02) Our Microbial Friends? / Anthropomorphism, Nonhuman Agents and Limits of Empathy

Jakob Johann von Uexküll: Preface (From: A Stroll Through the Worlds of Animals and Men [1934]), In: Donald Favareau (ed.) Essential Readings in Biosemiotics – Anthology and Commentary, Springer Netherlands 2009, s. 90-114.

(26/02) Presentations

(04/03) DEEPFAKE!!!: From Epistemic Vigilance to Paranoia

Andrew McKenzie-McHarg: Experts versus eyewitnesses. Or, how did conspiracy theories come to rely on images?, Word & image. 35(2):141-158, 2019

(11/03) “Game of Identities”: Self Portrait, Profile Picture and an “Authentic Creative Expression”

Amelia Jones: The 'Eternal Return': Self-Portrait Photography as a Technology of Embodiment, Signs, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Summer, 2002), pp. 947-978.

(18/03) Presentations

(25/03) The Re-Enchantment of the World: Contexts of Magic in Contemporary Art (Noemi Purkrábková)

Isabelle Stengers: Reclaiming Animism, e-flux journal #36, červenec 2012, dostupné online:

(01/04) No lecture – Easter

(08/04) “Invisible Images”: More-than-Human Temporality and Post-Perceptual Regime of Digital Media (Noemi Purkrábková)

Shane Denson: Dividuated Images, Coils of the Serpent 5 (2020), s. 153-62, dostupné online:

(15/04) Presentations (Noemi Purkrábková)

(22/04) Environmental Crisis, Neoruralism and Possibilities of “Contemporary Landscape Photography”

Henri Lefebvre: Perspectives on Rural Sociology, in: Myvillages (ed.), The Rural, The MIT Press 2019, s. 22-26.

(29/04) “The Power of the Good Joke” / Art as a Joke and Joke as Art

Louis Kaplan: Photography and Humour, London: Reaktion Books Ltd, 2017.

Výsledky učení

Seznámení se současnými tendencemi ve fotografii. Analýza těchto tendencí.

Předpoklady a další požadavky

Simon May: The Power of Cute, Princeton University Press 2019.

Jakob Johann von Uexküll: Preface (From: A Stroll Through the Worlds of Animals and Men [1934]), In: Donald Favareau (ed.) Essential Readings in Biosemiotics – Anthology and Commentary, Springer Netherlands 2009, s. 90-114.Andrew McKenzie-McHarg: Experts versus eyewitnesses. Or, how did conspiracy theories come to rely on images?, Word & image. 35(2):141-158, 2019.

Amelia Jones: The 'Eternal Return': Self-Portrait Photography as a Technology of Embodiment, Signs, Vol. 27, No. 4 (Summer, 2002), pp. 947-978.

Isabelle Stengers: Reclaiming Animism, e-flux journal #36, červenec 2012, dostupné online:

Shane Denson: Dividuated Images, Coils of the Serpent 5 (2020), s. 153-62, dostupné online:

Henri Lefebvre: Perspectives on Rural Sociology, in: Myvillages (ed.), The Rural, The MIT Press 2019, s. 22-26.

Louis Kaplan: Photography and Humour, London: Reaktion Books Ltd, 2017.


viz obsah kurzu

Hodnoticí metody a kritéria

Course Requirements:

  1. Active participation in discussion (prepare 2-3 questions for discussion).
  2. written paper

min. length: 7000 characters including spaces

Select a „phenomenon“ of contemporary visual culture (can be a work of art, series of works of art, some vernacular trend or tendency...) . Explain what drew your attention to it and argue why it is relevant more broadly. Please submit your paper by May 20 to:

The final oral exam: discussion over your submitted paper.


On alternate year for 2. and 3. class

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